It was the normal routine in the morning. The hounds went out for a very short time. In fact Stella started a slight limp from walking in the frozen snow. She was more than happy to get back inside. I can't say the hounds did much more than the photo shows ... a day of bone chewing.
Around 11:30 I got my email notice from the local library that a book I had requested was available. My old college friend suggested it last week, called Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen. In the meantime I picked up a book off their "New Arrivals" shelf, called Concussion by Jeanne Marie Laskas. I started reading Concussion first and haven't been able to put it down today. Setting up an account at the local library a few months ago was one of the best things I've done this year.
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Early Morning |
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Checking to see if we are going for a walk today |
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Stella slightly limping from the frozen snow |
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A late afternoon check on the weather outside |
I am afraid that if the blog has become boring to me recently, it must be that for you also. If so, I apologize for that. Although the post about my friends 1970 MCI Bus brought a lot of interest. Some interested readers have contacted Dennis. IF....IF you do not get a reply to your emails, let me know and I will call him.
On of my readers can read my blog but is having email issues ... strange ones at that. Maybe I can find an answer for her in my Area 51 book. This is to let her know that I have been sending emails since last Thursday and in fact tried two today as a test ... one from my Yahoo account (Flickr), thinking Gmail was the problem.
I'm heading back to reading for the night here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana. The hounds? They are sleeping again.