Showing posts with label House Cleaning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Cleaning. Show all posts

August 30, 2017

Today Was Productive

I didn't know it this morning when we headed out for our walk, but today turned out to be very productive with dishes finished, house vacuumed, laundry done, shower and shave. I'll dust a little tonight and might wash walls tomorrow. We still got two hounds walks in and almost a third.

I thought about leaving Stella to do her own thing this morning and even expected I would return home after the walk without her. I decided again at the last minute that I did not want to do that. So I walked all the way back to tug at her collar to get her to move my direction.

She is still a good bloodhound but for some reason she has fallen in love with deer scat.

Sadie waited for us to catch up. The morning was nice and cool, and at the time I had no plans.

I also took off the lens hood for all of these pictures. I think that is what I am going to do from now on ... keep it off. I just remembered I keep forgetting to change the photo size in the html before posting.

I can see a difference in them morning pictures without the hood on the lens. I like these better. Yet, I have never had the same full color quality as I did the first time I was shooting pictures with the new camera. Is that because I was shooting them in "raw" setting and a larger size?

This is my view from my "Mahjong Desk" ... at the kitchen table on the MBA usually playing Mahjong.

While I was trimming some of the limbs on the Sycamore tree after lunch, Heidi decided to sit out in front to soak up some rays. She is a great basset hound. I wonder how bad she was treated since she was always running away and ending up in the local animal shelter before I got her?

By late afternoon I thought we'd sit outside and enjoy the weather while Sadie and Stella roamed the field. The only problem with that was, they did not want to roam the field ... they wanted to eat deer scat.

In the yard they also like to eat the fresh dirt pushed up by yard moles.

A little bit of house work wears me out usually. Combine that with a large plate of pasta and I could almost take a nap.

All is good here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.