October 25, 2023

Hounds Watch The Leaves Change

I had an impulse to blog yesterday, late in the afternoon, so I grabbed the Nikon and headed outside. I am not sure I like the new process of Blogger uploading and posting the photos to the blog all in the same step, not giving me a chance to reorder them before posting them. They did post them in the order they were taken though but I was wanting a different order and I refuse to upload and post them one at a time.

As you will see, the leaves are finally changing colors. It still feels cool but the past few days temps have been the high 70s and today will reach 80° ... maybe Walter will decide to spend some time outside today. He is not a "lounger" like the hounds are and that is the reason he was not mentioned in the blog title. That is explained below.

Those are AT&T cables I am told. They will not come out and cut those limbs away from their cables but this year once the leaves are gone I am dragging out my tall ladder with pruning tools in hand and cut the limbs back as they hang over my property. One of my neighbors has changed her internet from AT&T to Spectrum after spending about a year fighting with them to fix their intermittent signal due to old AT&T equipment a few miles from here. I thought everyone was on AT&T Fiber???

It looks cold but it wasn't ... I had to look at my watch for the temp because it was just that unbelievable.

Watson has crossed the line into a laidback bloodhound. His puppy energy has seemed to have disappeared and he is about as well mannered as you can get. It might be time to get back to the walking routine and see if he will still "attack" every slow passing vehicle or will he want to jump up eye level with those that want to pet him. It wasn't windy and the photos of him do not show his nostrils moving rapidly as he sniffs the air. He hasn't seen "his" squirrel in a while.

I would rate Henry as being overweight. He will definitely get his walks in but if he is walked then Watson has to walk too but only individually because I cannot handle both even leashed up.

What can I say? 79° and Walter is undecided if he is coming out to join us. He did eventually but wasn't in the yard long enough for even on photo to be taken. He sprinted back inside as he saw me raise the Nikon to my eye and the lens pointed in his direction.

Zoomed in on the trees across the street from the backyard.

I am not a fan of Hydrangeas. When I moved here I had a landscaping company take a look at them. I wanted them pulled out of the ground and planted somewhere else. He told me their root system is so large that I might have problems pulling them out, causing unwanted damage, not knowing how far spread they were. Believe it or not I cut them down to the ground every year and in fact the one furthest away I cut the trunk BELOW ground level last fall. They always grow back without me doing much to help them.

When I see Watson like this there are many times I think back to Samson and how much they played in the yard last February. I still find it hard to accept what happened to him and me last February 11th.

Henry was almost nodding out before I stepped up on the deck to go back inside. I hope to get a bike ride in today but lately it seems there is always something unexpected popping up to change my fast paced lifestyle. I usually go with the flow and not much planning. Hard to believe I have been retired over nine years. October is almost gone is another thing hard to believe, wasn't it just July last week? LOL

The hounds, the dog and I are doing well in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Nice photos of the gang, even if Walter doesn't want to cooperate. We are in the 60's this week and it has been nice and the autumn feel is in the air. Our trees have turned and the Dogwoods are losing their leaves. Their red berries are being enjoyed by the birds. Hoping that SC can pull off a win against Cal this weekend. One can always hope.

    1. They should beat Cal this week. Sounds like good weather up in the mountain.

  2. Your Hydrangea's look like Pinky Winky's and my neighbor has some beautiful plants in her yard.
    I enjoy looking at them when they blossom.
    Good to see all is well in Southern Indiana !

    1. I saw a different name for them yesterday on my Flipboard account. It's amazing what that website knows about what I blog, talk to friends or mumble to myself about. LOL Suppose to rain tonight and Friday but it is still great weather.
