
You can reach the hounds and I at bhounds3 at gmail dot com


  1. I was so glad to find your blog. My husband and I used to breed, show, and trial 3 different herding breeds (for over 30 years) and since I was born a dog person, I love to read and follow things about dogs. Your blog is the best and I really enjoy it and have since finding it about a month before your move. I know nothing about hounds and your blog is excellent and I so look forward to it.

    1. Sorry I did not see your comment until now on Thursday. For some reason Google/Blogger has been sending any notifications to an archive file in my email program. Thank you for the comments about the blog. Feel free to look to the sidebar and read about the past hounds I had. I think 2015 is a good starting date. They have given me a lot of good times, good photos, humor, wild stories to right about and share my house with.
