Showing posts with label Stella's Pace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stella's Pace. Show all posts

July 17, 2018

Stella's Morning Walk

Stella does not deviate much from day to day on her morning walks. Depending on the temperature she might hold her mouth different, she might drool more ... but per pace never changes. Even in the snow.

July 02, 2018

The Blog Is Back In Action

I guess maybe I only needed a break from blogging. It's been around 37 or 38 days since the last post here where I announced the blog was over. It might be time consuming but I enjoy writing and I enjoy taking photos of the hounds. My problem is only internal as I fight my own demons of obligation and 'all or nothing' type of feelings. So we will be back to posting again, maybe only photos for a while, may not be every day ... we will see how it goes.

These are photos from as far back as May 28 and in order they were taken if Blogger placed them as they usually do, in sequence from the oldest to the newest photo. I have rebuilt the blog sidebar and re-labeled it as just a reading list since there are some websites mixed in that are not blogs. A new site I have added is Fact Checker ... a legit site that seems to be honest and can separate what is fake news and the actual facts.

If you think of other blogs I have had there that you followed but don't see them let me know. I know that I am missing some of the old ones. Maybe my memory cells can align later and I can remember them.

Sadie did some 'sparrow chasing' ... but Stella is just taking it easy and trying to survive the heat.

My friend's Mini ... named "Boogie" ...

All the hounds are good. Sadie turned 10 years old in June. Heidi is back to her hot summer hibernation and only goes out long enough after a meal to relieve herself. Stella loves the AC and Sadie doesn't care how hot it is, she wants to walk twice per day.

I'll catch up more later in the coming days ... nothing major has happened. All is good in retirement.