July 08, 2023

Just A Short Update

Just a short update with a few photos to let you know we are fine, all of us have a pulse and nothing has really changed since the last post. The is Henry sound to sleep with Watson holding his head in place so he can clean the inside of Henry's ears and later his jowls as Henry will wake up soon after. It is a daily morning thing now but it will eventually change.

The bright orange bone that is like that bone, the highlighter color, is still missing in action. That is Walter's "anxiety bone", where he will go outside if he has to, to find it, then chew it at a rapid speed when he knows I am getting ready to leave the house for any reason. Sometimes Watson will steal the bone on purpose and take off running outside with that bone in his mouth. Then the wrestling match is on for Walter to get his bone back.

Like I said, not a lot has changed since the last post. Henry assumes his nightly position on the loveseat about the time he hears the Reds game on tv is starting. 

Walter likes the cooler floor to sleep during the game instead of the couch. His nails will get trimmed again when I can catch him and hold him down to do them. Once I catch him, he is like wrestling a strong pig when it comes to nail trimming. 

With the recent heat and humidity, this is their afternoon sleeping spots. Under a ceiling fan that circulates the ice cold air from the air conditioner. Whenever Walter kicks that rear leg out, he is in for a long siesta with a lot of snoring.

A week ago Friday rain was predicted and rain it did ... this is when it was mild because earlier that morning you would have thought hurricane winds had moved a 1,000 miles north because the rain was so hard you couldn't see outside. The skies were so dark that my neighbor's outdoor security lights turned on. Rain was needed though and good for the grass.

To give you some idea for the amount of rain we did receive that first hour, at 6:30am when I let the hounds out for their first trip of the day (Walter only goes out after his breakfast not when the hounds do) ... that glass was completely empty. A little over an hour later when the rain decided to take a break ... the glass was full and by the end of the day we had a little over 3-1/2 inches of the wet stuff.

Late afternoon yesterday things were much nicer and different. The hounds and the dog found their spots to relax in 85° that actually felt pretty cool. Watson spends more quiet time like this in the yard, even when he sees the neighbors are outside. Whereas, he use to automatically bark and go crazy anytime he saw them in their yard. It is good to see him relax more as he gets older. Only turned two years old this past April.

Walter found some shade yesterday but he will spend a little time every day outside on the patio under the sun taking short naps. Now he will actually do a growl/small bark type noise to let me know he wants to go outside in the middle of the day when it is the hottest. I still keep track of the time he is outside and tell him to get back inside so he has no problem with overheating. 

When Henry was a few weeks old he had an indoor kennel with a doggie door to spend time outside whenever he wanted, before I picked him up at 8 weeks old. He is an Arizona basset hound and three years later still likes the 'heat' of summer. There are times he refuses to come back inside when I tell him "come on" ... and a few nights lately he would rather stay outside and sleep than come inside. Eventually after I shut off all the lights and act like I have gone to bed, he will get up and sit by the patio door to let me know he will finally come inside. He never barks to come inside, in fact rarely barks at all.

With all the rain last week my yard needs mowing again. With the temps in the 70s today I should be able to get that done without feeling I am near death like last week. Drinking a lot of ice cold filtered water during the summer heat. It has been many months since I have fixed ice tea and I have stayed away from sodas so far this summer. I am trying to cut as much sugar out of what I eat and drink. 

Cloudy so far today in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana and the humidity isn't that bad either.


  1. I really enjoy your blog so much.! Checking Al's sidebar every day to see if you have a new post. The weather often travels a path - Evansville thru Dayton - so we get much the same as you. Your hounds & dog have so many little quirks & habits - love your stories & cute photos. Thanks for the update - having a great summer.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that you enjoy the blog. I have always thought the weather follows I-70 when traveling east as well as the Ohio River.

  2. Thanks for the update. Nice photos of the gang and to see their habits haven't changed. Such a great group of pups. Weren't you lucky to get that wonderful rain? Bet your lawn and plants are responding to the good soaking.Take care.

    1. The gang are pretty consistent. They will change a little as the season changes. They really do get along quite well. It is the first time I have had all males, I can't remember a time when having more than one hound that I had all male dogs. I could not believe how much my grass grew this past week as I was mowing it this morning.
