Showing posts with label Nikon D3200. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nikon D3200. Show all posts

July 15, 2022

What Happen To The Cameras?

Something a little different in today's post .... more rambling, not sure what photos will show up or which direction my thoughts will go. A friend and I have been talking about blogging more lately. We had both quit blogging a while ago, he longer than I. In fact he has restarted his blog because of his need to write. That got me thinking about my blog from a few years ago when I would post daily and sometimes twice in a day.

Nothing has really changed in my routine now that I am back in Indiana for the past 14 months (times flies) so nothing for sure yet, but I am thinking of dragging my old cameras out of storage or off the shelf and start blogging more. There are plenty of things to blog about around this small city and of course the dog and the hounds will give me photo possibilities.

So no promises but we will see what happens here. At least it would get me out of the house and solve my urge to write, even if I am not a professional writer .. misspelled words and bad grammar at times brings a "roar from the crowd".

I bought that Nikon D3200 in 2014 and it was my main camera UNTIL the last two iPhones I have had with their great cameras and in some cases better, sharper picture quality. I still have my iPhone 11 Pro Max with no plans of upgrading to the smaller iPhone 13 with the wider bezel like I had on my iPhone 5. But the Nikon D3200 had some competition when I bought the iPhone 8 Pro (?) a few years ago ... really my iPhone is my daily camera I guess.

September 29, 2020

Drive By Shooting Yesterday

As you can tell by the number of photos today it was slow and not much was done. Blog editing, a siesta, lunch, more editing and the hounds and the dog slept a lot. I was told the air quality was poor at sunrise but better quality by late afternoon. We had a drive-by shooting yesterday in the middle of the afternoon on one of the main roads, Fry Blvd. Strange for such a small town of 44,000. Car and truck were side by side moving down the street when shots were fired. The 19 year old victim died later. It will be interesting to see the reason for it.

September 01, 2019

The Vet Says Stella Is Doing Well

Not a lot has been going on since Stella needs to be confined to the house, can't go on walks and needs a plastic bag put over her bandage if the yard is wet. That has happened only one time although it has stormed the last three out of four nights. Heidi as you will see below doesn't change her routine much. I do believe though as the temperature cools during the day that she will start taking more walks.

The past few days Stella had figured out that we were not walking. She was no longer whining to go on that walk yet every time I pick up the car keys she is excited and wants to go. She did that Friday morning at 10am as we headed out for her vet appointment where they would change the bandage, check the stitches and see if things were healing.

With the recent Border Patrol bust in the middle of a high traffic area in town, the Aerostat has been in the air 24/7 and I hear a lot more helicopter traffic since that news. Reports were they were caught loading cars or vans with illegal immigrants. Strange to me that they were near a high traffic area surrounded by shopping centers. I did not see anything in the paper about it but caught the news on one of my Twitter feeds.

After a night of the best storm I had seen yet.

Stella doesn't mind the bandage and has not tried chewing it off. She does not limp when she walks and a few times when she thinks she has a chance to escape through the front door when I go out, she almost breaks into a trot. I did not realize until the photos I took this morning that both bandages matched colors in her collar. How is that for attention to detail at the vet office?

They received the lab results on the growth they removed from Stella's paw. It was benign. 

This is about all the aerobic activity Stella and Heidi get during this time for Stella's recovery.

Notice the color change of the bandage on Friday ... matching colors in her collar. From pinkish red to purple.

It looks this nice every morning but with a 20% chance of thunderstorms later this afternoon and tonight ... it seems like a 100% the past few nights. I saw it storm the other afternoon when the weather apps said there was only a 10% chance of rain. We have our own little weather system in this area.

We have not seen any snakes or spiders, since I saw the snake in the driveway a few weeks ago. Stella and now Heidi move over the backyard daily with their noses to the ground in the mornings to make sure they know what kind of traffic, if any, had been there during the night.

When I moved in the seller had new carpet runners in different areas of the house. I rolled up all of  them except the one by the front door. Since day one, that has been one of Heidi's favorite places to sleep or just sit and relax. She chooses that piece of carpet over her Mexican blanket that is in the opposite corner.

In this photo I left the spot on the door on purpose. In this post all the photos but four, were taken with the Canon G9X camera that has a black spot on the sensor. That black spot showed up after I had the camera for only 6 months. I am heading to the Canon camera forum after this to see what the solution is. I'll contact Cannon about a fix since it is still under warranty. In the other photos I erased the black spots through editing the photo.

I didn't think the four photos I posted here taken with the Nikon D3200 were that good either. I am beginning to think the best camera I have in the house is my iPhone 8+. Maybe I should start looking at and researching the new attachments they are coming out with for higher zoom capability. Currently their built in zoom is not that good.  That might be better than spending money on a different camera.

There have been times I have had the feeling that my new 2019 Toyota 4Runner TRD OffRoad is too luxurious to go off-road. It will go anywhere I want it to but it's not like the old 4Runners that felt more like a truck. This feels more like a "family suv" than an off-road vehicle. I still say that the best car Toyota ever made was the FJ Cruiser. They stopped making them.

Long time readers know what happens when my braincells start thinking about cars and analyzing. Over the past 10 years at least I have had a TON of different cars and suvs. The best combination I ever own was one FJ and one sports car. Those sports cars were either Mini Cooper S or BMW Z4's.

I might go out for a short Sunday bike ride today just to see how my finger reacts, which is in it's 7th day of healing from a very deep cut. The cut is in the way of everything I hold, from a fork, a knife or where my hands go on a pair of bicycle handlebars. I'll find out today real soon after I start riding.

College Football arrived these past three days in the Wild West.

March 23, 2019

Stella Explores & The D.C Rats

This morning I had the urge to take the Nikon D3200 with me instead of the Canon 9G X and it did not disappoint. Each camera has it's own good features that the other camera doesn't have. I took 68 photos this morning but no fear, I posted only 39 of them here. As you see, Stella was back to "my" normal routine of taking the correct path on the walk. We were off to a good start.
Of course the first thing I noticed was how heavy the D3200 was in comparison to the smaller Canon G9. It also felt a little cumbersome at first as I tried holding it under my arm as I pulled my jacket sleeve back on my left wrist to start my activity timer. I almost dropped it. A slight change that was interesting, I caught myself looking at the monitor on back of the camera to take the picture instead of through the view finder.
When I use the Canon G9 I have yet to use the camera well enough to capture a close up picture like this at close distance. I need more practice, at least before the field turns green with wild flowers galore and the butterflies later in the summer.

Another change I made this morning for my own sanity and a possible test ... when Stella was busy with her nose to the ground, as long as she wasn't eating deer scat I was going to let her take time to fully investigate the scent she had picked up. If that included her wandering a little off course then so be it ... the time was hers. I wanted to see what would happen if she never heard the words "come on" and could go at her own pace.
It was cold this morning, really cold but the day has plans of warming up from 27° to 53° although by the time that happens I will be buried in my couch with four basketball games on my split screen at once. March Madness never disappoints with some upsets by schools you never could dream of them beating their opponent. It never fails and as usual, if you are a 5 seeded team playing a 12 seeded team ... watch out. 12 seeded teams have made those upsets over the years more than any other underdog.
At first I thought that Stella had some deer scat she was eating but when I walked over to see, she only had her nose pressed on the ground. It was like a magnet. I gave her the time to investigate like I promised myself and walked away.
We were not even to the first turn yet and she had already moved in front of me, slammed on her brakes so she could walk in front of me at a crawl, causing me to tip toe or chop my steps, to keep from walking into her. If I went around her, she'd eventually move back in front of me.
I do notice as I look at these pictures, the color is not as deep and defined as when I take the same pictures at the same time of day with the Canon G9 X. This is after I added some color and other editing to these pictures.
When the field is under heavy frost it is easier to see all of the hoof prints of the deer traffic and all of their paths they have worn while moving through the field from the gully or into the wooded areas. You can barely see the path that veers right, which leads to the top of the gully and moves to the bottom. I haven't been up in the 'far right corner' in a while ... Sadie use to love exploring that part of the field.
Deer traffic must have been heavy last night or this morning. Stella must have stopped a hundred times during the walk to sniff certain areas. I didn't say a word and either kept walking or getting in a better position to take a picture. It might have been below freezing temps but the birds were out in force, filling the morning with constant chirping.
The path that Stella is taking is also made by routine deer traffic. It will go straight ahead but right before that large power tower they will turn and walk in front of the tower, curl back to the edge of the field and the move to the corner of the north woods. Maybe tomorrow I'll take Stella down that path all the way to the north woods so you can see what I am talking about.
Once again, her nose is pressed hard into the ground.
She seems to be on some sort of mission today. She was very focussed which is different for her.
While I was taking pictures of things behind me, you can barely see Stella moving in front of those bushes, still curious about what she is smelling.
I don't know if she came to a point where the scent disappeared or something else was confusing her. I was not saying a word, just watching to see if we were heading home or going north to the woods
he decided it was time to head home.
On thing I like on the Nikon D3200 is the 200mm zoom lens of course. It does a better job of getting some detailed pictures of Stella's loose skin as she walks, or her frowns. The Canon G9 X zooms to only 84mm. That was a difference I thought long and hard about before deciding to make the purchase. Could I work with a maximum of 84mm??
When I saw where she was walking I thought we might be headed to the neighbor's house two doors down from me. She was on the worn old ATV path made a couple of summers ago and it circles to the backyard of the neighbor that owns the field. I remained quiet though because I wanted to see how she would do today without any verbal herding.
It didn't take long for her to get back on the path. She acted like she wanted to trot or run but didn't because her paws were cold. Not that they were, but she acted as if they were too cold to run or trot on.
Yes, same spot every day, same glance in the same direction ... checking out the small wooded area behind the neighbor's house. I saw nothing nor heard anything in the direction she was looking.

I continued to read my books last night while glancing at the ballgames with the sound turned off.  The book called "How Not To Die", talks of eating a plant-based diet and with scientific proof to validate the reasons why plus show all the different diseases it reverses.

I was surprised but happy to read when he said there is nothing wrong with having an occasional loaded pizza or a cheeseburger ... as long as "you are not dipping your fork into the eliminated foods every day" and he talked about how this dieting stuff works if you have an addictive personality. One where a person goes from one extreme to another but never falling in between.

That would be me. One extreme or another. It also explained why I have always had trouble in the past of allowing myself to eat foods I am trying not to, (moderation) then falling off the diet wagon and going back to eating anything I want whenever I want.

Still, it has come to a point in time for me, at least mentally, do I want heart surgery in my future or do I want to follow Dr. Greger's recommendations and prevent that painful process?
I am doing a pretty good job following the plan as I move into my 4th straight day. It was also good news to see that they had proven in other tests he had read in Medical Journals that it was a good thing to have four cups of coffee per day but no more, nor less than two. The results of those different test groups had distinct results.

I don't think I could handle four cups per day ... I'm fine with only two cups of coffee per day.
Like I have said before many times, just because we are getting close to the end of the walk that does not mean it will be over in a few minutes. She always finds one more thing she just has to investigate. In her own eyes she is also retired and time means nothing to her.  :)
She looked at me for an answer, what was that high on the fence post (squirrel???) but I had no idea. Have you ever seen a more confused looking hound?
After she walked down the slight incline toward the house to finish her walk, then turned in the opposite direction to check out something else, I knew the animal traffic was extremely busy while we slept last night. She knows something or more than one animal has been in her yard. She is NOT as possessive of her yard or house like Sadie was. She is not a watch dog either.
Another morning walk is in the books. We took about five minutes longer than we normally do with the freedom I gave her this morning. Our first games start at Noon with an NIT game. Heidi had not made any sounds yet that she is up and ready to start her day ... that's about an hour away.

I'll still get in some pictures of Heidi's Saturday to post tonight, normal time ... 7:15pm.

Have I become addicted to blogging twice per day?

I know I am not breaking any news here because we all know the Mueller Report has been sent to the AG, it's all over the news. I have not watched any tv news but I could tell from the headlines from different online news sites ... it seems that CNN, MSNBC, MSN are going into the 'meltdown' mode ... they just can't believe the results.

One thing that they are not reporting on but it is going to get really interesting is this ...

The past and present rats in D.C. are scrambling I would hope to see Comey, McCabe and a few others behind bars once the IG Investigation is over but I know that will never happen. So I will be satisfied seeing the truth about them be brought out in more detail for the public to read and watch them squirm, maybe make their life a little more uncomfortable.

They DID break Federal Law ... prosecute them.

Need some humor ???

The Somalis are pissed at Amazon in Minnesota. Personally I don't give a rat's ass what they want or what their complaints are. I agree with the blog author that it all boils down to, they want times off during the work day for their daily prayers. Go find another job. F*** 'em.

I could go on about a lot of stuff this morning. My political rambling is bubbling right below the surface this morning ... but I need some breakfast and get back to my book reading before my IU game at noon, then the NCAA games the rest of the day.

So I'll pass on the ranting and just leave you with those two nuggets .. in the links. Be sure to read all of the article in the first link. Trump has already asked the DOJ to review and start releasing the emails and texts they have been holding until the Mueller Investigation was over. They are taking away the redactions. Oh boy!!

The truth is going to come out, even more than what we have heard so far and that is a great thing.

It's a beautiful morning here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.