September 24, 2023

Not Much Going On

The photos may show "not much going on" but when I think back to this past week, a lot of things did happen but not blog photo worthy. Where should I start? The "to do" list continues to have items checked off and a major project was finished this week. Finishing the repair of the lower living room windows and painting the frame. I installed the screens I repaired a few months ago and they look great with the new wood repair and paint job. I only wanted to see how it looked and still don't quite trust the dog (Walter) from tearing out the new screens while I am gone ... so they are stored in the garage. Plus when cleaning windows I see way too many jowl smudges on the windows from the hounds and dog.

September 18, 2023

The Hounds Explore

Just like Watson did at 8 weeks old, he does every morning at two years and five months old. He was born the day before we left Sierra Vista, AZ for Evansville IN. Is that weird? Of course back in early July 2021 I did not have the fence installed yet and that pole held a security light that I found out was installed here by a previous owner. To the dismay of my neighbor, I cut the wires, capped them off and buried them back in the ground then cut the pole down. I like a dark yard plus I didn't like the pole standing in the middle of the backyard. The neighbor is still not happy about that.

September 10, 2023

Nothing But Photos


A Saturday full of football and a couple of games on Sunday ... a lazy weekend as you can see. Only photos today ... things are good though.

September 05, 2023

More Yard Work

Labor Day Weekend 2023 was basically uneventful, otherwise normal for me. I did not watch as many college football games as I have in the past due to lack of interest. Yet, the hounds, dog and I seemed to have managed without much happening. Yes, Watson does spend a lot of time sleeping sitting up. It's just like the picture the breeder sent me of his mother sleeping sitting up in the passenger seat of his pickup truck before I bought Watson as a puppy.

September 01, 2023

A Hounds & Dog Day Afternoon

With a late start to the day and an early game one of a doubleheader starting a little after 12 noon, I didn't have a lot of time to do projects today. I did get my watering finished on all the new plants I bought the other day plus I am now watering the roses, azaleas and other flowers that were planted years ago. I took the hedge trimmer's down along the back fence line trimming back the overgrowth next to where I mow outside the fence. 

As you will see ... the hounds and dog called it a day pretty early today ... by 2:15pm, they were finished with any activity.  Photos to follow.