Showing posts with label Breaking Bad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking Bad. Show all posts

March 12, 2025

Yard Cleanup Is THE Adventure

I've been busy lately and not really in the mood to blog. Even this post was a borderline decision on whether to blog about it or not. The thing is when you don't travel and enjoy retirement living at home, there are not many adventures. Nothing like I had planned on when I started this blog in October 2011. 

Should I change my Blog Title?

July 21, 2024

Ava Continues To Improve

I DO understand there is a lot of news going on but many of us are keeping a close eye on Ava. It all started for her on the June 30th blog where my kitchen looked like an episode in the old tv series called Dexter. I have all the seasons on my DVD shelf. For the viewers that wonder about that show ... most I know felt Season 4 was the best and then the other 4 seasons were never has good. There were subtle changes. Well just some trivia ... After Season 4 of Dexter, their writers took another job on a brand new series called Breaking Bad. That is also on my DVD shelf.

August 13, 2016

The Hounds Have Been Binging

Okay I'll admit it ... the hounds were not the one "binging" ... I'm the guilty one. Some time around 6:30pm last Tuesday I decided that I was going to "binge watch" 44-45 hours of a show called Breaking Bad. It was a show I did not watch nor have any interest in watching when it was on tv but I was hooked after seeing the 1st season on DVD a few years ago.

Before I get started justifying my insanity I will let you know that the hounds never missed a meal being served on time, they didn't lose any sleep and even had their daily walk ... every day.

Me ... not the same. I didn't eat, rarely slept, never shaved but did brush my teeth on a regular basis. If we were not on the hound walk, if I was not feeding them or catching a couple of hours of sleep ... I was watching the show. That is what "bingers" do ... no excuses.

At the time I was looking at 3 straight days of rain ... forecasted ... the temps were so hot and muggy that my AC kept turning on at 2am in the middle of the night. It was too hot to do anything outside, rain was on the way ... supposedly ... and I was tired of the internet. College football was still 3 weeks away so it was the perfect time to binge watch a show.

So I decided to binge. Alcohol was not involved. Two cups of coffee in the morning were, lots of water was consumed and iced tea.

First of all, the subject matter of Breaking Bad may not be acceptable by some or possibly most readers of the blog. The show did win many awards. The story line is great, acting is great, with a lot of drama, some humor and some high powered acts that could be questioned by some. I can see how it cost them 3 million dollars PER episode ... there were some amazing scenes.

I will not go into details of the show, but even though I had watched this show straight though in past years, I had forgotten a lot of the scenes so it was very enjoyable to watch again. I guess it was like reading a great book that you can't put down and then stay up all night to finish. By late Friday night, around 12:30am, we finished the show ... all 6 seasons.

As I opened the door in the middle of the night to let the hounds outside for their final bathroom break for the day ... the muggy warm weather hit me like opening an oven door. Miserable weather.

Earlier in the day we took off for our daily walk. All during the week the walks were not bad until about the half way point where the heat really picked up and you could feel just how hot it really was.

By the time Sadie and I had almost made the final turn to head back home, Stella had not been seen since the start of the walk where she stopped almost immediately and wouldn't come when I called her.

Sadie always ran to keep up with me, never falling to far behind.

As I glanced over to my left with my eyes searching for Stella I saw her running along the path that Sadie and I had taken. It's the same path every day. By the time she got to the corner of the field she was wore out from running ... she walked to me and Sadie taking her time ... it was really hot by then.

All of us walked back as fast as we could, without any photos. Getting back inside to the air conditioning was our only goal. The hounds stayed right on my heels the rest of the way home.

Those three days of forecasted rain? Never showed up. It did rain for a very short time yesterday but nothing like it was predicted.

It's hot and muggy here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.