Showing posts with label Gas Prices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gas Prices. Show all posts

July 15, 2022

What Happen To The Cameras?

Something a little different in today's post .... more rambling, not sure what photos will show up or which direction my thoughts will go. A friend and I have been talking about blogging more lately. We had both quit blogging a while ago, he longer than I. In fact he has restarted his blog because of his need to write. That got me thinking about my blog from a few years ago when I would post daily and sometimes twice in a day.

Nothing has really changed in my routine now that I am back in Indiana for the past 14 months (times flies) so nothing for sure yet, but I am thinking of dragging my old cameras out of storage or off the shelf and start blogging more. There are plenty of things to blog about around this small city and of course the dog and the hounds will give me photo possibilities.

So no promises but we will see what happens here. At least it would get me out of the house and solve my urge to write, even if I am not a professional writer .. misspelled words and bad grammar at times brings a "roar from the crowd".

I bought that Nikon D3200 in 2014 and it was my main camera UNTIL the last two iPhones I have had with their great cameras and in some cases better, sharper picture quality. I still have my iPhone 11 Pro Max with no plans of upgrading to the smaller iPhone 13 with the wider bezel like I had on my iPhone 5. But the Nikon D3200 had some competition when I bought the iPhone 8 Pro (?) a few years ago ... really my iPhone is my daily camera I guess.