Showing posts with label Ava Sleeps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ava Sleeps. Show all posts

January 17, 2025

Rain Before Single Digit Weather ???

It has gradually warmed up this week and it is forecasted to rain tonight after midnight. Then almost a 100% chance of rain on Saturday. Does that mean all the snow that is covering everybody's yards will disappear? Then to top that off, the paper this morning was warning everybody of "dangerously cold" weather that will start when I get up on Sunday with windchill's below 0°. That's a drastic movement in weather after a day of rain. Sounds like fun but those kind of changes in weather are typical of Indiana weather.

August 24, 2024

Burned Some Weeds Today

It is back to being hot today, 92° currently at 2:19pm. You will see later what the other three are doing along with Ava. She is blocking some of that AC air that comes out of that vent. Last Thursday I think it was, I bought the Lincoln Electronic Inferno Weed Burner. The instructions were a few paragraphs of nothing so consequently I didn't operate that nor the propane bottle correctly.