October 27, 2016

The Invite Problem Update

First of all I can tell a difference in the first picture I take every day after I changed the settings to 'single point focus' on my camera.

As you see the field was "mowed" of soybeans and will most like see corn planted there next May.

I have found out some things for those unable to accept the invitation to join the blog. Of coarse those people cannot read this post, so I have sent them an email telling them the problem or what I am trying.

So this post is really used as a test because there are two way for me to set this up privately ... add your email address to a box named "add readers" ... some of you have been able to accept the invite with no issues. The other way Blogger lets me send an email to those I add every time I have a new blog post.

So this post is also a test for those on that email list ... I am on that list, using a different email address than the one tied to my blog. When I added my other email address to the "add readers" block, I got the email immediately, clicked the link and it processed without any problems.

I searched on Google with the exact error message some have sent me, not being able to get back in ... it has been a common problem with Blogger as far back as 2010 and nothing since February 2015. Of coarse on the Google Forum or Blogger help ... I have yet to find a solution from them although I am still searching.

It was interesting that as the blog owner not that I received an email tell me that I had accepted my own invite, just like I did for those that have accepted ... but what it said:

"The purpose of this message is to inform you that your invitation to my email address was accepted, but using a different email address. If your invitation has been accepted by someone you do not know, you can remove them by visiting the “Settings > Basic > Permissions” section of the Blogger dashboard.

Happy blogging,
The Blogger Team

Well that is NOT true Blogger or Google, I accepted using the same email address that the invitation was sent to.

Also if I sent an invite to someone that did not have an gmail address, those people were able to sign up using a 'google account' but I cannot figure out how someone can have a google account without having a gmail address.

It looks like rain ... but intellicast shows me it's just a day of being very heavy overcast, so I can mow the leaves and yard later this afternoon after it is good and dry.

The picture below is a 'teaser' of my post tonight with a very very very long story to back up the decision. It was an "accounting" based decision.

Well since Sadie has been tossing me various bones at me, begging me to play fetch inside ... I'll put on the waterproof hiking boots and get our first walk of the day in before their lunch. When you are up until 4am and can't get to sleep even after that, the day starts kind of late.

Why does Blogger have to be such a pain here in 'the tropics' of southern Indiana.