July 10, 2013

Why I Picked the AR-ONE 17RD

Since reading about Glenn in October 2011, I spent about a year gathering information about full-time living on the road. I read and still read a lot of blogs of people that travel full-time, some part-time and some ex-travelers. They used Class A's, Class C's, Vans, 5th Wheels, Trailers and even a few tents. I emailed these people on occasion and received replies 100% of the time.

So I had a lot of information to digest on making a lifestyle change, while at the time I wasn't looking to do anything. I had been restless for years, having lived on the west coast for many years I had seen a lot of these places people were writing about and taking pictures. I knew how nice some of those places were.

This lifestyle I was finding out about was giving me a way to do that travel instead of long drives and over priced motel rooms.

After year one passed I started looking at different rigs, some owned by friends and some at RV lots like Camping World in Indy and Colerain in Indy. I came close to buying a 34' Class A locally, in fact if the family had not been on spring break vacation, I probably would have bought it after the road test but that road test had to wait for them to get back and by that time I had 2nd thoughts about something that big...because I always wanted to go "as small as possible".

Then a few weeks ago, I announced on this blog that I was buying the 17' Casita that was only 30 miles away and in mint condition. I decided that was too small for me and my hounds.

I loved the Gulfstream BT Cruiser every time I looked at them and sat in them.  I liked the Class C's.

Yet, I didn't know how far off the beaten path I could get with a Class C, a Class A, a 5th wheel or a larger trailer.

So I bought the Starcraft AR-ONE 17RD for the following reasons:

This trailer, can be towed by my H3 Hummer, 20' long on the inside, 2,800 lbs and no trailer could beat the price…$9,995. I would have paid $12K-$18K for any of the trailers I had talked about before and they would have been used and I would have had to trade my H3 for a pickup. I wanted to try the H3 out before I made the trade so that was a small factor.  I felt a lot of room as I moved around inside the trailer, plenty of storage and everything was new.  Plus, I follow a blogger that bought one last winter, solo traveler and has nothing but great things to say about the trailer.

- 2 yr warranty on the trailer
- 14 yr warranty on the rubber one piece roof  (I think it's 7 years)
- I can fit in the shower
- basement storage in front of the trailer that goes all the way across the trailer
- a full time queen size bed
- with side and rear windows in the dining area, great view outside while eating inside or on computer in bad weather days.
- Starcraft is manufactured in Middlebury IN.

The price of $9,995 included:

    - anti sway hitch
    - installed brake controller
    - new Marine battery
    - Propane filled - I know, not many dollars but still
    - Local RV sales for any repair, conversions or modifications
    - No pressure sales, people were extremely nice, knew their trailers and listened to what type of
      camping/traveling you were going to do.

I still need to load pictures up into Picasa or Photobucket so I can load them here.