September 10, 2024

Ava Had A Great Day Today


This is my second post today.

It got up to 87° today but it never felt that hot, so the windows stayed open all day and Henry kicked back most of the afternoon. He didn't even feel like getting involved with the game of fetch later but he was very happy to see Watson ... story below.

I still cannot believe that the vet wanted him to lose just 5 pounds ... but he is a big boy on a big frame.

Henry and Ava are so excited to see Watson because he had been gone for a couple of hours. Not gone gone, like out of the yard gone but a senior moment for me. I had gone out to the garage to get a bamboo stick I had bought the other day from a comment suggestion. I will shows those photos at the end but I wanted to put that bamboo stick in the pot of the wounded palm tree and then tie it to the leaning limb.

That was around 3:30pm. Whenever the hounds and dogs want to be stubborn when they go to the garage with me and don't want to come back inside when I close the garage door, even when called ... I leave whoever in the garage as long as it is not too hot. Well I did that today and forgot that I left Watson in the garage.

I head outside around 6pm but I am only seeing three not four. As I stood on the patio deck slightly confused I couldn't remember the last time I had seen Watson. Most of the time if I am on the computer like I have been today, he is laying on the floor behind me sleeping ... but not today.

He wasn't in the yard, not in he bedroom taking an afternoon siesta. When I glanced at my wounded palm tree that I had moved back to he living room, I remembered ... he was still in the garage. I left him outside one time after I had gone to bed having the same forgetful moment. He NEVER barks to come inside, he will just stand quietly at the door and wait for me to open it. Just like today. Needless to say all three were very happy to see Watson again.

When he walked out in the yard and tossed that big black ball to my feet I knew the game of fetch was on.

They don't fight over the ball but Ava never gets the ball from Watson. In fact the times when it is just her and I in the backyard to play fetch, she will run to the ball but will not bring it back. She still runs back to me to get her praise. At least she gets good exercise running with Watson. There are many more ball tosses than I have here in pictures.

I moved the new palm tree slightly to center of the pot and straightened it. That brought the top of the palm away from the ceiling. So it looks like that is the spot for now, until it gets taller.

With Ava always being crated now when I am gone or even out front mowing the yard or burning weeds, it was safe to bring the table back to the living room and put the wounded palm on that. For those in Indiana that is a table from Tell City furniture factory that I picked up at my aunt's estate sale last summer? Maybe the summer before. 

The suggestion was to put a bamboo stick in the pot where I could tie the largest limb that had broken stems. Since it had not died in the past few weeks I thought it was good enough to prop up and see what happens. It is the tallest of all limbs and now looking at the photo I took, I can barely see the stick holding it up. The new shoots are even taller than they were a couple of weeks ago so it must have liked to be repotted into something bigger.

This morning when I went outside to burn some weeds in the flowerbeds I took no chances and Ava did not mind ... I crated her. If you remember the last time I was mowing the yard, not really away from the house, she pulled this palm down to the floor off the bourbon barrel. So now I don't take any chances when I am out of the house, I crate her.

She has never shown any time that I am inside, even if she is alone in a different room, that she destroys things. I think that is part of the German Shepherd's DNA of born separation anxiety I have read about.

Today she had a great day. She did not break into he fenced area, she did not dig any new holes, she did not find something new to tear up .... she was the perfect puppy today.

With the hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico they are saying we might be in tornado warnings/watch this Friday. 

I will NOT be watching the debate here tonight in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. Been thinking of Ava's digging and I remembered the crashed palm tree events, etc. Is it possible that she could smell the dirt and that's why she crashed the palm to get to the dirt. Now she was digging in the yard. Just a theory.

    1. Dirt could be her motivation since she has dug holes in other parts where there is no mole traffic. Luckily she doesn't eat the dirt like Watson did.

  2. The crew looked very busy in in the yard playing and Ava is still young and likes dirt !
    Hope she grows out of it.

    1. You and me both. As of this morning, the 13th she has not dug anymore holes.
