Showing posts with label Ava's A Digger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ava's A Digger. Show all posts

September 09, 2024

I Have A Digger

Latest update at 6:15pm I found a mole track about 25' long following the fence just inside it. THAT is the sudden change to digging in the yard. Yes a hole here and there over the summer but the last two days was along that fence line but I didn't see any mole tracks at that time. Tonight those tracks were big enough to step on to get the ground back level. At least I have my answer because I was sure she was getting enough exercise.

About an hour after I posted this I heard a "yelp' from my computer desk. Ava wasn't around. I had a feeling I would see something she had done. Most likely crawled under the fence because it does flex and then didn't know how to get out. She would not come out the way she went in so I bent over the fence and lifted her out. This is something I don't have time for.