Showing posts with label Heidi Checks Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heidi Checks Weather. Show all posts

January 31, 2018

Heidi Checks Out January

She is rarely outside long enough for any kind of photos to be taken of her, especially in January. She did a lap around the house today after lunch ... battling winds from the SW at 20mph and gusts up to 35mph. She was more than happy to sprint back to the couch as soon as I opened the door.

2018 Jan 31DSC_1252DSC_1253DSC_1254

December 22, 2017

Heidi Makes An Appearance

The weather was so nice yesterday that Heidi had no choice. She had to come off the couch, out from under her blankets and get some fresh air. She put her nose to the ground and inspected a lap around the house. She needed more so she covered the property line to the south. She looked like she was enjoying herself.

Will she enjoy her warm bath and manicure today?

December 13, 2017

Heidi's Winter Aerobics

She tested the outside temps after lunch, did an immediate turn and headed back inside. Finally after some coaxing around 9pm, she went outside to relieve herself. This is her normal winter activity ... no reason to be alarmed.

December 04, 2017

Heidi Says Not Warm Enough

She checked the air with her nose to get an accurate temperature and then decided about all she had time for was bathroom break after her lunch, then back to the couch.

November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Heidi checked out the early morning weather and decided it wasn't for her. But with fresh deer tracks where their hoofs were just a few hours old, the bloodhounds spent plenty of time collecting all the information they could.