Showing posts with label 2003 Forest River Sierra 25RLSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2003 Forest River Sierra 25RLSS. Show all posts

April 24, 2014

Is a Fifth Wheel a Possibility?

First of all, not related to the title but a pretty important event happened today. I had a call from my company's HR department asking if I would like to move my exit interview from tomorrow (Friday) to to today? I thought about sprinting the 10 miles to the office but decided a shower and driving a vehicle might be a better alternative. So it's official ... I am retired, no longer on personal vacation nor working. My job now is to let my dogs in and out a of the house a million times a day because they know a good deal when they smell one.

Like now, I am stepping away to let Winston out, where the other two hounds will follow.

A comment on my blog post yesterday brought up an option I had never looked at, because I want to boondock most of the time I am on the road. I always pictured this option as not doable. they always looked too big to be driven out into the boondocks. Nan asked if I had ever considered a 5th Wheel? I have a couple of local friends that have them. One friend lives in theirs full time, even in this past Indiana winter where there were winter storms one after another. The other parks theirs at a SP for the summer as a weekend getaway. They told me they were easier to hitch to, back up, to maneuver and would give me and the hounds a lot more room. They never looked like the rig that would be used for boondocking. So I of course had to start looking at whats available, anything near me? What forums are available to discuss this option? I wanted to find some images with the 5th Wheel in a boondocking location or a lot of locations.

After going through the "for sale" websites, now it was time to find some images and information. I found out I could do all of this research on ONE website. Ray and his wife have been traveling for over 3 years in their 30' 5th Wheel with some pretty favorable reviews. Ray reviews, teaches, and his wife photographs some fabulous places. They also started their travels with two beagles. So I started my research here last night and am getting ready to read more, look more after the sun goes down tonight. The weather is too nice to be inside these past couple of weeks, so my computer desk time is either first thing in the morning and after dark.

In the meantime I have found one that I want to go take a look at tomorrow. The pictures look nice but you never know until you can see and touch in person. The end photographs concern me, looks like the skin of the rig is rippling or bent? Please post your experiences or comments about this option. I know that Dave from Flip Flop Vector suggested this set up last year before they pulled off the road.  The one I am looking at is only 25' long.

2003 Forest River Sierra 25RLSS

The ripples in the lower end will be the deal breaker

So I will get an early start after people leave for work tomorrow, drive up to this dealership to take a look around. Large range of inventory, so I can not only see this rig but other options.