May 09, 2024

Hounds & Dogs Relax After Storms

The rains came the high winds predicted did not. We have had 2.48" of rain since Tuesday, therefore I am going to wait a few days for the ground/yard to become less saturated before I mow. Blogger photos upload is still not working for me. All of these are once again in reverse order. I changed to the Nikon 18mm-55mm lens yesterday for a different kind of view. Here are the hounds and dog relaxing before their lunch today after a day and night of hard rain yesterday.

A nice cool breeze today with 77° here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Great pictures of the crew and Ava is growing . Good thing you bought your riding mower with all the rain you are getting.

    1. She is growing but I am not sure she will be on the large size of a German Shepherd. She is identical color of her mom. Yes it's a good thing I bought one because by the looks of things by the time I mow the backyard I will have to mow it twice to pick up all the excess grass. The front might also need mowing twice in the same session. With the 42" cut it is hard to even imagine I had been cutting it with a 22" cut.

  2. I noticed Ava's ears are both standing up in all the photos. Great photo of all of them. Vern

    1. They are starting too stand up more often but either ear will fold over. I am not sure how long it takes for them to stand up permanently. Thanks for the photos complement, it was interesting to see how that smaller lens worked.
