Showing posts with label Opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinions. Show all posts

March 08, 2019

It's Life - So What ?

Well it's Friday and it even feels like a Friday if you know what I mean. I don't get that kind of feeling too much since I'm retired, but today just feels a little different I guess. That puts me in the 'rambling' mood. Not so much because it's Friday but I recognize my brain cells are going through one of those periods where they are highly active. I have a lot on my mind, lots of questions and few answers today. So we will see where this goes.
As you can see that prediction of 2" - 3" of snow last night turned into ground cover and not much more. Stella and I waited about an hour to see if it was going to rain or snow since it couldn't make up its mind from the time we woke up at 6:35am. The highway sounds said it's drizzling, the ground said snow. It didn't matter to Stella because it felt much warmer again this morning and I had to agree with her. It didn't feel like 32°.

A few of the long-time readers know that I have been known to change my mind. Some feel I change it a lot, possibly more than normal. I have no idea since I don't know how often other people change their mind nor do I know what the national average is. I guess I could search on the internet to get some idea on that. It doesn't matter to me one way or another. Just like life constantly changing, my mind seems to constantly change.
In today's world with so much information just a few keystrokes away, it's like information overload. How do you sort through that information and find the right answer, the right way, the right diet or the right camera .. or the right anything ???

I do see a trend where I start analyzing what I am eating, which way or which diet, when I don't feel good. It might only be caused by something I have eaten, which I find it's an isolated situation more than a diet decision over time. It happened during last night where I woke up feeling really sick. I thought back to what I had for dinner, which was nothing more than a snack of cheese, some raw carrots, a couple of spoons of yogurt, a pear and some olives. I really wasn't hungry for a full meal.
Of the food listed I suspect it was the yogurt, even in a small amount the caused my issue.  A few weeks ago I went back to low carbs, more fat and more protein. I had good results with that way of eating in the past and by the way I was feeling a few weeks ago, I made the change. I remember a few years ago when I tried the Paleo diet, which got rid of all my indigestion almost immediately ... it still bothered me eating all of that fat, red meat, bacon etc.

When I was younger I spent 8 years as a vegetarian and I still remember today why I went to that type of diet. I still remember talking with the heart surgeon after he preformed a quadruple by-pass on my dad who was 58 years old at the time. I remember just a few months ago where medical journals were announcing they had made a mistake 30 years ago and now they find that real butter, whole milk, more fat and more protein is good for you and not the other way around.
A panel of medical experts on US News and World Report comes out every year with their rankings of all the different diets and Keto nor Paleo are ranked high, in the 40 different diets they examine. My friend, a colon cancer survivor, says moderation is the best diet. Just like anything else everyone seems to feel their way is the best way. Who do you believe?

It doesn't matter if it is diets, cameras, computers, cars, trucks, lifestyles or sports teams, they all have different opinions. Different opinions are good, they are healthy but how do you choose?
Two topics ... This morning I have doubts about my diet decision from a few weeks ago. I also have been thinking about the news and my announcement I'd never pay attention to it again. Like Stella shows in this photo ... If you don't stick your nose in it how are you going to know what it is, what to choose or what to listen to. You can't hide from life, good or bad. Not all decisions are correct, mistakes are made or analyzed. Everything changes because that is how life operates.

Stella and Heidi are pretty good teachers if I pay attention to what they are telling me or showing me. They adapt with ease when changes are made. They have no stress because they don't have a reason to stress out. The outside world doesn't affect them, they go with the flow. Their routines change, sometimes every few weeks sometimes longer than a month. It's not a big deal to them. Life is what it is to them, even with both having bad experiences before I got them.
Diets ??? Doesn't matter to either of them. They like all food, mine and theirs.

So I woke up early this morning with doubts about my recent eating style. Questions from two or three years ago about different diets were back in the forefront of my brain. Such as, where does all of that fat go, where it use to plug your arteries, forming plaque and leading you to by-pass surgery? What changed inside the body to make that higher fat intake or eating red meat move in a different direction, away from causing damage and health issues, as proponents of the Paleo and Keto Diets claim?
I've always wondered, what happens 15-20 years from now if they find out the uptick in health issues, heart surgeries and cancer was caused by the two fads, Keto and Paleo? Then on the flip side that also confuses me, I've known personally strict vegetarians that even ran many miles or biked many miles for exercise, have early deaths ... not making it out of their 40's or 50's. Was it their strict veggie diets, or something else like hereditary that caused them to die?

I still think cancer is more DNA related than diet related. I know old neighbors that lived all their life in this area, lived into their late 90's and probably were not vegetarians nor did they care if they were drinking water from the water system from town. They never exercised, some smoked non-filtered cigarettes starting in their teens. Bottle or filtered water was never an option for them.

Those kind of thoughts raise questions. Thus finding that right answer even harder.
I decided years ago I would eat what I call 'my diet' ... the medical experts call it the Flexitarian Diet I added in my friend's advice of 'moderation' and added a touch of my old lacto-vegetarian eating style. The problem with the 'my diet' and all of these modification I made,I would gain weight not lose it.
Well this morning as I turned on my computer I had a ton of emails from the blog. One reader had their first comment that needed to be approved. I read all comments and try to reply to all comments so it wasn't like I wasn't going to read her comment. Especially since it was right on topic ... the same topic I woke up thinking about.

She had valid points about meat based diets vs plant-based diets. It wasn't nothing new, I've known it for decades ... but it was a great reminder. It scrambled my brain cells just like that. I started pulling up old bookmarks that I had made when investigating all diet and what was the best way in 2018 or 2019. Her comment also made me go into the analysis mode about how I should eat, "Sure, you might look good on the outside, but what is going on, on the inside?"
So that story about eating, dieting, etc will be continued as I sort out what I am really going to do. I'd prefer not to be in constant change when it comes to my menus.

I spent all day during my waking hours yesterday fighting the urge to take a peek at the online news. I still had no desire to hear any kind of news commentary last night as I watched my ballgame. I never once checked a news channel during the game's commercial breaks .... but ... this morning I did click on CNN, FoxNews and Breitbart websites to take a look. I saw I hadn't missed anything.
So while Stella and I did our morning walk in warm tempers (32°) I thought a little about the decision I announced only a couple of days ago of boycotting the news. With each head turn, or pushing her nose under the snow, along with her leisurely pace ... I thought "what's the big deal if I look at the news or not" ... it's life. It is what it is, good or bad.

The strongest thought I had though was about me ... it was words I remember growing up when my mom would explain to me that I could NOT have everything my way all of the time. Funny how something said 50 some years ago is clear as ever today.

I thought about that and she was right. No matter how much I want things a certain way, that does not mean I get them that way no matter how much I bitch and complain. Especially things outside my control. For 16 minutes this morning Stella was showing me for the millionth time ... relax, take it as it comes, and quit complaining about things you have no control over.
Now since I have admitted that I do and have changed my mind a lot since I started this blog in 2011 over on Blogger I will take a peek at the news headlines again and since I have been accused more than once in my life of being opinionated ... I will on occasion blog about my opinions on the news and politics.
Before my news boycott the other day I either read it somewhere or heard it on tv, that news channels are no longer just news stations but news AND entertainment. Different reporters for each, where some reporters are not reporters at all, but just providing entertainment in a news format. It might be good for me to remember that in the future when tv news pisses me off over the limit.
Just like having all of these thoughts racing through my brain this morning, I am having recent problems with motivation. I mean my days are always open, with little scheduled. Plus I always have the option to be flexible, so it would seem motivation would never be a problem for me.

Just like habits are hard to break, so is my lifelong issue of procrastination. I always put things off until the last minute or until I have no choice but to do it or I'm in trouble. Again ... those are just part of life and I am not the only person in the world that struggles with either of them.
If you are older, do you remember January 1977 when the government announced that we as a country had a fuel shortage and everyone needed to turn their thermostats down to 55°, no matter what the weather was outside? Luckily I only had a few conversations in the living room while wearing my winter coats and gloves back then ... I was moving to the beach in Carlsbad California that month.

Well this year I decided instead of saving as much energy as possible, leaving a smaller footprint in the atmosphere by turning off my heat at different times of day or night ... that I would set my room thermostats to 65° and leave them there, 24/7. In my old house, each room has its own thermostat for the baseboard electric heat system. No furnace here.

My spreadsheet shows I just passed 2018 total kilowatts used for the year and I have two months left on my billing cycle. I use the budget plan where I pay the same amount every month and at the end of April the electric company and I balance the bill. They either give me a refund for overpayments for the year or I pay them what is needed to zero out the account.
Since I am in the mode to question everything I asked myself yesterday was it worth it? Is it worth paying a couple of hundred dollars more at the end of the year to stay warm 24/7? My brain and body screamed "YES" ... my conservative, accounting background, cheapskate said "NO". Just another decision I need to make. Nothing important ... it's just life and something that all people decide as a normal activity.
Before I bought the Canon G9 X Mark II in January I spent months doing research on all different kinds of cameras. Like I mentioned before, everyone has their own ideas which is best. Whether it's an individual opinion, a blog review with affiliate links, or a real camera dealer website that is giving their review ... every list "best of" or recommendation was different.

So in my Flipboard account this morning I receive a new article "The 5 Best Digital Cameras" ... my Cannon was not listed of course, like other lists showed last fall. No, this list made in January had 3 of 5 cameras listed, cameras that I either have or thought about buying. Go figure.
You can tell that Stella was positive she was on a deer scent and knew for sure they had been in our area just minutes before us. She did turn my direction though when I told her "let's go home" then passed me on a trot heading home.
I analyze things too much. I always have as far back as I can remember. I had to get to the bottom of everything and find the perfect answer or the best way of doing things. That drives me crazy just like it does or would do to you. I'm sure. How do I change that after being that way most of my life? Another lesson from Stella is to take things as they come.
She can tell it's getting warmer. For the 2nd day in a row she was running fast.
Maybe I'll feel better and not so confused after the time change this weekend. Not really confused but just having a lot of questions where I want some definite answers. Maybe if I know that Spring is right around the corner with that time change, my brain cells will throttle back, line up in the correct formation and I can get back to a more relaxed life. Really, I am relaxed ... it's just my brain that is overactive.
Stella cannot collect accurate data unless she has her nose below the snow. Otherwise she would just be guessing who or what had been there, what day or how long ago. She wasn't into eating frozen dirt today ... strictly data collection.
Another morning walk in the books. Temps aren't bad and it will be close to 55° tomorrow afternoon. She's content.
As you can see, Heidi moved just a little from the time we started our walk (top photo) and when we got back. She is the most sane living creature around here.

By noon the snow was gone and it was above 40° ... heat wave !!!
I've lost my train of thought after all of this verbiage I typed this morning. No worries, I'll get it all figured out, hopefully sooner than later. I have a lot of reading to do today because I want to stabilize my eating habits once and for all. I have a gut feeling that "Flexitarian" is the way to go. It matches my mental makeup, giving me options with many choices to choose from. Yet, Vegetarian is probably the healthiest, unless I believe that medical panel on US News & World Report.  :)

Strict and regimented things or schedules have never worked well with me.

Good times here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana this morning.

March 07, 2019

My First Day Without News

I did it in October and I'm going to do it again, otherwise I am heading down the path of insanity. I am no longer going to watch nor read ANY kind of news outside of sports. I have already found out this morning before our morning walk just how much time I was taking to read online news. That didn't count the amount of time I had the tv turned to the news. By the end of Wednesday night I couldn't take anymore.

It was all crap and it didn't matter which side of the political fence you are on.

With my tv remote in hand, I went into my DishNetwork settings and deleted the two news channels from my menu. One of them was a business channel but they would discuss politics when appropriate.

Then I went to my Twitter account and deleted any account I was following outside of sports, plus the tornado account. I went to my Feedly account and repeated the same process. I went into this blog's dashboard and deleted a few blog links in my "Favorite Links" section that dealt with politics or immigration.

So as I write this I have been up and online for two hours and twenty-four minutes. I have not seen nor read a word of news or politics. I went for over a month back in October. It was fantastic and I could tell a major difference in my day and thought process. My mood was better. I used less internet data and spent less time on the computer.

Only after moving my main blog to Wordpress in early December, with an announcement I was going to be more open in my writing and expand the subjects for blogging, did I take a look at the news so I could make comments about it.


It will be just as hard as following a strict diet change to keep from taking a peek at the news sometimes. The fact is, I know what's going on. I know it's not going change as long as Trump is President and maybe even longer. I know that I cannot do anything about any of it. Me watching or reading about it does nothing to improve my life.

I am just tired of hearing it. All of it.

Stella and I still have about 20 minutes before it's time to take our walk this morning. It's going to be warmer today which is good. We did the afternoon walk yesterday but without the camera. As the field thaws it was soft and muddy in spots. With a mix of rain tonight and tomorrow the field will be a mess, maybe too wet to take a walk. At least it will be much warmer.

NO NEWS will be read or watched here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

March 06, 2019

Starting To Get Warm Again

I took this picture of Stella a few weeks ago but it's her daily position to start her siesta right after lunch. Later in the afternoon she will move to the couch but this is a daily spot for her and has been since the day she arrived. I'm starting today's post from yesterday afternoon. Just like it was predicted, the temps crawled into the 20's but with each degree it climbed the wind seemed to blow stronger so the "feels like" temps never got above 0°
It was so cold after their lunch kibble yesterday, Heidi was too fast for the camera to catch her. She went as far as the mulch and sprinted back to the door. It was only 15° at 11am.
Stella spent a little more time outside but I kept calling her telling her to come on, get inside. She was most likely looking for frozen dirt to eat. Yes, dirt. For some reason when the mole hills are rock hard from the freeze, she likes chewing off the tops. Could you call that "rock candy" ????
So with the hounds sleeping, the heat turned on to keep the house around 68° since anything warmer is too uncomfortable to me, I was finishing Mahjong games under 3 minutes. I glanced up from my laptop computer between games to catch this ... with my Nikon D3200 sitting next to the laptop on the kitchen table it was easy for me to catch the action. It's pretty rare to see a truck like this in the middle of winter, driving into the field across the highway. I took all of these from my chair at the kitchen table, with the Tamron 18mm-200mm lens.
Can any readers with a farming background enlighten me on what he dumped and what it's for? I'm guessing it's either saw dust or finely ground corn husks. I have no idea what the purpose is. Any guesses ???
This morning was a different story though. I could feel the energy in the air inside the house and things were changing, hopefully outside. Stella was more active and back to her normal self after surviving a couple of days of 'cabin fever' and I could even feel a difference in my thought process. It will not hit 30° today but with it being 24° warmer than yesterday that is a big difference.
I thought a walk might be possible this morning as I drank my two cups of coffee. A little after 8am Stella walked in the room and starting hydrating herself by drinking and finishing half of her water bowl. She was ready to take a walk. It looked great outside, with bright sunshine but my watch was telling me it was only 17°. I thought we'd give a shot and see how far we could walk. If anything, just to get out of the house.
It was colder than I thought it would be and I could tell immediately this walk might not last long. I mean it was really cold with the slight breeze from the NW. From past experiences I was pretty sure that Stella would not be able to walk too far this morning.
I was right. When she stopped and turned to look at me, I knew we were finished.
When she raised her rear paw, I knew for sure we were finished. I told her "let's go home" and she turned around immediately then starting walking the same way she came, back home.
I had walked over to the 'return' path but she wasn't taking a chance walking through the snow covered grass. She stayed on the 'outgoing' path all the way home. She didn't stop this time either and walked all the way to the door to go back inside.
I glanced at my watch to end the app that tracks our walk and we were only outside a little over 4 minutes. When I told her I needed to go buy groceries, she walked right into the bedroom, laid on the floor and waited for me to shut her in with Heidi while I was gone. Again, I like that new habit of hers.
After lunch today it was much warmer, over 25° but Heidi let me know real quick she had already dumped her tanks earlier this morning and didn't need to be outside for any reason at all. She turned and headed back inside before I could snap off another picture.
That is a good sign to see the snow disappearing from the yard. Yet, I heard on the radio on the way home from grocery shopping we could get 1"- 2" of new snow tomorrow (Thursday) and it will be a rainy 55° on Saturday. I'll take the rain and warmer weather.
Stella checking for any frozen mole hills again today.

As you see I made a little color change on the blog this morning. Yesterday I changed the trim to crimson so the links in my blog posts would show up better. It was hard to see the links when they were dark blue. The problem with this blog template (theme) is the link color is tied into the trim color ... such has that thin crimson line below the blue header or for each section on the sidebar.

So whatever color I chose for the links in the posts that will also be the side bar color and the blog trim color. On Blogger I could change all three of those individually. I like the blue header verse a white header, so that will probably stay. I am still not sure what color to make the links so they show up next to the black fonts in a blog post.

The question of the day is ... does coffee taste different if you put the creamer in first or after you pour you coffee? No, I haven't lost my mind. I read that on a blog site last week when I was checking out adding heavy whipping cream to coffee instead of just CoffeeMate vanilla creamer. Then there was a blog linked in that article where someone was actually testing those two options with tea.

So does it make a difference? I can't tell.

It will be warm enough later this afternoon to take a full half mile hound walk I think. It's already up to 24° and it's not even noon yet. So this might be a two post day just because I feel  like blogging, plus I can post all of the photos I take on the walk today in a post later tonight. You cannot imagine how nice it's going to feel to have temperatures back above 32° and Saturday's temps are almost too hard to imagine.

I watched part of the live testimony from the lady at Homeland Security in front of another Congressional committee. She said at the current rate of 2019, they are on pace to have 1 MILLION illegal immigrants crossing our southern border this calendar year. I hate repeating myself but damn!!!! How much free stuff can be supplied to a million people ?????

I have to stop watching the news on tv and reading anything online AGAIN .... it pisses me off to no end about all of this crap. I'm sick about it. As long as Trump keeps focused, accomplishing what he has and wants to, I feel we will be in good shape with all that other stuff just 'distracting noise'.

One thing about pushing through a security clearence for someone working for you, I saw that happen all the time when I worked for the government. So the headline about Trump pushing staff and others to get a security clearence process for his daughter and son-in law doesn't surprise me.

Check out who Obama did that for when he was president ... then track the trail of some of those people to the Muslim Brotherhood. Then check out who they are and what they do. Another word ... to all the whiners about the Trump Administration ... STFU !!!!

Maybe I'll change that blue header to a color of forest green ... LOL

It's all good this morning in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.