Showing posts with label Freezing Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freezing Weather. Show all posts

February 16, 2025

Rain To Snow Instantly

We haven't been real motivated lately. Colder than I like outside plus there were occasional rains a couple of days. Since I am counting time until mid-March with hopes of Spring being here for good, I had to find something to do inside. I pulled off the 8 seasons of Dexter from my dvd case and started watching that.

January 17, 2025

Rain Before Single Digit Weather ???

It has gradually warmed up this week and it is forecasted to rain tonight after midnight. Then almost a 100% chance of rain on Saturday. Does that mean all the snow that is covering everybody's yards will disappear? Then to top that off, the paper this morning was warning everybody of "dangerously cold" weather that will start when I get up on Sunday with windchill's below 0°. That's a drastic movement in weather after a day of rain. Sounds like fun but those kind of changes in weather are typical of Indiana weather.

February 28, 2019

Cold Rain Snow Mix

Two steps outside this morning and I was wanting those 55° temperatures back from earlier in the week. It was really cold outside and I wasn't in the mood for it. Stella and I took off anyway for a short 17 minute walk. The day was pretty anti-climatic after getting up around 3:30am and staying up.
By the time lunch rolled around there was a mixture of light rain/snow and Heidi was having none of that. She turned and headed to the house where it was nice and warm inside.
Same with Stella. She was just outside long enough to pee, headed to the house so she would walk up next to it on the way back inside. Needless to say by mid-afternoon it was coming down harder and the afternoon walk was cancelled.

No candy bars today. No insane craving for sugar either. Back to reading my book.

It was good today in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

December 24, 2018

Stella Braves The Cold

It was a few minutes past 8am Christmas Eve morning when Stella and I headed out. It was one of the coldest mornings yet this winter. The ground was hard as a rock, cold breeze from the NE and too many deer scents for Stella to check out.

December 30, 2017

Sadie's Walk This Morning

Feeling the wind from the NW this morning hitting the left side of my face during our walk, it feels like the forecast of single digit temps this afternoon may cancel any walks today. The windchill was 10° but I knew we had to walk this morning or Sadie would go insane ... jumping up thinking we were going for a walk every time I moved inside the house.

December 26, 2017

The Hounds Inspect The Frozen Tundra

Evidently Stella may have had a piece of frozen snow between her paws yesterday when she turned around and went home soon after we started. She did the afternoon walk with no problems. This morning being a few degrees colder than yesterday, she stayed in the field while Sadie and I did the walk. Heidi refuses to come out from her Marmot sleeping bag.