July 01, 2024

Ava Has Not Slowed Down

When I told the vet that Ava likes to sprint from the patio door to where she see a rabbit or squirrel inside her fence, she replied I might have to use a leash to prevent that. Well luckily that was not needed this morning. 4am she woke me like usual to go outside to pee, then semi trotted back to her dog bed. After her meal that was mixed with two required meds, she was out exploring the backyard like normal. I think she understands when I tell her not to run by the way she responds.

Unlike the others when they were puppies and neutered, she does not seem to mind the cone and gets around quite well and eats, drinks water like normal. There have been no signs of bleeding through her bandage and she has shown no signs of it being sore to where she limps.

This photo and the next five were taken last night. Google did not sort all of these correctly this morning. With the cooler temps we spent time out on the patio. It was cooler outside for once than it was inside. She wanted to run and play but I had to keep her from doing that. By the time I got outside she was on her back playing with Henry and Watson, the cone did not matter to her.

Whenever she goes outside alone, she likes to do a lot of this ... just relax. She too would probably stay outside all night if I were to let her.

I should get a call from my regular vet this morning confirming a time either today or tomorrow to bring her in to get the bandage off and inspect her wound. It doesn't seem I will have to make much change to her normal routine because of the cone. She is an active puppy.

Ava was to have her bandage taken off within 24-48 hours. I called my vet this morning and they do what they call a "drop off", no appointment for that type of exam. We hopped in the car and made the 27 mile trip with no issues. She slept most of the way. A little after 1pm they called me and said she was ready to be picked up.

The vet said the wound looked good. I can see maybe 4 staples. They will be removed the day she gets spayed on July 17. The left the bandage off for faster healing. I am to keep an eye out for any blood that might be seeping out from her activity and to call them if that happens. Seeing the cut gives me more clues to try finding out what happened.

She came home and found her spot to sleep, bathroom on the cold tile. All the hounds have slept most of the afternoon with cool temps and all the windows open. She will get lunch a little later today so I can mix in the two meds with her food.

Compared to what I saw yesterday coming out of her leg, things turned out very well. She is an easy puppy to take care of. No nervousness in the car. The breeder tells me she gets they from her parents as they love to ride in the car. 

81° with a cool breeze all day today here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.


  1. I am really happy to see Ava doing so well. Good luck.

    1. Thanks Barney. It was checked again this morning and she said it still looks good and is starting to drain.

  2. So great to hear that Ava is progressing well. Just an FYI, don't let her lick that area as it could turn into a hot spot which is really difficult to heal. This happened to my parent's Lab and it took forever to get the hot spot healed.

    1. That is why they gave her the cone to wear, to keep her from that wound. More concerned about her chewing the staples out but good info about licking. I always thought it was healthy for a dog to lick its wounds. She has to wear the cone until July 17 when they take them out on her spaying appointment.

  3. See Steve, here's my second comment in 3 days! Yesterday's post was scary - that had to be frightening for you to come home and see all that blood. So happy to hear that things have turned out as well as they have and Ava is on the mend. She'll probably be happy for the month of July to be over with so she can take off that collar for good after her spay surgery. Be grateful for your cooler weather there in Indiana, it's miserable, hot and humid now, out here in toasty AZ. Linda in Buckeye

    1. Yes, July 17 can't come soon enough for her and me. LOL Ah that's right she might have to wear the cone after her spay surgery so you are right END of July is the magic date for no cone. She doesn't seem to mind the cone though. It is back up in the 90s today but currently only 56% humidity so it feels cool at 80°. Windows are open.
