Showing posts with label Basset Hound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basset Hound. Show all posts

September 16, 2021

Almost Back To Normal

The hounds look the way I have been feeling most of the time these past couple of weeks. My head has been feeling much better with each day passing. I would say I have been doing normal stuff around the house inside and outside. I drive without any problems. I have done some yard mowing and built a new small flowerbed on the side of the garage. I don't feel my head throbbing when I sit up or when I get up out of a chair. I have not tried riding the bike indoors yet to see what reaction I would have with a high pulse rate for an extended period of time. I have ridden the tan bike that came with my VW bug .1 of a mile to my friends house up the hill and around the corner. So things are good, I just wish I didn't feel so tired.

May 19, 2021

Henry & Walter Like Their Neighbor

We started the day with some steady rain, windows open and a cool breeze through the house. I had some plans for the garage this morning and needed a trip to town a few miles away for gas and some screws that were missing for my new shopvac. The hounds and the dog had a good day hanging out with me while I worked in the garage and then late this afternoon in the backyard after I pulled out my Nikon D3500 for the first time.