April 16, 2021

Henry Visits His Mom

I always told the breeder, Michelle at Out West Bassets that I would bring Henry back for visits. This week was the plan since I am now moving in 12 days. I also wanted to see how he rode in the RAV4 compared the passenger seat and floorboard of the Tacoma. He was smaller then and I found out yesterday really quick after we left that he is so long that he has to ride in back. As he will ride with Stella on the way to the Midwest.

April 12, 2021

A Hike Behind The House

With all the exciting activity the hounds and the dog had on Sunday, they were in the dream state of sleep very early Sunday night. In fact when I turned off the lights to head to bed, not one of them moved. I left them there to sleep in the dark. 

April 11, 2021

From The Patio This Weekend

Not much to say tonight. I pulled the Nikon off the shelf to take the photos for this post. That is the Aerostat that Biden grounded in December. It was back in the air for a short time on Saturday. Maybe a test run if he changes his mind on using cameras on the border. I had a lot of different animals pass the house in back today and you can see it was a pretty laidback Sunday for the hounds and the dog.