You will see the hounds and the dog haven't been doing too much. Or is it the photographer that hasn't taken many photos of them? They run and play all over the backyard every day, even when the temps are in the 20's after the sun comes up. In the afternoons they chase Watson from one side of the yard to the other in the afternoons. The tornadoes were about 100 miles south of me. You will see the neighbor in a photo below cleaning up the mess in his front yard when his tall pine tree fell slowly across the street. I was able to see it mid-afternoon through my computer room window. That is about all I have. Merry Christmas.
The daily life in 'the tropics', the high desert of the southwest and back to 'the tropics' with the hounds and a dog
December 13, 2021
December 01, 2021
An Unbelievable Verizon Story
They claimed it was a "nondestructable" Kong Bone but I knew better. Watson is very strong at 7 months old. Every muscle in his body is strong as well as his jaws just like any other bloodhound. For example Sadie and Stella when confined to a large black metal dog crate could bend those heavy steel rods on the crate. I could not even straighten back them with pliers. So I knew no matter what the reviews were on the internet, this great looking "nondestructable" bone wasn't going to look that nice very long.
November 26, 2021
A Trip Through The Past
Once I had my new Samsung T5 External SSD as the source to my 557Gb photos library, I caught myself going through a lot of folders of photos. I wanted to see if everything transferred okay to the new drive. These folders are made by me, not the automatic ones by Apple. I will try to comment on each one, as my memory will get a workout.
Maggie only lived to 7 years of age. Once she was diagnosed with cancer, the disease spread faster each day. We had a little photo shoot at the house the last weekend she was home.
November 24, 2021
Day After Fence Cleanup
I realize it is the day before Thanksgiving and the guy going to send me a quote is probably on holiday routine which is fine. In fact it might prove to be a good thing. From the get go once I had those screws handed to me last night I knew I could put that fence back the way it was. It took me no more than 10 minutes to hammer the post lower, adjust the horizontal rods as I went and then screw in the six screws. It felt just as stable as it did before.
Power Lines Down Over My Fence
At 10:02pm I received a text from my utility company "we are aware of a power issue at or near 1420 Brookdale Dr, affecting 52 customers. Estimated repair completion by 1:25 am - actual time may vary". Power was back on at 1:49am after the hounds and dog inspected their back yard.
Of course when that text hit my phone, that is always recharging in the kitchen, the hounds, the dog and I were dead to the world. We did not hear a thing. In fact I got up a little after midnight to get something to drink and didn't notice the two trucks with headlights on parked at the corner of my property and my neighbors. I realized the power was off when I opened the refrigerator door but thought nothing of it and went back to bed. I did not notice the text on the phone which is on the counter by the fridge.
Another hour passed and I am back up again because I can hear people talking outside. I get up and walk to the patio door where I can barely see what I think is a huge tree hanging over my fence!!
November 23, 2021
Winter Is Here
It took a while but the leaves finally changed color a couple of weeks ago. I found these photos on this post today, on my camera last night, photos that I thought I had already downloaded. So the title says "winter is here", what does that mean? Yesterday I spent a day outside for the first time since moving back to Indiana with a high of 31°. That is similar to winter mornings in Sierra Vista AZ in January but there is a huge difference between here and there. By the afternoons out there, that high elevation sunshine was hot and temps would be in the 70s.
November 20, 2021
Watson's A Changed Bloodhound
I am only guessing that since Watson was neutered the 28th of October, that is the reason for his change in attitude. The differences are obvious so I don't know of anything else I can pin it on. He is only a few weeks older since that unexpected surgery to get that large piece of Mexican blanket out of his blocked intestine. This coming week he will be only 7 months old. One nice thing is, with all the three males neutered, there is less all out fighting taking place over any knuckle bones, the nylon bone with bacon flavor or the Kong balls filled with treats. I still supervise with a watchful though when they have those on the floor or in the backyard. Anything food related has been phased out.
November 13, 2021
Light Pollution & Watson's Normal
For the third time in 27 days, my house and backyard lit up like an airport runway Thursday night. I had sat down to watch a movie and couldn't figure out the reflections I was getting through my patio door. It was bouncing off the window left of the tv and was blinding me while I sat on my couch. Then it dawned on me what was going on. It was the LED security light from the neighbors barn/shed. It is a motion detection light that never turns off. Or she says it is a motion detection light.
November 04, 2021
The Hounds & Dog Know It's Colder
Yes it use to get cold over night in Sierra Vista, AZ but when those same daytime highs were in the 50's the sun was much more intense than here, ~4,500 higher in elevation, it was warmer. Here you have to wear a coat during the day. It is interesting to see the hounds and the dog change their sleeping habits as the temps drop outside with a warm house inside.
October 28, 2021
Watson Home Safe & Sound
I got the call around 11:30am telling me he had eaten his breakfast with no issues. When they went to check on him he was standing up wagging his tail. They said after the doctor checked him later I would most likely be able to pick him up today. I pulled in their lot about 1:39pm.
October 27, 2021
The $4,000 Mexican Blanket
For the story to be told well enough to understand, this could will be a long post. Since it starts on Sunday afternoon, it has been a hectic three days. I left the house like I have every since I put the fence up, hounds and the dog have free reign of the property while I am gone. I "Watson Proofed" the counters before I left. Only to come back home with a large thick glass laying on the floor broken into a few pieces. I could find most of the large pieces, all but one, so I knew that was a better sign than the original image.
October 23, 2021
Routine Moving Toward Winter
The hounds and the dog can tell that the season is changing. Their routines are changing ever so slightly as the overnight temps get colder and it takes longer for the sun come up. Right after their breakfast, which is as soon as possible after Walter wakes all of us up, they head to new spots to sleep. Henry and Watson head for the dark bedroom, Walter is right behind my desk chair. I was told yesterday it has been too warm for leaves to change color. In past Octobers I blogged about my "leaf project" supervised by Sadie and Stella. This year I am mowing a few of them every week and most of them are green and still on the trees.
October 16, 2021
First Chilly Morning In The 40's
Like all my other hounds, these two and the dog are major sports fans. While I watch they sleep. With MLB playoffs (haven't watched) NFL football, College Football, F1 Racing there are a lot of options IF I take time to sit down. Watson keeps me on the go most of the time as does this house and the yard. A little bit more than I estimated as far as yard work and keeping the place clean. Consequently not much has changed in the last nine days since my last post.
October 07, 2021
Hounds & Dog Move Into Fall
Unless I look at my date and time in the upper right screen of my iMac I sometimes forget what month it is. I have the time but no calendar, or date on my Apple Watch faces for either watch. The weather has been fantastic though as we have settled into our move that took place five months ago. The temps are dropping but are about the same ranges as Sierra Vista AZ ... the only difference or a few differences, is the intensity of the sun and the view of those Huachuca Mountains. The hounds and the dog love the patio here though and spend as much time outside as possible. With the patio door open most of the time, they can come and go as they please. Believe it or not in that photo, Watson is a week past five months old.
September 24, 2021
Life Is Slow And Slower
As you will see and hear, if that video works, things around here have been slow and slower. (Video would not load) Not much to report on, not much being done. A lot of rain this week, yard mowed yesterday, Watson continues to grow and learning his manners, Henry the same, Walter is always Walter. My friend in New Mexico saw a couple of bloodhounds and sent me the photo. Made me think of Sadie and Stella. So nothing more than photos today.
September 16, 2021
Almost Back To Normal
The hounds look the way I have been feeling most of the time these past couple of weeks. My head has been feeling much better with each day passing. I would say I have been doing normal stuff around the house inside and outside. I drive without any problems. I have done some yard mowing and built a new small flowerbed on the side of the garage. I don't feel my head throbbing when I sit up or when I get up out of a chair. I have not tried riding the bike indoors yet to see what reaction I would have with a high pulse rate for an extended period of time. I have ridden the tan bike that came with my VW bug .1 of a mile to my friends house up the hill and around the corner. So things are good, I just wish I didn't feel so tired.
September 03, 2021
Henry's Neutered - Heated Argument At Vet
Henry was neutered yesterday morning and picking him up turned from the most bizarre vet experiences to a heated argument vet experience. I knew he would be normal when I picked him up after 3pm. As the vet or maybe a tech brought him out and was about to say don't let him jump on the couch or the bed, (he does neither) he was wagging his tail and jumping up on me letting me know he was happy I was back to get him. Walter and Watson were happy to see him.
Since they botched the laser process on Walter I decided this time I would save an extra $55 and have the normal neuter process. That would include stitches but they stitched up Walter last month when it was not suppose to be needed using the laser process. You will see from the photos from this afternoon, that he is recouping well and I have tried all day to keep him less active as per the vet's instructions.
August 31, 2021
Fall Leads To Concussion
This post will be fairly short but at least will explain where I have been. A week ago on Tuesday morning around 4:30am, half asleep, walking Watson to the yard so he could pee. He woke me up to go out. I did not know that he had tipped over the water bowl that sent water across the slick tile floor. I slipped and fell on the wet tile floor in the kitchen, hit the back of my head. Today is the first day I have made it through the day without taking medication or laying in bed or on a recliner.
August 22, 2021
The Heat & Humidity War
Henry was feeling pretty confident as the last bone of three was just to the left of him. You can barely see it between his front legs. The hounds and dog had spent most of the day (week) inside the air conditioned house because they are smart, unlike their AKC ratings. I am not complaining about the heat and humidity because I expected it if we moved. I thought about that before selling my house in Arizona. I also mowed the yard today in the middle of the day getting a good 50 minute workout. That AC felt great as I stepped into the house after trimming around the fence and driveway, then blowing the grass off the drive with a leaf blower. All is good in the hot and muggy "tropics" of Southern Indiana.
August 14, 2021
Henry Watson & The Bone
Activity levels have not changed since last posting. Daily routine in full force but every afternoon it's nice to finally get outside as the sun starts dropping behind the trees. Still humid by that time but nice. There were three bones in the yard Friday night and of course they wanted the same one. Walter monitored the situation a few times as things did get heated once or twice. Watson is now showing some offensive moves, howling and barking, so it's not all Henry's fault.
August 08, 2021
Baseball Ice Tea & Dog Bones
My period of non-motivation continues as the hounds and the dog and I float through each day drifting at sea. No plans and those that were are not started. I need food but don't want to shop for groceries and not sure I want to take the time to order online. So I guess I will live on ice tea, coffee, David's Pumpkin seeds and baseball. That is really too bad because we just had a week of great weather with high temps in the mid 80s and only sunny days. It is suppose to rain tonight and tomorrow so maybe I can get jump started on Tuesday.
August 04, 2021
What Is Blogable?
My absence has been due to blog rut, I think. It happens and has over the years since starting this blog in October 2011. My very first blog was in 2005 when I was trying affiliate marketing along with my full-time online business with accounts at Amazon, eBay and three other websites. But those blogs were required for work not for enjoyment. As you will see from the photos, the hounds and the dog have been in their own rut but what would you expect of them when their owner is non-motivated.
July 30, 2021
Hounds Play The Dog Digs
It was a day of laziness and being distracted. I did nothing. Took the daily siesta after my groceries were delivered. Spent most of the morning up to the siesta at 2pm, refreshing my screen on MLB Trade Rumors website to follow the last day of MLB trading. They can make trades in the future but those players would have to pass their the MLB Waiver system before they could be traded. Meaning all other teams would have to pass on that particular player.
July 29, 2021
The Dog Bone Story Continued
The thing about puppies, there is never a dull moment. When two hounds have decided they are friends and are attached everywhere they go, there is never a dull moment. So when Walter woke up behind my computer desk chair this morning and went running for the backyard I KNEW something was going on with Henry and Watson. What could it be now? The bones they fought over are still inside and up high, out of their reach. They have no interest in any of the bones I had before this past Monday.
They have a toad cornered and neither of them wants to share what they have found.
July 28, 2021
A Day Of Surprises
Well it's been quit a day and it's only 4:33pm as I start this post. Henry continued his hunger strike this morning by refusing to eat. I have played that game before with other hounds and I wait them out. I found out this afternoon he no longer wanted to eat alone in the bedroom with the door closed. He chose that a month or so ago. He wanted to eat where all the hounds and the dog USE TO eat when life was simple. But Watson LOVES FOOD, goes crazy and will sprint to Walter's and Henry's food dish after he is finished to see if they have finished their meal. So they eat alone behind closed doors.
"When life was simple" is a key part of this post. I only wish.
July 27, 2021
Henry Goes Crazy With A New Bone
Wednesday morning I converted the blog theme back to what it was yesterday before 3pm Central Time and what I have used for years.
I am also posting my post now so you can read what I just wrote plus I am heading out to see the Evansville Otters baseball team, to play in a few hours.
The Puppy Chewing Stage
Obviously I do not have the right chew toys for the hounds as they are addicted to those pieces of new tech wood ends on each slat of the patio deck. I either need to find the supplier for this deck to buy replacement pieces or learn how to use a 3D printer after I buy one. (not going to happen). I knew this morning around 5:45am drinking coffee at my computer that things were just too quiet. I headed for the patio to find this. That is Henry's reaction after I said "drop it". He then walked here, rolled on his back to apologize.
July 25, 2021
Neighbor Compliments The Fence
I had not seen the neighbor to the left of me, if sitting on the patio, since last Saturday night when she walked over to ask me if we were cutting a tree down or a light post. I let her know we were cutting down the dusk to dawn light post installed by a previous owner. She seemed irritated by the news. I get the idea she does not like change to the neighborhood since she has grown up in the house she lives in. She is in her 60's. Toward the end of the conversation when I mentioned the fence was being installed last Monday, she asked me how far down were they going to put the electronic fence.
I had told her numerous times after I mentioned the electronic fence for the dogs that I had changed my mind and was installing a regular fence 5ft tall for the health and safety of my hounds and the dog. I left out the issues I was having with her and her mother to ovoid any arguments. THAT news pissed her off as she walked out of the yard at a fast pace. So it had been a week since we last spoke. Compared to multiple times per day when Henry was on his long tether and there were no boundaries for the neighbor.
July 24, 2021
Is Walter A Hound???
Walter's nose may not be as powerful as a bloodhound or basset hound but he loves smelling scents as much has Henry and Watson. He does this every morning now since the fence was installed. Each day a different area. Is Walter "a hound in disguise"??
July 23, 2021
Henry, Walter & Watson Love Their Freedom
The difference in the hounds and the dog are indescribable since their yard is now fenced, the smaller area temp fence is gone and Henry is no longer wrapping his long tether around the legs of people wanting to pet him. We are back to our ways of Arizona where most of the time the patio door is open for them to come and go as they please. I know, a doggie door would work good but honestly I have never liked the looks of them next to a patio door and I am definitely not cutting my wall to insert one.
July 19, 2021
We've Been Very Busy
You better sit down and grab your drink ... A LOT HAS BEEN GOING ON since our last post five days ago. We have been very busy. I will let the photos catch you up. Wednesday morning I was on my hands and knees pulling out weeds, and grass that had grown up through the weed preventive sheets. The south flowerbed had not been touched in years. By noon the humidity was killing me ... at at noon 88° 63% humidity I went inside to drink ice cold gatorade, took a shower and then a nap. That photo shows just how far I had gotten ... where the new dark brown mulch is, with a lot more to go.
July 14, 2021
The Hounds Love Magnolias
(Thanks to the reader that pointed out those are marigolds not magnolias. The new temporary fence is working out well. Similar to when we lived in AZ where I could keep the patio door open in the mornings before it gets hot, so the puppies can go in and out as they please. Henry and Watson spend a lot of time outside now playing, running and laying on the deck. Yet, there are some disadvantages brought to my attention when Walter is barking or is running to the computer room to get me.
July 12, 2021
A Rainy Weekend
At times it was cool enough for the windows to be open and ceiling fans on, then all the windows would be closed with the AC on. Right on the borderline between the two options. The hounds and the dog like to listen to the rain as much as I do but it is hard as heck to keep those windows cleaned. They like using those lower windows to check on their neighborhood, see who is at the door or what dog is out walking in front of their house.
From the looks of that window above them, Stella could not stand for me to help her in back of the FJ or even the Mini Cooper but could stand to push her nose and jowls against the window to see if she could push that window open and escape while I was gone or if I was just outside in the driveway shooting basketballs. I really miss the morning talks we had every morning. Hard to believe that she has been gone a month already.
July 10, 2021
A Cruise Around Town
The cruise around town was on Saturday morning but let's backup a little to Friday night. When I bought the couch and love seat they assured me with labels and company literature, they were "pet proof". I couldn't keep from remembering what 16 years of hounds did to a leather couch I had in the older house up north. So the hounds and the dog remembered the new rules once we moved to Arizona, no pets on the couch. They have followed the rule after I bought the new furniture for the great room and have stayed off ... until I invited Watson up there.
Some Early Hounds & Dog Play
The room was dark and it was very early when a huge clap of thunder woke me, the hounds and the dog up. None of them are scared of such noise but when they wake up, they head to the patio door to go outside. Only this morning all three stopped in their tracks as it was raining hard outside and they were not going anywhere. They did want their breakfast kibble as the skies roared outside. Finally that storm passed through enough where they could venture outside and do what they needed to do.
July 09, 2021
Two Vet Appointments Today
I had mixed emotions about taking Henry and Walter to their vet appointments today. I was glad that Walter could get his stitches out from the neuter process a couple of weeks ago. Supposedly there is no charge but I had my doubts. For his bill I paid before they even brought him out for me to take home. The bill was back with the vet tech that would bring him out, so I had no idea how much "upselling" they had charged me for. I was irritated after seeing the itemized list of charges.
July 08, 2021
I Have A Digger
Luckily the other two puppies have grown to where they are a year or older. Still puppies but out of that real puppy stage. Watson is having fun exploring and finding new things to torment me with and is responding well when he hears the word "No". When I took this photo I noticed some dirt on his nose. I had found my digger, exactly who I expected it to be. Luckily he was not digging to get out of the fenced area but something he found in the corner of the yard by the house.
July 07, 2021
A Temporary Fence Installed
I knew before I decided to buy the house from 1700 miles away and only looking at an online sales ad, plus some photos of the house I had found through internet searching back in April 2021, that I would have to install a fence. I did not know what kind or how much of the backyard to fence but I knew eventually I would need one. A temporary fence was not in the plans since my "tether system" was working like I expected it to. Walter ran free supervising Henry and Watson. I would have to untangle the two tethers but that wasn't a big deal. Yet, after living here almost 40 days things had changed and I needed a temporary fence installed fast.
July 04, 2021
Bombs Away
We heard some fireworks last weekend that gave me an idea that last night and most likely tonight was going to be huge. I wasn't wrong. I was on the couch watching a movie when the sky lit up outside above the field. The fireworks were so big you could have swore we were downtown watching what the city will put on tonight over the Ohio River. I put the movie on pause and walked out to the corner of the yard for a better view. These were city quality fireworks being launched into the sky. The hounds and the dog stayed inside sound to sleep.
July 02, 2021
Henry & Walter Back To Normal
Maybe it was the weather because we woke up to 61°, windows open and a cold breeze through the house. Most likely the little "flu bug" the older ones had has passed. For the first time in days Henry ate all of his breakfast and had his tail high and wagging when he finished. Walter tried to jump up as high as possible to get on my lap as I sat in my desk chair. He never makes up on my lap but he likes to start his day with a standing stretch. Watson was just normal after growing over night. He cannot figure out why his legs are getting so long. Once in the yard they were all quite active.
July 01, 2021
A Day Of Rain
Sometimes the weather forecast is right and it was today. Looking at the "hourly" and it showed percentages 80 and above, with a few at 100. It arrived a little later than planned so the hounds and the dog were able to get outside for some quick relief this morning. I see some photos on Facebook from friends out in Sierra Vista that the monsoon is here but so far I see photos of clouds but hear nothing about it raining. They need the rain a lot worse than we do here.
June 30, 2021
Afternoon Cancelled By Rain
You would not believe this if I told you but I will any way because it's true. A little after 4am I am woken up by the sound of the metal crate door swinging open. The room is dark as is the hallway until I flipped the lights switch. By the time I am at the hallway, Watson is halfway to the kitchen. I chase him, turning lights on behind him. I slide the patio door open and he runs, jumps off the deck into the yard and pees.
June 29, 2021
Henry Is One Year Old Today
It is hard to believe a year has passed already. Last year I received an email from the breeder telling me I had made cut to choose a puppy. Before we knew the size of the litter, I didn't know if I would have a pick last summer. Well Henry had nine siblings and I was number five in line. I knew by his two week old photo he was the one I wanted. I would not know until weeks later if I was going to luck out or not. I did as you have seen. He was pretty proud of himself this morning before 6am. It wasn't birds he heard but something in the air he smelled.
June 27, 2021
Walter Springs Into Action
It was a surprise this morning as we stepped outside, the hounds and the dog went into the play mode almost immediately. Walter checked in with me before he sprinted and jumped off the patio deck into the yard. One a side note by 7:02am all three were in the computer room with Walter and Henry sound to sleep with Watson chewing on a pork slab. Of of course overnight, Watson got taller, stronger and more stubborn. Here are the photos from this mornings activities.
June 26, 2021
Hounds & Dog Like AC
As usual the day started early with Watson sleeping through the night. Totally amazing for a hound that is not even 9 weeks old yet. (Monday) They went outside long enough to check some of the area before they had breakfast and were back at it soon after. I need a fence and once I have one installed the hounds and the dog will love running free, full speed. I had a few things I wanted to do today that related to my '57 VW bug, so I was at AutoZone a little after 7:30am to pick up three quarts of oil.
June 25, 2021
Walter Back To Normal
Walter slept well last night and I was woken by his snoring a couple of times. He was ready to eat and sprinted back inside after his first trip outside this morning. He looked normal, acted normal and ate faster than normal. Watson is getting more like a bloodhound by the day. He is starting to ignore me and Henry now, doing his own thing. He ran the backyard today leash free and laster hooked to the cable, using Henry's long cord as the main one. Henry is just Henry. Very laidback and nothing bothers him until the neighbors start petting the puppy ... then he starts barking.
June 24, 2021
A Busy Day For All
From 7am on it was a very busy day. Walter was at the vet to be neutered by 7:30am. Then the two hounds kept me pretty busy. I picked up Water at 4pm, took off his Ecollar because he didn't need one. He cannot reach that far with his mouth to bother the stitches. He came out of his meds around 6:30pm and started acting normal. I felt so sorry for him in that collar that I did not take any photos. So ... not a lot of words tonight due to time and even now I am talking on the phone. Enjoy the photos.
June 23, 2021
Watson Changes Everyday
The day started off with some teaching by Henry. If you are going to explore the berm Watson needed to know the ins and outs of the steep incline. I am told there should be snakes around since they cut the field behind the berm but I haven't seen any yet. I am sure that Henry would let me know if they ran into any. Not rattlesnakes fortunately and most likely harmless. I could tell that Watson is getting strong and taller as he trotted across the kitchen floor this morning knowing he was going to be fed.
June 22, 2021
High Speed Runs & Chases
The past few days the hounds and the dog have been inspecting the other side of the yard. Maybe they know an invisible fence is coming and they will be able to spend some time over there too. It is people that determine which direction they go when they step out of the house. If either neighbor is outside they head that way. Yet, if one of them is mowing their yard, the hounds will sit and watch while the dog sprints back to the patio door to be let inside. They are getting use to the new puppy with similar daily routines. It was nice cool weather today so they spent a lot of time outside while I sat and watched without a camera. LOTS of photos in this post.
June 21, 2021
Walter Decides To Have Some Fun
Walter let us sleep a little longer this morning so our day didn't start until a little after 6am. They headed outside this morning all unleashed. I could tell with Henry chasing birds on the ground that he was going to have to be tethered but I was going to wait and see what Watson did. When I came back outside after getting my camera and the card that was still in the computer, I saw Henry looking at something but I didn't see Watson.
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