February 16, 2025

Rain To Snow Instantly

We haven't been real motivated lately. Colder than I like outside plus there were occasional rains a couple of days. Since I am counting time until mid-March with hopes of Spring being here for good, I had to find something to do inside. I pulled off the 8 seasons of Dexter from my dvd case and started watching that.

As you can see, the hounds and dogs were not that interested yet they knew the weather wasn't the best outside that patio door. The muddy mats are working but since they have been washed, the rubber backing must have lost the adhesive because they will slide on the floor as the hounds round the corner of the end table running for their food bowls in the mornings.

Based on what seat(s) are available determines who sleeps where. They move around during the night while I watch tv, either a ballgame or Dexter.

Watson wasn't happy at all being confined back inside. I had caught him a couple of days this week running full speed from one side of the yard to the other while chasing Ava. She too was running as fast as she could. Down along the fence line, curl back at the end and fly across the patio deck. They did many laps at full speed. 

The local tv weather had a LOT of rain in their forecast for Friday and Saturday. Another reason to veg out and watch hour after hour of Dexter. I tried a couple of books but couldn't focus long enough to really read either of them. They were right too. Once it started raining it never stopped. 

By Saturday afternoon I thought our house might float away because the later the day got the harder it rained. Non-stop ... it never stopped raining even after dark.  

When I heard hard rain hitting the roof and against the patio door, I grabbed my phone and tried to get some photos. It was 7:40pm and it was raining harder than it was in the afternoon. I can't remember getting this much rain since I have lived here.

There is actually one good thing in this photo. Last fall as a test, too late in the fall to make much difference, I scattered a lot of grass seed by hand all over the bare dirt sports. I let it lay there as is. It might be my imagination but there looks like there is more new grass in the photo than was there after I finished raking leaves in December. I can look at past photos to find out.

I am now thinking of having a truck load of top soil delivered just outside my fence. I can then transfer it into a wheelbarrow, fit inside the gates and spread it where needed. I am looking at a lot of topsoil to fill in those low spots. A different landscaping company told me the same answer about the low spots in the yard, just a week or two ago. Same as the landscaping companies I asked three years ago. 

Saturday night past midnight I go to bed hearing rain hitting the windows and I can hear the wind. "They said" it would be snowing Sunday morning.

They were right. As Henry, Watson, Cletus and Ava walked out of the hallway into the living room towards the patio door at 6:30am ... the front living room windows showed nothing but a lot of snow. Not a lot to most people but here in "the tropics", 3" at one time is quite a lot. Especially after it rains. 

The Windy website was showing 19mph winds from the NW with gusts up to 35mph for the rest of the day and tonight. As long as the trees stay upright that is all I need today. I don't care how many times the hounds and dogs want to go outside ... just keep the trees standing straight, the power on and a warm house.

There might be no more than 2" but when you go to bed in windy rain, after all day and night of rain then wake up to this .... pretty amazing. 

There are a lot more thin taller trees I want to cut down before their leaves come back. I will cut them to fall parallel to the fence. I also want to cut into that brush so it falls to the ground easier. Nothing will be done until it's warm again and right now I am looking at a week of temperatures below 32° ... so this stuff is going to stay around for a while then get muddy and slushy again.

Even the few people I know that like winter weather, have told me they too cannot wait for Spring to come.

The red shed stands out with the background of white ... you can tell it was windy because the vertical slats are covered in snow. That's rare.

It's going to be a cold windy day here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana. 


  1. It has been a crazy winter all across the US this year. Hope it doesn't last much longer.

    1. I have a sneaky suspicion this is the new norm, year round.

  2. Love the photos of the crew and the first one of Walter is priceless.

    We have had next to no snow this winter and very little rain until last Thursday. In a 24 hour period, my gauge showed 4 inches. Other areas on the mountain had over 6 inches. Our Lake came up a foot, so it is almost full again which will be nice for summer. The highway (#330) going to Running Springs and was affected by the Line Fire last August, became a complete disaster with all the rain. It flooded with several vehicles becoming trapped (all trapped were safely saved). Cal-Trans is saying it will be about 10 days for the clean-up. Cal-Trans had just recently finished work on the highway, etc. after the damage from the fire. Very sad.

    1. Cal-Trans better watch it, they might run out of state funded money.

  3. The last rain picture shows something I have kind of wondered. In the middle you see what looks like a river flowing. We had this in our backyard when I was little. It stretched out to our neighbors on both sides. Someone, the developer (?), told Mom there was an underground river that might show when it rained really hard. When the neighbor put up a garage, it pooled in his yard and the neighbors two yards past. My husband & I bought a house around the block and sure enough watched the neighbor's yard behind us (three houses down from Mom & Dad) flood next to their garage as well. A few times that river froze and we would slip and slide around for fun.

    1. My underground river is the field behind the berm. Luckily it angles down three houses away but still angles towards every house on this side of the street. The great room and patio deck was added around 2006. That might have changed the water issue but both neighbors on each side of me, grew up in the houses they live in now. They told me my backyard has been flooding since they were kids. They are now in their 60s.
