Showing posts with label AT&T Maintenance Request Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AT&T Maintenance Request Center. Show all posts

January 23, 2025

You Won't Believe It !!! AT&T You SUCK!!!

This photo is used only for blog purposes. It was the truck that came to fix my neighbors fiber last week after "I called my friend for a favor to get my internet hooked back up and repaired". The neighbor was born and raised here, knows many people.

This post will be short. This is an email I received at 1:04pm today from AT&T Maintenance Request center and is just UNBELIEVABLE. This was their reply to my email on January 21 when I let them know they may have closed the work order as complete but the work was never done.

Hi Mr. Floyd, 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We basically just do validation of the issue and escalating them to the right department. Since we have verified in our system that this ticket is already completed by the technician.  What we could recommend is for you to contact Care at 1800-288-2020 regarding this one. 

Thank you,

AT&T Maintenance Request Center

 "We basically just do validation of the issue and escalating them to the right department"

Then they tell me to call that number ... what happened to their stupid "escalating to the right department"??? Why do I have to call if they have escalated it to the RIGHT Department???

That 800 number they recommended I call is the same number I called when they assigned the work order in question. That number assigns work orders. I have called that number and received FOUR different worker order on the different times I have called since May 26. 

Luckily the last time I called that 800 number the other day, like my last post said, the man on the phone said there was no reason to issue a new work order again, just write these two phone numbers down that I give you for your local repair center supervisor. Which I did.

But that clock is ticking and something tells me Scott Johnson isn't going to get anything done either no matter how long or recent he has been on that job. Was he just promoted? Don't know.

Do me a favor and spread this post out far and wide ... share it everywhere.

July 17 .... January 23 --- Work never completed --- Lied to numerous times. 

My reply to their email was not approved for blog content. Too much cussing but I did tell them I rated AT&T right up there on my list with Verizon and that I would never return to use their services EVER!!!

Pissed off in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.