Showing posts with label Heidi's Afternoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heidi's Afternoon. Show all posts

June 20, 2017

Stella's A Lot More Active Today

I'm not sure what it is but with today being a little halfway over, all of us are on very low energy with siestas even before 1pm. Maybe it was all the activity yesterday on Sadie's birthday that caught up with us. It's going to be very hard to create any kind of suspense and drama in this post.

The first walk of the day started a little after 8am. Once again for the 3rd day in a row Stella stood on "Winston's Patio" and contemplated if she was going or not. I was pretty sure by the way she looked that she would stay behind this morning.

By following her new morning routine, she walked along the side of the house before turning up under the shade, where normally she has been finding her spot to pee ... but this morning she had to do more thinking about her plans for today.

By the time Sadie and I were almost on the first turn, I was pretty sure that Stella would stay behind and we would catch her on the way back over by the neighbor's woods.

It was quite a shock as I turned to do a final check on her before I made the first turn around the corner of the woods ... that I saw Stella not only coming toward us through the tall white flowers ... but she was trotting to catch up!!

The times between her trots seem like months and may only be weeks ... anyway it was good to see just how much energy she had this morning.

She ran as close as she could by my knee and kept on trotting to catch up with Sadie. I could already feel how hot the sun was today ... yet by 1:30pm the AC had not automatically turned on and the house was still cool from last night.

With a surprising rain last night around 1am, plus the normal heavy morning dew, the field was really wet ... I could see a lot of new worn paths from deer moving in the pre-dawn hours. The hounds reacted as if all the scents were brand new.

Stella tried a couple of times to sneak away and head north. Each time I yelled "over here" she would trot in our direction. I guess she is feeling better and is just trying to test me to see if I am paying attention.

Sadie is showing us just how wet the field was this morning. She doesn't care about that either ... she loves to walk and track scent.

For the 3rd time during the half mile walk, Stella trotted at a pretty good pace to catch us. Hopefully this is a sign that she is on her way back to being like her old self and more energized.

Another attempt getting caught veering toward the neighbor's woods, yet she came my direction when called.

Old wire fencing from the 1940s still hangs on three different fence posts but is now embedded in the trees. I mowed the whole yard yesterday an inch higher than the last time. Not all of it needed cut but at least it's all the same height and a lot greener.

Heidi was outside long enough after her lunch that I was able to take a couple of photos of her. She is almost getting fat now and that is quite a switch from the last two years.

I guess Stella is like most of us after a holiday meal ... too much food and it's siesta time. She loves sleeping in the sunshine even if she gets too hot soon afterward and wants to go back inside.

Heidi even found it nice enough outside to soak up some sun. Not scorching hot, low humidity, a little wind, no bugs or mosquitoes ... a perfect day.

Of course Sadie had things to do and places to go ... she never finds time to lay in the sun ... that is wasting her time.

Last might when I thought Spring had arrived early, I raked out the roots of wild bushes that had grown on the left side of the fence post and trees ... down that bank. I planted some grass seed, only to have it go back below freezing by the end of the week.

I planted more seed, only to see enough rain that I could see it running down the bank. I had doubts that any of that grass seed would grow. So I planted the last of the bag I had left and let nature take it's course. So far so good, except for the ridge there in the middle, where I either missed spreading seed or it was washed away.

A few years ago all of that was overgrown brush, ragweed, and small saplings ... now it's the best part of the yard.

With all the hounds deep in sleep and it's not even 2pm, I have doubts that much more will happen today. I am going to grab my book and head outside for some reading along with a tall glass of fresh ice tea. We will get another hound walk in later this afternoon.

Sometimes it's just too fast paced here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

June 03, 2017

Heidi's Friday Afternoon

Most activity around here usually picks it's pace up right after the hounds have their lunch. Even I become more motivated to get things done inside and outside of the house that are on my 'to do' list. With the temperature well into the 80's by noon on Friday ... Heidi headed to the backyard with the Sadie and Stella instead of her normal path to the front yard. That's a good sign for her.

After dumping her tanks just a few steps into the field, she scampered back to a certain spot and laid down in the grass that I just mowed on Thursday afternoon. As I sat in a chair taking these pictures I could feel just how hot the sun was ... my kind of weather.

Stella seems to like the heated stone just a much as she like the heated grass ... either one is perfect for napping.

Heidi thought so too.

It's not often that Sadie will sit or lay in one place when she is outside since she is always on the move. Friday afternoon's hot temps may have placed a factor.

Stella had already decided she was going to sleep while Sadie, Heidi and I took pictures.

Sadie is giving me the look, telling me it's too hot and she wants to go back inside.

Once Sadie started walking toward the door, Stella woke up and Heidi jumped up to follow us to the house. I had already loaded up my one container of recyclable ... paper, cardboard, plastic ... so it was time to make a trip to the recycling center. Heidi decided to come along for the ride as long as I kept the windows down.

It's the first time she has ridden in the Mini Countryman and the first time the car will get some hound dog initiation with some left over drool. She found that door handle to be the perfect place to lay her head and her nose on the edge of the window as we drove down the highway.

It was easy to wipe off and in the future I will not wait for drool to dry before cleaning it up. By the time we were back inside and I let the bloodhounds into the rest of the house ... all three hounds took their afternoon siestas. I went back to playing that addicting 2048 Tiles app game.

It's was good taking off a day from house maintenance tasks.