August 19, 2019

Hounds To Tired To Do Anything

The day arrived early and the sunrise was fantastic to see develop. With temps at 72° it still felt cool that early in the morning. As usual the day activities would be planned as I go, nothing solid. I think you can tell what kind of day it was when you see what the hounds did for most of the day. I didn't know that their Sunday road trip would make them lazy today.

By the time we were back from the morning walk ... the sky had brightened up quite a bit.

Stella waited until that first cup of coffee was finished.

After we cross the street for the walk we have a better view of the sun rising. Today I brought my camera because I was looking for some plant ideas for my yard. Nothing that grows too tall but would add some color.

It was a short 17 minute walk but Stella didn't take long to get  back to sleep.

Heidi had not moved and was in the same spot as she was when I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. She barely opened her eyes to acknowledge my question ... I took that as a 'no.'

Today's photos were taken with the Canon G9X ... I edited out the black spot that must be on the sensor ... how it got there, I have no idea since the lens does not come off.

Not many words today ... the day passed fast and it was already time for baseball before I knew it.

97° today in the Wild West ... so much cooler compared to Phoenix or Tucson.