September 09, 2024

I Have A Digger

Latest update at 6:15pm I found a mole track about 25' long following the fence just inside it. THAT is the sudden change to digging in the yard. Yes a hole here and there over the summer but the last two days was along that fence line but I didn't see any mole tracks at that time. Tonight those tracks were big enough to step on to get the ground back level. At least I have my answer because I was sure she was getting enough exercise.

About an hour after I posted this I heard a "yelp' from my computer desk. Ava wasn't around. I had a feeling I would see something she had done. Most likely crawled under the fence because it does flex and then didn't know how to get out. She would not come out the way she went in so I bent over the fence and lifted her out. This is something I don't have time for.

Not counting the dog I grew up with, I have had hounds since 1987 and dogs were added to that list in 2020 when I bought my first dog that was not a basset hound or bloodhound ... Walter. 37 years is a long time and a lot of dogs. Most of them were puppies when I bought them but there were a few adult hounds sprinkled in that I adopted from a basset hound rescue and a rehome. 

Never in 37 years have I had a hound or dog that would be classified as "a digger" but I have one now.

That was a key feature I missed reading about when I was exploring the German Shepherd breed. I thought I had read enough before picking up Ava from a young couple that was too busy to keep her as a puppy, the last of the six pup litter. An unexpected litter. After the first hole I found a few months ago I did a search on "are German shepherds a digger" and found more than enough information telling me it was part of their DNA. I was really hoping it was an act of boredom, I could fix that.

While cleaning the yard Sunday morning with tentative plans to go bike riding right after I finished that chore that I do twice per day, I ran on to this along the fence line. Seeing this changed my whole day that affected me into the night when I finally decided to give up and go to bed. I could tell by the way that hard clay was dug into, it had taken "them" a while to do that.

I was pretty sure I knew too, when it happened.

There was a long period of time while I was watching football on Saturday that I didn't see a hound or dog anywhere. I double checked the view from my seat on the couch to this area yesterday and I could have seen the two suspected when I would glance outside. So did this happen in the dark? I was still watching football then and at least Watson and Ava were outside during that time.

Two simple reasons those two are the suspects. (1) I caught Ava in the act, late yesterday afternoon and again this morning. (2) Dirt that matches the color of the dirt is on Watson's toenails. Henry sat on the patio and watched the crime in action. 

I had bought a new dirt tamper a few weeks ago to use on the holes already dug by Ava. But that was on the list to do later this month when it's a goood time to plant grass to repair bare spots or overseed the lawn. While mumbling to myself, mostly outloud, I brought out the rake, the tamper and a bag of topsoil I had sitting in the shed for moments like these.

I raked the hard clay dust and fine textured dirt back where it came from then tampered that into the hole as deep as I could. A bag of topsoil filled in nicely and as you see I planted grass seed pretty heavy. Both blue and lime green seed is tall fescue but the blue is for shaded areas as well as sunny skies. I used both because they were what was left in their bags.

I watered it to get the process started, knowing I will be doing that now for a few weeks. BUT THIS STORY IS NOT OVER ... not even close. It didn't surprise me though and I was just happy there was still a little daylight left for the day to do my work.

The plastic poles and plastic fence may look familiar to some. It looks fragile but believe it or not it does do fairly well keeping the hounds and dogs off the new grass seed ... Except Henry. Last year when I was trying to replant the far corner of the fence where Watson sits and observes the neighbor, I looked out once and Henry is inside the fenced area laying on the new dirt and seed taking a nap. So I do know this set up does have it's limits.

So when I saw Ave digging a little on the new topsoil late Sunday afternoon I went to plan B.

The one thing I have noticed about Ava when she causes damage, she will move on to something else and never returns to the previous crime ... unless it is standing up on her hind legs and pulling a palm tree over onto the floor like she did last week. Usually though she moves to something new but this hole digging has been going off and on now since June.

See that new fresh pile of dirt? That was this morning and again things were too quiet inside the house as I walked from the computer room to the patio door. She was not digging fast but slowly as if she was looking for something as she stopped, then started again.

When I yelled my normal question that I do on many occasions but not fit for print, she sprinted past my leg as I stood in the opened patio door and right into her crate. She knew she had been caught again in the act just like yesterday afternoon.

I don't want her to fear the crate and still obey the command "Ave Crate" when I leave, so I did Not shut the door and lock her inside as punishment. I let her sit there as I got another cup of coffee, telling her "you cannot keep digging in my yard Ava."

Of course Henry and Walter could sense Ava was in trouble again. By the time I had a cup of coffee in my hand they were there to make sure she wouldn't get in any more trouble. 

I guess you can see her nose is a dead giveaway that she is guilty. Adjustments will have to be made at least for a while. For her own protection and my sanity I have been crating her when I leave the house. She will still be able to roam the backyard with the others as usual but I am going to have to keep an eye on her, and hoping to catch her starting to dig so I can yell "no" and hopefully break this habit.

Let's see what the rest of the day brings.

They were given freedom to move in and out of the house like always today. I was away from the computer room for most of the time and didn't see who had snuck a head or stuck a nose inside the fenced off boundary. No footprints but it was kind of a test anyway to see if I could catch the guilty one.

A little after 1pm I tightened the fence security and place another obstacle in the corner where someone was checking out.

A beautiful day and for some reason I didn't do one thing that I really wanted to do. Pure laziness. Is being less motivated a sign of getting older? If it is, I am not a fan of that process. I didn't feel like doing anything all day.

I forgot to mention that on Friday I went out to buy some healthy snacks. Things like beef jerky, pork rinds, corn chips and salsa, some bagels for breakfasts on the mornings I go bike riding and a loaf of sourdough bread for my tuna sandwiches. September was here so that meant a fresh gallon of apple cider. The interesting thing was the "new to me" 16 oz Pepsi's for the same price I use to buy the 20 oz'er. 

When I come back inside of course the crew of four do too ... then they all go back to sleep. I guess they are not that motivated either in this nice weather. 

I am going to cut this off short today and post it.

It's beautiful fall weather here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. This was a great story to read but not to experience like you did. The picture of Henry and Walter with Ava in the crate was a hoot. Better luck tomorrow catching them in the act !

    1. Like the training video I saw last night I am at the stage where I have to control her environment. Yet since I found the source of her digging, that solves part of the problem.

  2. Between your description of the events of the day and some of the photos of the gang, especially with the Walter and Henry protecting Ava in the crate, I was laughing out loud. I have had issues with the gophers eating the roots and killing off plants and trees. Have lost a Pink Dogwood and Golden Chain trees and numerous Mountain Laurel bushes that were 3 feet high. Every new tree/plant is placed in an expanding metal type basket before going into the ground.

    1. Yard work is a never ending battle here unlike the house I lived in north of here. I have some major work to do before winter.
