Showing posts with label Blogger Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Problems. Show all posts

August 29, 2020

Henry Unafraid Of Thunder

While the winds picked up Friday afternoon it looked like the storms were blowing north over the Huachucas and we'd miss some rain we needed. The loud thunder was rolling and it was a true test to see if this new puppy was going to be afraid or be a storm trooper. Henry passed with flying colors as he roamed the backyard while Stella, Heidi, Walter and I sat on the patio enjoying the breeze.

People have asked what he is doing in a yard of nothing but rocks. His nose is superb and he is finding every piece of small wood that Walter missed a few months ago. At times he will just lay there and enjoy the warm rocks. Back at the ranch his outdoor kennel had stone just like this yard. Once he walked back through his doggie door it was cold air conditioning.

Blogger is acting up again putting the photos in reverse order ... I'll wait a while to finish this post and see what happens later.


While rained outside Walter and Henry had a very active wrestling match inside. It's good to see Walter take it easy with a puppy that he could smash if he wanted to. He does exactly what Stella did to him a few weeks ago ... lets Henry pull and chew at his excess skin, climb all over him and keeps him playing when you think they are finished.

They played until totally exhausted. I saw Henry getting a little more aggressive toward the end. Once he gets a little bigger it could be interesting.

Finishing this post Saturday morning ... Blogger put the photos back in order when I loaded them but then it went back to it's new way of spacing between photos and the paragraph. You can see the difference between the starting paragraphs and the ones after my Blogger announcement. It might not bother you but that kind of stuff drives me insane. 

I'll let you know if I stop blogging here and move. It never changes and Blogger has had MONTHS to get this crap fixed.

August 15, 2020

Blogger Is So Frustrating

I can't say that things have changed much in the past three days. I haven't found the urge to crawl out of this funk I have been in lately where every day is the same and no desire to do anything to change it. Maybe it's just old fashion laziness. It is still raining most afternoons although not every afternoon. Tucson tv weather tells me they are setting records for all time highs and temperatures this summer have been 10° warmer than normal. As I write this at 4:16pm, it just dropped below 101°. Consequently the hounds have fallen in love with cold air conditioned air as much as I have.

I see blogger is acting up again as I hit the enter key and fly to the bottom of these photos that I loaded all at once, as I always do. Normally I'll hit the enter key and go to the next line but not today. I hate these new blogger designs. Yes I can go back to the old dashboard style and do it the way it works but why put off the suffering starting permanently on September 1st ... unless the move that date again.


Walter and Stella will follow me from room to room most of the time and are back asleep within seconds. Heidi is good and will spend most of the day back on her dog bed not bothered by me changing rooms, walking to the bathroom or the refrigerator. She just sleeps until woken up for lunch. She assumes this same position when I take an afternoon siesta.

What the hell is blogger doing??? Very very very frustrating trying to put a post together when it sends me to the bottom of the page each time I am starting a new paragraph under a photo or hit return to go to the next line. Like now.

Now back to the seat gripping story of our days. If I were to decide to head to the bedroom for a full siesta any time of day, those two sleeping giants will wake up in the living room or computer room and fall right back to sleep next to my bed and blocking the doorway. In fact that is the same place they spend the night. Luckily I have a bathroom I can use to the right of this photo, for my nightly trip(s). I'll see you, I am now clicking the 'return' key and will end up at the bottom of the page. I have zero patience for crap like this.


I forgot to mention whenever you see Walter sleeping in any photo you can add the loudest snoring imaginable. I mean he could rattle my windows by the volume he snores.

By late afternoon Heidi has barely moved. She will wake up though if she hears any king of food being prepared or opened in the kitchen. I think she has a hard time hearing most of the time except when it comes to food.

I apologize ... I can't do this anymore today .... I'll make the photos a little bigger but that is all I can do from here on out. Maybe these kind of issues is a reason I have not blogged as often. Every time I try to blog on Blogger there is something new that doesn't work. You can check out my new blog on the sidebar though or just click here. Old photos, different format ... you know that when I get bored or frustrated I start making new blogs.  LOL

Also the photos are not going to be evenly spaced today either because blogger will not let me delete that extra line space it is adding when I hit the 'enter' key.


Between Blogger doing it's own thing and Wordpress no longer lets you load multiple photos in a single file all at once, I wonder at times why I even try to blog ... just to frustrating, especially when you cannot contact support or get an answer. I hate bots, blog support, and a bunch of other things right now but I'll keep my mouth shut. Eating has been my stress release lately and that is never a good thing.

Thunder and lightning right now here in the 'Wild West'. 

January 04, 2020

The Hounds Are Ready For 2020

What can I say? Life has been busy around here with normal stuff and some days I run out of time. I guess with us being here almost 7 months, life is back to a normal feel and a routine. I never make goals for the new year but I do see some things already changing within the first few days. All good stuff. It's also one of those times I am becoming a little bored with blogging and find some hikes and trips are good without taking photos. Someone told me once "the best pictures you will take will be the ones you don't." Although with a lack of adventure there is some news or updates really.

Heidi and I both had annual checkups including blood lab work. She is a healthy 10-11 year old basset with a waistline the vet really liked seeing. My lab work came back better than I ever expected with low cholesterol, normal blood pressure and a PSA count below 1. There was nothing on my blood lab work that was above the limits. I guess the labwork confirmed my diet of "moderation" and an occasional splurge is working okay. I set up an appointment for the same physical next year before I left.

My vet called me yesterday, or the administrator for the vet clinic. She was wanting to know what my complaints were about with Heidi's visit. I never mentioned their clinic name by name but they tracked me down by a comment I made on Facebook. Imagine that!! I'll just say that nothing turns me off more than a vet clinic trying to "up sell" me when I know my hound is healthy and all I want is the annual checkup and a rabies shot that is required by law. Nothing else.

With blue skies and higher afternoon temps I am still riding my bike inside on the trainer but plan an afternoon ride today with the temps in the 60's. There will still be a cool breeze but it will be nice to get back out on the road after a week or so.

 A zoomed in look over towards Tombstone. I finally decided yesterday I'd wait for a parking space and walk among the crowds to see Tombstone up close for the first time. For me, too many people and everything was overpriced. I took only a couple of photos and then deleted them when I got home. I'll try to back when few people are there.

Stella has a new nighttime sleeping routine. It's always been these two spots to sleep most of the night. This is one, the other is just to the left of the photo where she is next to the bed, against the wall next to the door. The new routine ???? She will sleep in the area where she can dig and move any shoes that might be in her way. The other morning I found she had slept on two pairs of shoes and a pair of hiking boots. Right on top of all of them. Yes, my Merrell shoes are under her and not seen in the photo.

Heidi sinks deep into her bed that I bought in October (?).

Stella's way of begging for food or when she is waiting for me to finish a container of yogurt or ice cream. She will get the container to lick out every last drop that is left. You must admit, she is consistent and disciplined in her process. Yes that is a little bit of Arizona dirt on her nose ... that's her latest new thing ... eating the dirt under the rocks in the yard. Never a dull moment with her.

Once she is fed her breakfast and a short trip outside she is ready to start her day of relaxation. I think she looks much younger than 10 years old.


A few days ago I attempted to write a post. I load all of my photos first and then type between them. When I clicked the button to upload the photos from my computer to the blogger format, this is what I saw. It's the first time I've ever seen that screen in the 14 years I've been blogging. I blogged for my online business prior to starting this blog in 2011.

All it took was to turn my computer off and on, then log into the blog again for it to go away.

I still love seeing the new sunrises each day but they are also becoming routine. Like how many photos can you post on the blog of the same thing or things?

This is the ONLY reason I am woken up by a whining bloodhound every morning and a basset hound shaking it's head hard enough where I can hear her tags making noise. They like to eat no matter what time of day or night. That is their main goal first thing in the morning.

You can see they love the sunshine and have spent every afternoon outside sunbathing and taking siestas.

I admit I am surprised that Heidi has adjusted from a grass yard to one of stone. Her allergies are gone, her eyes are clear and she takes the daily walk with Stella and I every afternoon. We will move that walk back to early mornings once spring arrives. The move to Arizona has been good not only for her but all of us.

Besides what is posted here I don't have much more to say. Things are good, life is very enjoyable and I still love this area as much as I did the first days I moved here. The new hip continues to heal and I have finally been able to read the list of things they installed and read the step by step process without feeling sick to my stomach.

Things are back to a normal routine here in the 'Wild West'.