April 20, 2023

Rain Headed Our Way

You cannot see the trees blowing in the wind, 20mph from the south, but rain is headed our way. A good chance it will be raining around midnight and all day tomorrow. The weather guessers are thinking an inch and a half of rain within the next 24 hours. I might get to see how well the backyard holds up with some grass now and a bunch of rain.

82° with windy conditions all day kept things nice. I mowed only the backyard, knowing by Sunday it will be way too tall to cut. The hounds have moved inside and outside a million times today but with the patio door open I didn't need to get up many times. 

Walter boycotted his breakfast this morning. Flat out refused to eat. I thought I was giving him and the hounds a treat by changing their protein source from chicken to lamb. I guess lamb is not on Walter's menu. He didn't hesitate to dive into it for lunch though so I guess the dog flavor change is good with him. He is not in the photos because he already knows something is up, as in bad weather, and has maintained his day inside.

You can tell that Watson and Henry have enjoyed their day today. 

I thought it was Friday all day. I sat down to watch my one show on Apple TV that updates on Fridays with a new episode. When it was not listed in my 'watch now' I knew something was up. Then I saw the date and day on my watch ... Thursday, April 20th.

Reds baseball starts in a few minutes. I will watch some or all of that game depending on the score at the time. During commercials I will move out to the patio and enjoy the last part of good weather until the rains pass. 

It was a nice day here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana today.


  1. Were you affected by the tornado storms yesterday? Have family in some of the areas that were hit but all is well with them.

    I have decided that Walter just marches to his own drum in life and will do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. He's a keeper along with Henry and Watson.

    1. We were not near any tornado yesterday. It was sunny and 82° with some wind. Walter is the watcher of the house and the hounds. He keeps all of us protected and hears things even when he sleeps. And ... it doesn't like rain so he doesn't go out until it stops.
