July 21, 2024

Ava Continues To Improve

I DO understand there is a lot of news going on but many of us are keeping a close eye on Ava. It all started for her on the June 30th blog where my kitchen looked like an episode in the old tv series called Dexter. I have all the seasons on my DVD shelf. For the viewers that wonder about that show ... most I know felt Season 4 was the best and then the other 4 seasons were never has good. There were subtle changes. Well just some trivia ... After Season 4 of Dexter, their writers took another job on a brand new series called Breaking Bad. That is also on my DVD shelf.

Ava slept well last night, which means I did too ... but that is not right. She did, I did not. Many months ago when I ordered and ate a terrible Dominos Pizza, "I will never eat that crap again" ... well I did yesterday and paid for it last night. Up every hour until 3:30am, where I had to decide quickly if I was having indigestion or a cardiac arrest. With Dominos a factor I knew it was just indigestion. Ha Ha

Then the next time up unexpectedly has happened for years. I never know when it will happen, doesn't happen often but when it does it gets very very interesting. I wake up suddenly and literally cannot breath. I found out 20 years or more ago, if I can get outside any month of the year for some colder air to breath, it will open my windpipe and lungs to where I can slowly take in air.

When it happened at first it scared me, a lot. A few times I thought I was going to die and I use to joke with the very few friends or family I told, that I thought if I could get to the front yard up on the hill, then people I knew would see me laying there on their way to work in the morning. At least someone would find me if I had died from lack of breathing.

I know the time as I walk or stagger from the bedroom in any house to the patio or in the past out to the carport ... I have not passed out or fallen down. I also figured out that if I grunted like a Naval pilot does when pulling G's ... that helped clear the airwaves. 

Last night it was a heavy phlegm that was the problem, possibly from the cheese on the pizza. Some of the times it has happened coincided with me eating a lot of ice cream. So when I eat those things earlier in the night or day I am aware that I might have one of those breathing episodes ... many times I do not.

Ava let all of us sleep in today ... 6am. It felt great getting an extra 30-60 minutes of sleep. We didn't do much after that. All of use except Walter spent time enjoying the cooler temps outside. They slept most of the day.

After she walked in the crate on her own and laid down I closed the door so she would not be disturbed and to keep Walter from joining her inside the crate.

While I played my addiction, a game called Block Blast, on my iPad, my iPhone was laying on the arm of the couch. All the sudden my phone exploded with all kinds of tones from friends sending me texts at the same time and one after another with the news on tv. Walter raised up out of a sleep like someone had broke into this house.

While Ava was outside Walter trotted over to the crate, sniffed around the door and hopped in for a nap.

It's been a pretty lazy Sunday here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Looks like some decent peaceful time today. Good for ya'll.

    1. Thanks. I think it's needed every once in a while.

  2. Sorry for your health episode Fortunately you know how to treat it when it happens Just love all the photos of your gang. They are all beauties in their own way.

    1. They are quite the crew and all are different personalities. I am happy they get along as wells as they do.
