Showing posts with label Neighbors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neighbors. Show all posts

June 29, 2024

I Guess I'm Back

After a couple of weeks on 'blog vacation' it looks and feels like I might be back to blogging. I read all the comments and emails I received after announcing I was retiring from blogging. A newsletter was suggested to keep in touch but I finally decided, if I had time to do one of those I have time to do a blog post on occasion. 

I have always come back to blogging after a few times of trying to quit. The thing is I like to talk which leads to writing and I have always liked taking photos of my hounds and now dogs. 

One thing that really got me thinking about the readers that really enjoy just the photos of the hounds and dogs came to me last Saturday. 

I noticed in my Apple Photo Library, after years they returned the file names under each photo. Was it an update or did I click something that made them show up? I don't know.

When I went back before the year 2000 to see if the file names I manually changed at the time I took photos and saw they were still there, I grabbed another cup of coffee and started scrolling. By late Saturday afternoon I had scrolled through 82,000 + photos. It was like reading a book. Good and bad memories came back to me with the photos that I would click to enlarge and look at. 

June 28, 2023

Smoke From Canadian Fires

The smoke from the Canadian fires have reached all the way to Evansville Indiana today. My friend about a 100 miles north of me was describing this yesterday and if we get tomorrow what she is describing today, it will not be good. There is some rain in the forecast tonight so maybe that will change what is possible tomorrow. The photos do not really show just how hazy the sky is even with some editing.

July 25, 2021

Neighbor Compliments The Fence

I had not seen the neighbor to the left of me, if sitting on the patio, since last Saturday night when she walked over to ask me if we were cutting a tree down or a light post. I let her know we were cutting down the dusk to dawn light post installed by a previous owner. She seemed irritated by the news. I get the idea she does not like change to the neighborhood since she has grown up in the house she lives in. She is in her 60's. Toward the end of the conversation when I mentioned the fence was being installed last Monday, she asked me how far down were they going to put the electronic fence.

I had told her numerous times after I mentioned the electronic fence for the dogs that I had changed my mind and was installing a regular fence 5ft tall for the health and safety of my hounds and the dog. I left out the issues I was having with her and her mother to ovoid any arguments. THAT news pissed her off as she walked out of the yard at a fast pace. So it had been a week since we last spoke. Compared to multiple times per day when Henry was on his long tether and there were no boundaries for the neighbor.

July 07, 2021

A Temporary Fence Installed

I knew before I decided to buy the house from 1700 miles away and only looking at an online sales ad, plus some photos of the house I had found through internet searching back in April 2021, that I would have to install a fence. I did not know what kind or how much of the backyard to fence but I knew eventually I would need one. A temporary fence was not in the plans since my "tether system" was working like I expected it to. Walter ran free supervising Henry and Watson. I would have to untangle the two tethers but that wasn't a big deal. Yet, after living here almost 40 days things had changed and I needed a temporary fence installed fast.

July 02, 2021

Henry & Walter Back To Normal

Maybe it was the weather because we woke up to 61°, windows open and a cold breeze through the house. Most likely the little "flu bug" the older ones had has passed. For the first time in days Henry ate all of his breakfast and had his tail high and wagging when he finished. Walter tried to jump up as high as possible to get on my lap as I sat in my desk chair. He never makes up on my lap but he likes to start his day with a standing stretch. Watson was just normal after growing over night. He cannot figure out why his legs are getting so long. Once in the yard they were all quite active.

May 12, 2021

A Rough Dog Day Yesterday

It is tempting to jump right into yesterday's activities. There are many to write about. I thought instead I would back up a little and show why I have been so busy lately that taking photos is almost non-existent. With the FedeX delivery yesterday I am now to the point where a bike ride is planned for this afternoon led by my old friend that knows the city, all the bike routes and bike paths. Yet, the environment for the hounds and the dog will be much different due to their decisions yesterday. You will see what I am talking about further down the post. It was quite a day.

August 01, 2017

The Hounds Have A Full Day Of Activity

We started our day under overcast skies. It felt like rain was on the way but after checking the radar and Wunderground any storms that we might have were iffy. Stella didn't hesitate in getting a little jogging in this morning a little faster than she has been trotting. Both bloodhounds had total freedom this morning. As long as the grass is short in the field, it's easy to keep track of them.

By the time I finished the walk I knew I was going to get started cutting up and moving those Sycamore tree limbs the utility crew cut down yesterday. I wasn't told that they cut the limbs for free but I have to move what falls to the ground. One guy was stacking them in a pile as they were cut ... it wasn't a bad deal at all since they cut more than I thought they would so I saved a little money by getting the tree trimmed more than I had expected.

This morning I added some anti-inflammatory tablets to Stella's kibble and will give her two more tablets in a few hours when it's 12 hours since the dose this morning. I am out of the detail writing naming meds or supplements after Heidi's experience. I'll just leave it that Stella is going something to help her rear hips and legs.

Again this morning Stella ran past me and tried to catch Sadie. No deer was seen on the horizon today but it was in the 60's early this morning and the hounds just felt like running. Heidi did her exercise on the couch wondering when the AC would kick on automatically. She rolled over on her back looking at me when I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. She knows how to pace herself.

I did write a post with pictures from the tree cutting crew yesterday. I have that schedule to post sometime tomorrow. I have also noted the date we started Stella on the anti-flams so I can tell how long it takes if she shows any improvements. Through all of her weight loss this past winter one thing that has never decreased is her appetite.

Contrary to what my pictures show, there is more colors than the color green around our area ... but not much.

I mentioned the word 'breakfast' on the way back. Stella thought she was getting fed again but I meant I was going to fix my breakfast when we got back, not hers.

Sadie tracked one scent most of the walk and spent most of her time in the far right hand corner. With her that far away I was able to capture some of the morning butterflies with my camera.

Stella met us once again on the return path. She had spent most of her time out in the middle of the lower portion of the field but came trotting when she saw Sadie and I walk past.

Blue skies were showing up from the Southwest ... that was a good sign.

The only white flower I saw the whole walk. It's about 12" away from the edge of the yard.

I had a large pile of tree limbs to cut into shorter pieces and move to my burn pile. I used a pair of loppers and only had to saw a couple of limbs down to size.

It was not as hard as it may look. I was done with everything in less than an hour. Sadie and Stella stayed in the area to supervise. Since we had just walked they had no urge to leave so they stayed in the backyard eating all the fresh dirt pushed up by the yard moles. They must think it's easier for me to mow the yard if those hills of dirt are gone.

The burn pile that I started in the spring is behind and under the new tree limbs. It's straight ahead and mashed down. That is all tree limbs from today and the ones I cut in April on the bank of the driveway. The large green leaves of the Sycamore tree cover the whole pile.

Since these limbs were pretty green I might have to wait for my 'pyro hobby' until next spring, so they will dry out. I have my largest pile of tree limbs that I can remember. If I add the ones I will collect next winter after high winds and storms ... I could be looking at my biggest fire ever. That's exciting. I'll really have to pay close attention to what is going one, otherwise I will have a fire big enough the catch the woods on fire. You can see how high my flames have been by the bare tree limbs of the tree in the center.

Tom made a comment on my post last night about the FJ transaction, that the blue spare tire cover might grow on me. So after the tree moving exercise I put the tire cover back on. I am still not sure I like it. It's too much blue with that in back. Maybe I'll get use to it.

Tell me which one you like ... just out of curiosity ... the one above with the cover or the one below without the cover? I like without the cover.

I brought the hounds out to check my work as usual and the new car cover. I expected at least Stella would initiate the polished blue cover with some fresh bloodhound drool, but she had other plans.

Plus they had been fed between the jobs of moving the tree limbs and putting the cover on. They couldn't wait. I had gone inside for some water and to get the tire cover ... but Heidi started barking for lunch and wouldn't let up. So I stopped what I was doing and fed the hounds.

Sadie didn't care about the tire cover ... she wanted back inside where it was cool.

 Stella didn't care about the tire cover ... she flopped down or fell down again to take a short nap.

Heidi didn't care about the tire cover ... she walked a lap around the house and headed straight to the door when she was finished.

I've replenished my food supply, including extra coffee and the ice tea bags. I'll never run out of coffee again nor coffee filters. A fresh 3qt pitcher of ice tea was made this afternoon. It's refreshing to drink as I watch my Reds team take an early lead every game and then end up losing 2 out of 3 games. Losses have been at a higher rate since the MLB All-Star game ... they have won only 3.

I forgot to tell you about the little test I did yesterday for those that are interested in data usage depending which browser you use. I used Safari for 20 minutes. That is all it took for me to read through my sports pages, the weather, read all updated blogs and my Feedly feed. I used 48Mb, which was bout the same average per minute that I got last week with Safari used for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

I then used Google Chrome with its data saver app but missed the 20 minute mark and didn't look up until 22 minutes had past, 2 minutes longer than Safari. I also went back to the exact same websites I did with Safari ... Google Chrome only used 12Mb in that 22 minute period.

Google Chrome wins ... 12Mb compared to Safari's 48Mb in 20 minutes.

The highlight of the day was a yell from the neighbors backyard as I had walked over in that general area to put Stella on the leash. Sadie and I did the whole walk but Stella spent her afternoon walk in the same place as this morning, in the middle of the field.

By the time the hounds explored Gary's freshly mowed backyard while we talked, I ended up taking a bag each of small red potatoes, green beans, huge zucchini squash, and tomatoes ... all from their garden. Gary was also upset about all the mole traffic in his yard, which is manicured compared to mine. He did confirm my thinking was right ... there is nothing we can do to stop them living this close to a field.

I'm sure there was a little more rambling I was going to do but can't remember what it was. It will be another night of baseball with the tv sound turned off while I read a book as the game plays on. If there is some sort of action, I turn up the sound and watch until the 3rd out of the inning.

It might rain in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana tomorrow or the next day, maybe both.

September 27, 2016

A Busy Day For The Hounds

I knew last night that if I did nothing else today, it would be mowing the yard. That would most likely take place in the afternoon because the grass is still wet up until 1pm.

Last week when I was cutting back some of the giant ragweed in the field, the old fashion way, with hand trimmers I had a couple of places I wanted to clear out.

These areas always grow back and I keep cutting them back. Through all of this yard work I was going to let the hounds spend the day outside. I figured with all of that open field they would have plenty of room to occupy their noses. I was wrong.

I ended up using the long handle trimmers the most. I didn't need the garbage can to carry weeds that were cut down to my burn pile in back. Those cheap gloves are still around and still usable after 3 years.

It is kind of an optical illusion but those small saplings, some weeds are growing up through my rock that is on a small bank between the trees. Behind them off the side of the yard is the overgrowth that borders the field next to my property.

It did not take long for me to cut all of that back. I took the first barrel of limbs up to the burn pile on the backside of the yard. I glanced in the 7 acre field and there wasn't a bloodhound anywhere. They were not in the yard, not in the field ... I KNEW EXACTLY where they were ... the neighbors. Sure enough both of them were right next to the lady wagging their tails, while she was hanging her laundry out to dry in the sun.

It might sound strange but it seems to be the norm around around ... even though we had never met, I knew their names and they knew mine. I can't remember when they moved in but his father had lived there before them. We always wave if we see each other in the driveway, or in the yards but had never introduced ourselves. Evidently Sadie decided it was about time we did that ...

After a nice short discussion, they asked if I would be interested in the last of their peppers they had grown in their garden. They confirmed it's hard to have a garden here due to the deer and rabbits, which can eat it faster than you can pick it. I also found out there is no solution to winning the war against yard moles. Also, their Dish Network internet was just as high as my Exede Satellite internet service with never enough data for the month.

Before I could finish my yard work for the day and get back over to their garden to pick up some peppers .... he brought me a bag full of them before I had even cleared out around my trees in the backyard.

I love those kind of peppers and will be including them in about everything I eat. That is how much I like them and for some reason even the hot peppers never give me indigestion.

This was the 2nd place I wanted to clear out. Its where the old fence post is, the one I talked about last spring. This time I am going to clear out to the bare ground again but this fall I am planting rye mixed with grass seed and cover it with straw. It will then look like the area I cleared in April 2015 which is just to the right of the trees.

Instead of carrying all of those downed limbs, weeds, wild flowers to the burn pile on the opposite side of the yard, I made two piles right there that will be burned as soon as they dry out.

The 3rd area I wanted to clear out is the giant ragweed in the field next to the yard and just to the right of our path. They did not cut it last week. The owner of the field would like to have it cut but it's taller and too thick for him to use his riding mower. I told him yesterday when he stopped by as he toured his field, that I would cut it all out once I got my Echo Weed Eater started. He has the same Weed Eater with the same story ... great the first year ... never started again.

Consequently since I could not get it running ... this 3rd area stayed for another day. What you see cut is what I did last week with the shorter handled trimmers pictured at the start of this blog. At this point in time I still wasn't done with yard work and for some reason Stella and Sadie stayed within my sight while I worked in the backyard.

It is always time for a walk though. To them it doesn't matter what time of day nor the kind of weather. They are always ready to go.

This area is a heavy deer area. The deer go down into that gully that is overgrown and into the woods that border first part of our walk.

I think they really do prefer the cut field over the field with lots of flowers and butterflies. They are a lot more active when they have room to run and room to put their noses to the ground and run forever.

With the yard work, the visit to the neighbors, lunch, watching me mow the yard plus the daily hound walk ... Stella found one of the few spots in the backyard with sunshine and took a nap that lasted for almost an hour ... she never moved.

My mower came with a piece to close off the shoot on the side of the mower, to keep the grass inside the mower to be mulched. I've always had the combo blades but I have never used that piece that lets the cut grass be mulched at the same time. It was easy to install and I was shocked at the results. I loved it!!! I didn't have the rows of cut grass that are shot out the side of the mower when it's too tall. I couldn't believe I had not tried that in the 19 years that I have lived here.

Even with it being pretty windy, the skies were again blue as you can see. Very few clouds and the air from the Southwest was on the cold side. The temps dipped to 49° last night and that is perfect weather for sleeping as long as the window is open.

Sadie, being the more active one, spent all afternoon doing only this in a hundred different places.

Stella would probably rather do this more than anything else ... except eat.

Heidi decided she would come outside after her lunch. She never got out of the yard but did a lot of exploring in the front and backyard while I was mowing. I am going to Google search for some kind of dog food that I can give her to help her gain weight. In the past 15 months she has not lost any weight but had not gained any either. She is literally "skin and bones" ... with a blood work test that graded perfect readings. None of the four vets had any suggestions for the kind of food to feed her to get her weight back to the normal range.

By the time I put the mower and all of the other equipment back into the shed, 'the crew' was ready to finally get to go back inside for their afternoon siestas. They had a full day of being outside.

In the meantime I am going to look through this bag of peppers and find a couple that I can use tonight with my dinner of brown rice and steamed vegetables. I am past the 2nd week of my diet changes and am passing with flying colors. The urges for all the good stuff like pizza, Pepsi, ice cream and candy are becoming less frequent as time moves on.

It's nice weather with beautiful days but my allergies are going insane here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.