Since I only used my iPhone camera yesterday and didn't download anything from my Nikon camera, this picture of the Friday night rain did not show up until my download this morning. While surrounding towns had severe thunderstorms and wind, we had only heavy rain for only 15 minutes.
I didn't post any photos last night after our afternoon walk because using the 'zoom' feature on the iPhone 6s camera did not work out well.
I had fallen behind transferring photos from my computer to Google Photos and Flickr. I use both for online backups with a ton of free storage available. So I spent a little time doing that Saturday afternoon but also once they were uploaded I looked through them. In both programs the photos looked great whether they were from my Nikon D3200 or the iPhone 6s camera. Flickr still has better quality because it does not compress any photos that are uploaded.
These next 3 photos are from the iPhone yesterday afternoon and edited.
I wanted to continue my test for blog photos so I changed the settings from 'photo' to 'square'. I still needed to crop all of them to center each hound. I clicked the enhance icon on a few of them. I realize that each camera can do different things and each has it's own features to like ... so I have two really good cameras.
About the time that Sadie, Stella and I were going to head back inside after their late lunch break, I couldn't find Heidi in back or the carport. She had moved out to her favorite sunning spot in the front yard.
I am thinking of trimming the top third off the Yews to make them shorter. I know that I don't want them to get any higher than what they are now.
I found it to be very easy to zoom taking iPhone photos. All I needed to do was spread my two finger on the screen. It would be simpler if the sunshine did not block out what you were trying to see.
Sunday morning ....

By the time I had coffee, some internet and blog reading this morning, Sadie and Stella were more than ready for our first walk of the day. With the high humidity early this morning Heidi was in mid-afternoon form and had passed out on the couch with the AC running at maximum output.
With my running shoes getting soaked yesterday when it was after 12 noon, I decided to go back to my waterproof hiking boots for this morning's walk.
As I was saying earlier, using the zoom feature on my iPhone 6s last night did not work out well. I zoomed in the hounds where they had filled my screen before taking the picture. Every one of them turned out too blurry and distorted. Even those photos I took with 50% zoom turned out the same way. They were so bad that I did not even keep them in my photo library on the computer.
This morning I moved back to the Nikon D3200 for this morning's walk. I cleaned the lens, the mirrors inside with a camera cleaning kit just in case there was some dust affecting the quality of my recent photos. I cannot tell that the cleaning made any difference ... although I like these photos better than those taken with the phone.
Stella likes to change her walk routine about every 2-3 weeks. Today for some strange reason she never went left to the middle of the field but stayed on the path I walk and was the 'leader of the pack' for a lot of it. The theme of the day was 'adding protein' more than 'identifying scent'.
They were both around the corner and out of sight before I could raise my camera. Stella was doing a fast trot but not quite the same run that Sadie was doing.
Believe it or not, this is Stella out in front of Sadie and I ... she is usually way behind us.
Stella again ... Sadie is back near me before she took off sprinting to see what Stella had found.
With this much intensity I would expect to see something fresh but as you will see a couple of pictures lower that is not the case. The ground is basically dry under her nose.
Even with me standing above her saying "let's go" ... she doesn't move and in fact she resisted as I tugged at her collar.
As the hounds took off toward the far right corner of the field they had found some more additional protein. This area is heavily traveled by deer as it is just outside their entry down into the gully.
I looked at and even touched this area their noses were at and it was nothing more they dead dry grass near the dirt.
I took this same picture yesterday with the iPhone camera and wanted to do it this morning for comparison. Only today I did some editing and took out the power lines that were in the left corner of the photo. I prefer to keep pictures as original as possible but I did like not seeing the power lines in this picture.
Stella was more active in the field this morning than I had seen her in a while. A few times just after taking a picture of her in the distance by the time I turned to look for Sadie, Stella had ran up right behind me.
This is also a deer path along the back of the field that goes around the large power tower and heads north into the woods or into the field to the right.
Once we make that final turn home Stella always slows her pace, if that is even possible, and slowly strolls home. The last time I left her out there to go at her own pace and to go where she wanted ... she didn't show up at the house to be let in for 35 minutes after Sadie and I were inside.
Her newest routine, about 4 days old, is veering on the return path through the middle of the field and toward the pole that shows the north property line. As I walk the normal path that moves away from her, she heads toward the yard.
Today would be the type of day to move a chair or tie up a hammock in this shaded area and enjoy the day. I could move a chair and my ice tea but my hammock was lost or left in one of my moves decades earlier.
I have a busy sports day today on tv. This will keep me inside and out of the hot humid temps. I like this weather but I still don't want to spend all day outside in it.
After the hounds are fed lunch once they wake up ... they have all overslept their normal lunch time ... I'll get another walk in before the Formula 1 race is on at 2pm. Yes it was ran live this morning but I'm never in the mood to watch racing at 7am.
That race will lead me into the Reds game at 4pm while the DVR will turn on at 5pm to tape the IndyRacingLeague race from Iowa. I'll watch that later tonight.
On a recommendation from Tom I bought a circular polarize filter yesterday for my Tamron lens. With my Best Buy certificates and award points I had forgot about I had a huge 75% discount on the cost. I am anxious to try it out and see the differences. I'll let you know when I start using it. It's due to arrive on Wednesday, maybe sooner.
For something different I'll leave you with our morning picture of the cornfield across the highway in what my Apple Photos editing program calls "mono".
I think I can squeeze in a lunch before the hounds wake up. It even feels like a Sunday today so I can confirm my internal clock has been calibrated.
Perfect weather today here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.