Showing posts with label Dogs Sleeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dogs Sleeping. Show all posts

October 23, 2024

Can Anyone Rescue This Beautiful Bloodhound ???

This is on Facebook's page "Rescue Bloodhounds". You can search for that page and then scroll down until you see this ad. Carrie Langley really needs some help re-homing "Red". Red is a 4 year old spayed female, she gets along with other dogs but prefers to eat alone. As usual, anytime a divorce takes place lives of dogs might change and in this case it has for Red.

Due to no fault of Carrie's, Red is now sleeping outside at night instead of inside as a house dog. She has been an indoor house dog since she was bought as a 8 week old puppy. She is so gentle, house trained and likes riding in the passenger seat of a car or Jeep. Carrie is needing to find a new home for her due to her work schedule and travel. She has stayed out side with no fence wearing a GPS collar and enjoys being outside during the day.

Times are tough for everyone nationwide and dogs are being turned into shelters by their owners daily it seems. That and economics might be the reason nobody has interest in re-homing here. Carrie has had no-one want Red except me. She would prefer to meet the new owner in person and is willing to drive part way to meet you, to deliver Red. It is getting colder at night and she would really like to find a new home for Red before it starts freezing outside.

I don't know the details but all I do know she loves this bloodhound but has no choice where Red is staying now. 

If you can't or don't want a great beautiful bloodhound ... do you know anyone that might???

If so, you can contact me with a comment below, an email to me from the "contact page" above ... or you can contact Carrie directly on Facebook by posting a comment on that ad or sending her a Facebook PM.

Of course I have mentally tormented myself over this bloodhound but I really am at my capacity for giving the attention and care that mine need. 

Hopefully from this post we can find someone.

I did not watch any of the pre-game shows last Saturday but I will say when Fox Big Noon Kickoff show is in town, that is a big deal. Game started at 11am and it was only me and Walter inside while the other three were outside running in the yard with Ava leading and getting Watson to chase her. She is really fast. Henry will wait on the patio with plans of intercepting her as she sprints by him.

With my main games at 11am, 2:30pm, 6:00pm and 9:30pm, the hounds and dogs slept most of the night away while I watched football. The more they play outside the more they sleep inside and in some cases will go to bed quite early. Ava and Watson spend a lot of time together and usually play or run until they are exhausted. Watson was back on his dog bed in the bedroom sleeping the night away.

At times Walter was snoring so loud that I could barely hear the game play by play announcers. 

Ava also likes to sleep in her crate a lot while I am watching ballgames. The door is always open for her and Walter to use the crate while I am home. I guess you can tell she has fit in with the crew quite well after arriving April 5th. 

They were still sawing logs at 10pm and I had just turned to a different game to watch until after midnight. 

A little bit here and there has been done this week. Hanging out mostly but I was motivated today enough to finally hang my bikes in the garage instead of leaning them up against the wall. With that open garage bay it is nice to do things like this and not have it feel so cramped.

For some reason this week I started looking up old co-workers and friends that I had not seen 30 years or more. I found most of them on Facebook, some have called with long conversations. I have heard funny stories, good experiences and those where old friends have died. It is amazing to hear how much life has moved on in those 30 years. Facebook is good in someways but just as bad in other ways. I have to put up with it to keep in contact with people but it's similar to a fly bothering me on a hot summer night. 

Here are some photos from this afternoon.

We need some rain here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.