Showing posts with label Basset Hound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basset Hound. Show all posts

May 29, 2024

Hounds & Dogs Approve


Watson, Henry and Ava approve of all the work that was done today and things are very close to being normal again. Fence appraiser said all I need are 7 new posts, the sections and gate can be reattached to the new poles. With their new system the same concrete will be used, no need for pulling them out and digging new holes.

Walter refused to come outside and enjoy the beautiful cool weather at 84° today.

May 09, 2024

Hounds & Dogs Relax After Storms

The rains came the high winds predicted did not. We have had 2.48" of rain since Tuesday, therefore I am going to wait a few days for the ground/yard to become less saturated before I mow. Blogger photos upload is still not working for me. All of these are once again in reverse order. I changed to the Nikon 18mm-55mm lens yesterday for a different kind of view. Here are the hounds and dog relaxing before their lunch today after a day and night of hard rain yesterday.

April 22, 2024

Perfect Weather For The Hounds & Dogs

Perfect weather today for the hounds, dogs and I. They played most of the morning while I rested horizontally most of the morning. Not sure why but I am dragging in the mornings any more. Coffee isn't helping so I will have to change to a different brand. Mowed the yard again, which happens about every four days this time of year. No plans tonight but watching a little of the Reds game. The scheduled starting pitcher drives me insane so I may be moving to a book or a movie soon after the game starts.

April 21, 2024

A Cold April Sunday

You can see what kind of day we had just by Watson's photo. The low 50s might have been their preferred temperature but not mine. I anxiously wait for next weekend where the highs will be back in the 80s. Now the hounds and puppy did not sleep most of the day like Walter did. Ava was the leader of the pack in playing outside. They chased each other all over the yard and inside, tugged on bones they didn't want to share, crawled on each other and watched the other next door neighbor mow their yard today. They are all sleeping in the computer room as I write this after their very active day.

Saturday Night Live

Saturday morning started off sunny but cold, around 40°. Normal morning routine. A trip to the grocery store gave Ava a chance to prove to me she was good on the loose with the other hounds and dog. She passed the test in flying colors. She continues to do well in her day to day living. Sunday will be interesting as I attempt to cut her nails for the first time ever. She has no problem letting me hold her feet or touch her pads so things should go well.

April 19, 2024

Friday Night Baseball

Friday Night Baseball on AppleTV but not the Reds game. I pick those up on Bally Sports Ohio every game. I don't like them but they started wearing the MLB "City Connect" uniforms on Friday home games. I cannot tell if the Reds are 'contenders' or 'pretenders'. It's early, three missing out of the starting lineup due to long term injuries. Hovering around .500 in a tough Central Division.

April 17, 2024

I'm In A Rut

For some reason in all this great weather, Walter and I rarely get out of the computer room. There the windows are open, a cool breeze keeps the ceiling fan off. He sleeps and I read the internet. I have not captured that annual spring cleaning feeling that I always get and end up doing a deep clean throughout the house. Why? Where's the energy?

April 15, 2024

Ava Growing By The Hour

She stands taller than Henry now. I don't have to bend down so far to pet her. She gallops at times when she runs inside or outside. She obeys "stop" for playing. She "come" when called. She turns to face me when she hears her name. She is going to be a good dog. But like a friend reminded me today with a photo ... months 4-24 might be terrible. LOL

The hounds and dogs may have felt the heat more than me because it never felt like it was 85° with the windows open and a good breeze flowing through the house.

April 14, 2024

Ava Starts Leading Activity

She is quiet. So far she only barks when she is playing. She will follow me but isn't clingy. She knows hand signals and a some commands. She has been here nine days and a great addition to the crew. Even Walter was back to normal this morning for the first time since she arrived and that was good to see.

Posting From Firefox

Comments are open and back to normal. My first test this morning for posting photos on the blog worked. I am doing this using Firefox instead of Safari. All I needed to do was clear History on Safari and it works there too. It was a great day yesterday and will be today with highs in the 80s. The hounds and dogs loved the time they spent outside. They were playing so hard that Ava ran into the computer room by herself panting for air. Henry followed her but never made it past the entry way as he laid on the hallway floor to cool off. I am repeating myself but she has been just a fantastic puppy to live with. Smart and learning commands. 

February 17, 2024

Snow Melts Under 32°

The day started off at 19° and very very bright sunshine. It stayed that temperature for almost three hours before the heat wave hit mid afternoon where it rose to a high of 26°. The temps didn't bother the hounds and each time I let them out I practically had to drag them back inside. You can tell the hounds and the dog had a pretty good day today.

December 16, 2023

Kodak Slide Scanner Works!!

Warning: Lots of photos and story telling involved.

If you remember last week I received my missing Kodak Slide Scanner but there were two issues that made it inoperable. The SD card would not lock in the slot which is needed to save the photos to that are converted from slides or negatives. Photos from that SD card are then transferred to your computer or TV screen, your choice. It also would not work once plugged into three different computers. I took it back for a refund, then ordered another one. I did not want to ship it to my house but to ship to the Best Buy store where I could pick it up. They texted two days earlier than planned for me to pick it up.

October 22, 2023

We Still Have A Pulse

Has it been almost a month since our last post? Hard to believe because we really haven't been that busy doing things. The weather has been fantastic for this time of year yet when I look back through these photos ... nothing out of the ordinary has been going on. I guess ... just watching football and waiting for the leaves to fall. As you can see Walter is pretty content with his fast pace way of life.

September 10, 2023

Nothing But Photos


A Saturday full of football and a couple of games on Sunday ... a lazy weekend as you can see. Only photos today ... things are good though.

August 18, 2023

Is Summer Over ??


I was going to write just a paragraph and list all the photos of the hounds but there were too many 'topics' just to do that. Now I see after loading all the photos into the blog at once like I always do, they are in reverse order than what I wanted. So, here we go with a little commentary below the photos.

February 18, 2023

A Quiet Saturday For The Hounds & Dog


Hard to believe it was a week ago tonight where a lot of things changed around here. It's going to take a pretty long time to forget it. The two previous owners of Samson and I have analyzed, talked and asked many questions. All of us have second guessed what we did, then why we did it. Thanks to Lynn and another reader that commented, all three of us had a better understanding on what happened with Samson. In hindsight, there were some red flags after we read about "rage syndrome". There is a lot of moving pieces to that puzzle, all with a sad ending.

January 09, 2023

Birds Or Squirrels ?

Stepped outside a little past 12:30pm today and it felt like a day in April. It was 42° and April is still four months away. The day was still nice and with a jacket and hat on, it was nice to sit out on the patio and enjoy the sunshine.

November 03, 2022

Nothing Exciting To Report

As we move into our second fall here in "Pleasantville" the weather has been fantastic. Daytime highs reach the 70s and it is not freezing at night while the hounds, the dog and I sleep. One thing that is happening which is not good for this weekend's time adjustment, is we have been going to bed way too early and waking up way to early. Early enough that the hounds don't get fed immediately but they are happy to wait an hour or two for the regular time for their breakfast. It is I, that is getting up way too early, so they sleep.

October 05, 2022

What Is That Sound ???

I was at my computer minding my own business enjoying the cool temps with the windows open. I heard a sound that didn't sound familiar yet it was in the neighborhood. Did someone get a new high powered mower? I didn't see anyone mowing their yards from the view of my computer room window but from the sound of it whatever it was ... was huge!! On occasion  I will hear the train but that is much further away from the neighborhood and this didn't sound like that train. No, this sounded like it was right in the backyard. I step out on the patio and see the two hounds trying to figure out what that loud strange sound is.

September 26, 2022

Leaves Hounds & Walter


Blogger is at it again as it listed my photos in reverse order than I sent them. In this post that will not matter because it's going to be all photos about Walter, the hounds and leaves. Leaves are starting to fall and change color. As you can see Walter was not interested in getting his photo taken.