Showing posts with label Palm Tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palm Tree. Show all posts

September 10, 2024

Ava Had A Great Day Today


This is my second post today.

It got up to 87° today but it never felt that hot, so the windows stayed open all day and Henry kicked back most of the afternoon. He didn't even feel like getting involved with the game of fetch later but he was very happy to see Watson ... story below.

August 29, 2024

Shelter Dogs Euthanized

I stepped outside and stood on the patio this morning around 7:30am. I had been up for a little over an hour and it was already hot enough to feel it. That is the only way I could describe it. My friend and I were heading out for a short easy pace bike ride by 9am. The ride went fine but I didn't feel much breeze and the air created by riding a bike, was hot air.