Showing posts with label M&Ms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M&Ms. Show all posts

January 20, 2016

An Afternoon Of Study

It’s been almost 10 years … 10 years? Yep, 10 years already, since I last worked behind the scenes of a website inside a control panel. It could be long tedious work for those that were not ‘geeks’ or ‘experts’ …. like me.

So today with the hounds sleeping their normal hours, the temps colder than I prefer, the dog food bought, the FJ filled with some gas and a fresh bag of coffee … it was time to refresh how to set up websites hosted by someone other than Blogger or WordPress.

I’m still not finished, but making progress and actually remembering more than I thought I would.

The hounds want to go “.com”

Today still included the periodic trips outside. It was clear blue skies and sunny … still the hounds didn’t go far nor wanted to.

After some consideration I decided I was not in the ‘teacher mode’ this morning with Stella and was willing to take the chance with her shut in the bedroom with Sadie while I made a short trip to the ‘big city’ … just downtown.

She passed in flying colors, just like she use to and was thrilled when I was walking in with a 40# bag of dog food. She thought it was all hers.

The feedback seems to be very positive about the hounds each having their own blogs. Ownership of the photos are still in negotiations. Sadie, Stella and Heidi are unwilling to budge in what they are offering for exchange.

I think tonight is going to be watching a movie from my collection unless I find a movie on tv … doubtful. I pay Directv for more ~250 channels and rarely watch more than 7-8 of them.

All is good though, with a couple of bags of M&M’s with peanuts, Keebler’s Pecan Shortbread cookies and some ice cold milk.

It’s a pretty quiet night here in the ‘tropics’ of Southern Indiana.