June 18, 2016

The Hay Field Is Cut

When I was standing on my step taking the daily morning photo of the field across the highway, I had no idea what had happened in back of the house sometime early this morning. With the windows open all night the hounds and I must have been in a deep slumber because none of us heard anything nor did we wake up until 8:00am ... much later than normal.

Due to some Blogger formatting issue this morning I cannot put the daily photos up on the left corner of this post, after trying different ways of getting the job done. So we started with this, the daily field photo.

Right after taking this photo I go straight to the corner of the back of the house and take a photo of the northeast but rarely post that photo. Today I am posting it because of the surprise we had first thing in the morning. You'll notice the field has been cut and it must have happened first thing this morning. 

We normally hear the tractor doing the cutting but not this year. In past years when I heard the tractor go by I've had to sprint outside and take the tethered rope I had connected to an anchor in the field so it would not be cut up. They would normally cut around that anchor until I pulled the rope. This year it was obvious the tethered rope was not there.

So it went from tall hay to cut hay in the early morning hours. They will be back this afternoon after the sun dries it out to bale it into the large rolls of hay. I'm interested in seeing if they get more bales this year ... they should.

Last Night

I couldn't take the walk first thing in the morning until I had at least one cup of coffee, with two being better. A couple of hours later, we fired up the camera, put on my shoes and even got Heidi outside to show her the news.

Even with the field cut she was not going on the walk no matter what. I carried her to the field and as soon as her feet touch the ground, she sprinted back to the driveway ... not going, no way.

So the I picked a nice cut path to walk with Sadie and Stella acting like two kids at Christmas morning ... thrilled "their field" was cut for them. I was happy that I was able to see everywhere they were going ... it made the walk much easier.

Stella was almost beside her self with excitement, running all over the place.

She sprinted to her favorite part of the field with Sadie not far behind. Stella took the right corner and Sadie taking the left corner. I didn't stay to look at what they were eating nor did I want to think about what they were eating.

Stella decided that whatever Sadie had found was better than what she had. There was either enough for both or Sadie was willing to share her part. That is a little different because most of the time Sadie doesn't like sharing "her" water bowl and will lay next to it in a guarding position.

I had the feeling that Stella liked the field being cut because it was easier for her to run and they both ran a lot at different parts of the field.

Here comes Sadie on a high speed, ears flying sprint ... Her 8th birthday is tomorrow.

On they way back home, they were all over the place finding new stuff hidden below the cut hay.


It definitely made the morning walk much easier and much drier. We will head out later tonight after they bale the field into large rolls. With my very sore right achilles tendon today (comes and goes) I'll be around the house and will take photos of the baling process and the equipment they are using.

The smell of fresh cut hay in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana is great today.

June 16, 2016

A Beautiful Day In 'The Tropics'

From start to finish today, the day was beautiful. The humidity had dropped enough and the temps had cooled enough after yesterday afternoon storms ... it was great today.

That sunshine I posted yesterday morning didn't last long before the rain showed up for most of the afternoon. Soon after that rain was finished the temps had dropped at least 15° and the humidity had vanished.

This morning was a different story with the bright sunshine, no clouds, and a slight breeze from the southwest. Yet, not much was done today. A typical nice day is what I call it.

For some reason this morning both hounds take off for the far left corner of the yard .. not really the direction I want them to wander off. It's too easy for them to head toward the neighbors house and too hard for me to find them. I can think of only one time they were actually in the neighbor's yard but each of them have gone too far in that direction a few times.

Luckily it was warm enough this morning around 10:30am, that Sadie didn't stay long and sprinted toward the house to get back inside to the air conditioned environment. Stella was at the house waiting for us.

The three hounds didn't do much more than this after lunch. They were more interested in getting back inside for their afternoon siestas instead of wandering the field. Sadie didn't even give me the stare down begging for a walk.

By early evening it was time to take the hounds out. That field looks pretty to many but I am ready for it to be cut and baled. I usually pull of 5-8 ticks off of me after each walk and I have not found any on the hounds. I've only done one dose of Nexgard for them back in late April or early May.

The hay is tall enough that it's hard to keep track of them at times. I've mentioned I'm sure too many times by now.

Stella was wagging her tail during these next three photos but I never saw what she had found and she didn't pull up anything from the ground. Those three photos were taken in rapid sequence.

She was coming when called today which was a pleasant surprise.

Do you see either one of them?  I don't either.

I'm headed back outside to enjoy the nice weather. I can't believe it's already 8:30pm with over an hour of sunshine left.

Another nice day here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.