Showing posts with label Stella's Hips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stella's Hips. Show all posts

May 11, 2021

Henry Is A Funny Hound

Sunday was a forecast of a full day of rain. Early that morning while looking for birds in their yard or that stray cat that comes out from hiding on the berm blocking the field, Henry decided the cool breeze and the light sound of rain drops hitting the trees was the perfect time to stretch-out and relax. He does this a lot. With more square footage inside and a larger yard outside, both puppies get a lot of running in. Things continue to move smoothly and I am basically down to doing just the 'to do' list I have made for the yard and house stuff. Things are back to normal now.

April 06, 2021

Changes Around The Area

The weather is not the only thing changing around here. I have mentioned a few of the changes in recent posts but those issues continue on a daily basis and they don't show up on your tv news, your local papers but they do on Facebook. There are different local groups I have joined for this area that not only spread the word, they take live video so there is little no doubt what is going on. Yet I caught myself re-analyzing my thought process these past few months, making the decision to move. I wondered if I had overblown the facts I had used or what I have been told. After watching some live interviews with the Cochise County Sheriff late yesterday, along with some live camera feeds ... I knew as much as I hate leaving this area that I have made the correct decision for me, the hounds and the dog.