Showing posts with label Saturday Mornings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday Mornings. Show all posts

April 16, 2016

Stella Loves Saturday Morning

There is something about a sunny Saturday morning even if all my days are "a Saturday". It's quieter than a normal work week. With the bright sunshine it almost makes it perfect.

There was a lot of heavy dew this morning so our walk didn't take place until after 10am. It was still wet. There are not the normal number of photos this morning and I tell the reason for that below.

As we went out a couple of hours later to see if it was dry enough to take the morning walk ... Stella decided the fresh cut grass and sunshine was too much and decided to sit for some early morning sunbathing.

Sadie is checking out the part of the backyard where the parked RV in 2014 killed the grass. It is slowly growing back with throwing grass seed down annually.

Stella is not moving ... no matter what.

As I read through my updated blogs this morning, I was over at Al's TheBayfieldBunch, where he was talking about how he takes all of those great photos of farm houses and barns. It was good to know exactly what lens he uses, his process and a before and after photo.

I decided I would try the same process on our morning walk this morning. There was one problem though ... a dying camera battery. Yep, a flashing icon for battery level showed up the first photo I tried to take on the walk.

So with having no plans today on this beautiful day, I think we'll head out to the country roads around here and try out Al's process of taking photos 'on the run'. I should have a lot of photos in tonight's blog post after I see if I can do the same great job that Al does taking photos.

After mowing the lawn yesterday I had my first full blown sinus attack that lasted through the night and early this morning. My right eye looked and felt like I had a head cold, sinuses switched back and forth between being plugged and constantly running ... I was breaking records for the number of consecutive sneezes.

I am pretty sure whatever is in the air is affecting me that much ... it has to be affecting Heidi's allergies to as she has spent most of the morning constantly chewing her paws and legs.

Heading out to enjoy the great weather here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.