Showing posts with label SOTU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOTU. Show all posts

February 06, 2019

Too Much Rain & SOTU

I knew when the skies lit up with lightning late last night that most likely the Wednesday morning walk with Stella would be canceled. I can tell by where the water is standing this morning whether its in my carport or in the fields across the highway, there was too much rain last night and this morning.

How much?
There is enough rain that when I opened the door to take these first few photos, Stella never stood up from her spot next to the kitchen island. She had been sitting there wide awake for the past hour, contemplating what she was doing today. She only turned her head to look at me while I stepped outside. Even with rain boots, there would be no walking this morning.
From the corner of the house the path looked like mud covered with wet slick leaves. I decided to zoom in for a closer look and it was. Standing water.

I had water coming up over the sides of my boots late yesterday afternoon when we took the walk, so I knew this morning the saturation in the field would move up over the top of my boots in some places. That would be an inch or two above Stella's paw.
As I stepped back inside Sella decided she needed to go outside. She wasn't in the walking mood but I thought she would at least go out into the field to relieve herself. That wasn't going to happen this morning, as I stood and watched her move no further than 3'-4' away. She looked at every angle possible and still did not get as far as the yard.
She was barely at the corner of the house when she did an about-face and headed back toward the door. She knows when the field has too much rain and she hates getting her paws wet. If you remember a week ago it was MINUS SIX DEGREES !!! This morning, 53° before we even opened our eyes.
So as I get to this point of the blog, I am thinking I'll wait to see how the day plays out before posting this morning post. I cannot think of anything in the past I want to talk about and hunt through my photo library to find some old photos to post.

I know I said I wasn't going to watch the SOTU but I usually do. The one ballgame I wanted to watch had finished a few minutes past 9pm. I decided to tune in after that game. It wasn't because I wanted to hear what President Trump had to say. All presidents in the past had good speech writers and they all seem to have the same kind of message, this one included.

No, I was more interested in seeing the reactions, facial expressions and just the general interest of Nancy, Chuck, Bernie and the dingbat AOC. An added feature was having Nancy on the tv at all times as the President spoke. What a classic !!!!

I am not sure she had a small handful of almonds to eat before attending the SOTU, but as she chewed her way through the speech it remind me of when I have small bits of almonds in my mouth after eating a handful of them. You know, those small bits of nut that keeps resurfacing inside your mouth ... just enough to chew on, like forever??

That is what Nancy reminded me of ... munching small left over bits of almonds. She reminded me of old age as she would still be standing after everyone in the room had sat back down after a standing ovation, Democrats included. As she stood not paying attention, I could almost see my dad many years ago helping my aging grandmother to her chair.

What a piece of work Nancy is.

Maybe the highlight of the evening was seeing the reactions of Bernie and the dingbat AOC when President Trump said that America would never be a socialist country. I am sure they are both smart enough to know that nothing is "free" no matter how many services you want to give away. Somebody HAS TO foot the bill for the "free" medical, free college, free food and free housing, blah blah blah. Then again, maybe not.

Don't worry, you and I have been paying for years with that small added expense on our phone bill, no matter carrier we use. It's a "government fee" so those same people can have new smart phones and most likely a little help on that monthly bill that we all claim is too high for us. Do they get to upgrade their smartphones for free every two years?

I can't find the picture in my photo files, but it was living proof just how much Bernie hates capitalism as he crawled into his ~$160K sports car a couple of years ago during his campaign. Maybe it's the huge summer home he and his wife bought in 2016 soon after Clinton paid him off to shut up and get out of the way of her campaign march back to upper state NY instead of that southern route to DC.

The dingbat AOC needs to read the latest comments from research scientists that know a lot more about her "Green Deal" than she obviously does. As usual her mouth is faster than the time it takes to research something !!!!! The scientists say there is not enough land available to build the infrastructure needed to have the USA to go 'green' within 12 years. They also say there is not enough sun, water or wind to have everyone on non-fossil fuels. NOT POSSIBLE !!!

They could use nuclear energy I guess. That's a non-fossil fuel. I can't wait watch how that plays out. I have 7 acres behind me. Would that me enough for a "mini" nuclear plant to go with my Mini Cooper?

How in the hell can someone like "the dingbat", and others, get elected to Congress?

I see this morning that Nancy must have made some biblical quotes last night after the SOTU. The problem is, the religious experts claim in the news this morning those verses she spoke of are not found anywhere in the bible ... although Nancy does think of herself as God.

Again ... how in the hell does she continue to be re-elected?

I did catch the "wall comment" comparing a wall on the border, protested by people like Nancy, Zuckerberg, Maxine, and Bernie or the movie stars ... etc ... all have walls around their private residences.

I'll just say that we the people of the USA will see very soon just how much the Democrats are willing to do their f.......... jobs in Congress and get something passed. The offer was extended by President Trump to the Democrats, to have a bipartisanship effort to pass some bills into law for infrastructure, lower drug prices and family leave. Surely they can come to an agreement on all three of those issues.

I hate talking politics, hate watching or listening to them but sometimes you have to, so that is why I am posting this now instead of later.

"Nancy ... could you pass me that bowl of almonds?"  :) I'm going to spend a couple of hours today watching my taped shows Bull and Hometown.

It's wet but nice this morning in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

February 05, 2019

The Blog Has Changed !!

It was not too long after I published that post this morning that I sat down with a new cup of coffee and clicked on the WordPress dashboard "Themes" ... I was going to get serious about finding a blog with a sidebar on the right hand side. Should be easy to do with over 300 blog themes to choose from. Anywhere from 60-108 of them had sidebars on the right side of the page. A little over 5 hours later I found myself unsuccessful in the hunt, yet ... I made some drastic blog changes.
Yes, I did sit my my computer for almost all of that time looking through and trying out different themes. A few of them I made some changes and on two of them I had everything modified with my information ... just click on the "publish" button to change it all.

Didn't happen.
The hounds let me know by Stella howling and Heidi barking, that I had worked through lunch, their lunch. They wanted that new lamb and rice kibble right now. It gave me a chance to get away from the computer, fix myself some lunch and walk around. I could go outside and check out the weather. So much for that spring weather lasting until Friday.
Heidi did her lap around the house after relieving herself but it was cold enough that she ran to the door to go back inside. That was the last time we saw Heidi as she hid out in the bedroom on the dog bed sleeping the afternoon away. She's not stupid.
I'll take a break from the hound discussion and get back to the blog and what drastic changes were made. Based on what device you use, nothing will look any different to you UNLESS you scroll to the bottom of the page.

I reduced the rows of photos/posts on the home page from the 4-5 rows on the home page down to just 2 rows. Showing only 8 of my most recent posts. Why?
After I played around for a little over 5 hours, using around 800Mb of data looking at themes, and customizing some of them with my information or stuff I wanted to show ... I realized there was nothing better than what I have here. So why not work with what they gave me for the sidebar.

This theme has the largest photos anywhere on WordPress. In exchange for that wide photo, they give me only two places for sidebars. (1) Below each post, between the post and comment section. (2) In the footer at the bottom of the blog. I chose to make the footer like an additional page.
I see more and more sports websites and local newspaper websites doing that exact same thing. If it's available to be expanded, then the 'footer' of the blog becomes like an additional page added to the homepage.
Of course since I have some deficiencies in my mental make up, such as straight pictures in your house, or straight laps when mowing my yard or even when I make spreadsheets .... things have to be even, straight, and/or balanced.
So when you scroll to the bottom of the blog homepage to check out this 'new' footer (sidebar) I speak of, you will see 21 lines of recent posts only because I had 21 lines of websites that I follow. I put the shorter list in the middle so the outer edges of the links would be even.

For the sidebar under the post I just put the 'follow button' there to make it convenient for those that want to follow the blog after reading their first post as a new reader or first time visitor. First timers, if you make a comment WordPress tells me I have to approve your first comment, then all your other comments will post immediately. So your first comment did not disappear after hit the submit key, it is just waiting for my approval.

On that list of favorite blogs I have added five new links, some you have seen, some have not. I added the link to my old blog with the same name as this blog but only a letter difference, (B). That will give you more history and hundreds of more photos of the hounds plus of Winston and Sadie. If you dig really deep in the archive list, you'll read about my RV research.

Two of the links I added, I told you about the other day and posted their links inside a post. You'll recognize them as the Fraud, Crooks and Criminals and Creeping Sharia. Both of those are filled with good information that you rarely see on tv news. It might be buried online news but you have to dig to find it.
The last two links I added are blogs well written about the political scene or other news in the USA. Kuntsler's Blog and The Market Ticker both do a much better job of writing in a way that all people can understand it and they express the bullshit of Washington DC much better than I have attempted to do. So take a look at them if you are a little curious.

A reminder to my readers from my Blogger blog ... that list will not change when a new post is published. They stay in alphabetical order but I think we are all pretty familiar with who posts daily and those that space out their posts. You can click their sites based on that I guess.
I will be interested to see if this new format shows any changes in the traffic pattern within my blog. All my photos are available for downloading for your own use, as they always have been. On my Blogger blog I could see what photos were downloaded but I cannot on this WordPress blog.
I guess since I have attempted to change this blog design a couple of times in the past 10 days or so but left it the same, then it's the design I really want to use and keep. Wordpress calls this theme one of their most popular if not the most popular theme in their blogging history
So I believe I am set on the blog.
As you could see from the photos this afternoon, Stella was in her afternoon walking mode which means a pretty slow pace and mostly on the path for most of the way. She did test me once by straying away back there when I wasn't paying attention to her but that's just part of walking with a bloodhound. Bloodhounds are in their own little world when they are outside.
As we approached the 'Y' in the path, I veered left to take the old way home. Stella was heading down the newer way home ... then she realized what I had done.
She turned to follow me without me saying anything. Plus she can wonder on her own this way because she always seems to end up in the north yard.
It was interesting to see her still stop and stare over at the neighbor's yard or the woods behind their house. She was pretty far left of the path we normally take.
Once she decides that she is going inside, she doesn't move. She doesn't turn around. She stands and stares, waiting for that door to open. Not once in the three years and five months that I have had her, has she ever barked to come back inside. Nor has she barked at birds, squirrels, rabbits or deer. She never barks and only howls for lunch to be served.

Once spring arrives it will be a busy couple of days with my high pressure washer ... those steps and all of the house foundation will be stripped with the high pressure washer and then repainted with gray concrete paint. I am looking forward to the new look. I might also buy a new Larsen's storm door that would match the front door. My 'to do' list continues to grow for 2019.

It was sad to hear this morning that Tioga George had passed away recently. What an amazing man who influenced many with his travels through Mexico, leading many into RVing and traveling the country. When I would read his blog I found it amazing he was in his mid-80's, doing all that he was doing in the past year or two. He will be missed, like all the other travelers/bloggers who have passed away the past few years.

Well after a full day of work here at home ... It is steak and steamed broccoli night ... then another night of reading, glancing at basketball games on tv with the sound turned down while the rest of the world goes ape shit crazy over the State of the Union speech.

It was another great day here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.