Showing posts with label Sony 65" XR X90K. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sony 65" XR X90K. Show all posts

February 06, 2023

TV Update

When I left you yesterday the question asked was ... Do I leave my tv low on the coffee table, where I like it the most or put it back up on top of the gas fireplace to keep it safe from hound dog nose prints and a possible accident like yesterday?? As I sat drinking coffee and waking up this morning in the computer room, I could hear the hounds in the great room playing. They are allowed to do that. Yet all I could think about was the possibility of another tv accident. THAT motived me enough to move it to where it was when I first moved here. I had it up and running by 9:45am.

February 05, 2023

An Unbelievable Day - Seriously

Due to the "unbelievable one in a million chance" I am going to scramble your brain cells on this post. I am going to talk about what happened, even the sequence of events because some do not have photos. It will be before I talk and show you photos of Saturday afternoon and early this morning.