Showing posts with label Day Of Drizzling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Day Of Drizzling. Show all posts

March 24, 2019

Heidi's Walk Is Rained Out

It wasn't going to happen today for either hound. It didn't look like that much rain and didn't sound like it was raining hard. When I stepped outside the carport it was coming down harder than I would want to walk in and harder than Stella or Heidi likes. So Heidi's consecutive days record for walking is broken but she still has the consecutive walks streak. In the meantime I've been tired of basketball today. It was on the tv with the sound turned off as I read books. Maybe I'll change the blog theme (design) to have something to do.  :)

January 17, 2019

A Slow Quiet Afternoon

As I thought it might happen, nothing much happened this afternoon. That drizzle I mentioned this morning never stopped. In fact by early afternoon it looked more like a light rain. Stella and I did not venture anywhere out of the yard. Heidi did her lap around the house after lunch and Stella decided she wasn't going any further than 10' from the door. With the light a little rain and no urge to watch any kind of tv, it was a perfect time ... for a four hour siesta!! I caught up on some good quality sleep that I was short on from the 'strange morning' but one problem. I had very few pictures for this post. It was still a good day here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.