Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

May 16, 2019

Stella Boycotts Morning Walk

This is Stella's new morning routine. She will whine that she wants to take the walk in the morning but that has turned out to let me know she just wants to go outside. Again on Wednesday morning she wasn't going anywhere. Afternoon walks are also in question, some days yes, some days no. It's funny how she comes up with these changes.
A few minutes before 6am this morning I glanced outside and there was a light fog hovering over the top of the hay. I headed outside as fast as possible to take a picture while the hounds were chowing down on their morning kibble. (It's raining again at 7pm)
This morning she stood there doing nothing and it was about the time I started walking back to the house when she started slowly walking to the field. Only to eat wet grass.
I thought the Azalea was dead but some signs of life. The other three are growing like gangbusters and are the same position under the roof overhang.
Heidi came out right after lunch but she wasn't going anywhere either. Although she ended up spending most of the afternoon outside alone, wandering, taking a walk in the grass and then sleeping in the backyard under the sunshine.
Once Stella saw that I was walking away in the field she decided a Thursday morning walk might be a good idea.
She was running so fast she ran right past the camera.
The race was on to see who would get into the house first
When I didn't see Heidi for an hour or so outside I started walking to the field and there she was. She was just returning from her own walk and exploration.
I am getting a lot done. I am very tired by the time I finish and the nights are not long enough. All is good though in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

May 14, 2019

The Hounds Enjoy The Sunshine

Every morning lately Stella is not certain she wants the morning walk. She has to think about it, sniff a little, thinks some more and look around. Today was a morning where she decided she would head out. Until she hit the field, she still wasn't sure. The grass yard was really wet and she does not like getting her paws wet.
It's official ... another morning walk in the books.
After lunch she couldn't resist to take a nap in the sunshine. Her nose was pressed into that stepping stone.
Heidi prefers grass if she is going to sleep.
She went outside three or four different times in the afternoon. She did explore the field again alone but spent most of her time in the yard.
She is a much happier hound in warm weather. Like me, she is not a winter person.
I took a little time for some baked salmon and peas with Kerrygold nonsalted butter. The next big project ... I am painting not just a couple of room like I had planned but all the rooms plus all the ceilings. Luckily I love to paint houses, inside and out. A bottle of Ibuprofen will be nearby right before I call it a day.

All is good in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

May 07, 2019

Heidi's Alive And Well

Yes Heidi appears before the camera but that picture was from two weeks ago. That day I glanced out the living room window and didn't see her. Looked out the window of the computer room into the backyard and didn't see her. Nor was she along the bank on the south side. About the time I started to walk outside I looked out the bedroom window and there she was. This photo was taken through a screen window, so slightly dark.
You can see color is increasing by the day. That field will be completely yellow by the time they plow the field. The dirt area you see is where it was flooded just last week. Based on photos from this day last year, they are running a week behind in their planting.
This part of the field is always the tallest of the 7 acres. Partly because that is the lowest part of the field and but it is helped by bloodhound fertilizer over the winter months.
She had already hydrated herself before we came outside as usual but today decided some wet grass was needed before she attempted any kind of aerobic activity.
Perfect weather this morning minus the gnats that bothered me. Mid 60's slightly overcast and no wind.
Stella's slow stroll begins.
She will walk at her pace and her pace only. It's up to me what I want to do but she is always in control of this walk, both in the morning and afternoon. I am only around to take photos of it, blog about it all under her supervision.
You can see how fast the grass is growing. They will not cut and bale it until late June or early July. Eventually I will barely see her when she is off the path.
I tried once again this morning to take the 'old' way home but she wasn't listening to me. She kept walking on her path as if she didn't hear a word. Again, it was up to me which way I was going to go.
I think you can tell that she knows she always wins.
I like letting that corner of the yard grow wild like it use to be all over the north section of the yard. It should help a little on the rain flow and soil erosion.
I don't have to say anything because you know once you see this picture the morning walk is officially over.

I wasn't sure what the plan was for this afternoon when I saw neither hound wanted to do much after their lunch. It wasn't an hour later when Heidi wanted to go outside. I snuck around the north side of the house to take some photos of her. I was able to walk up to her and take photos at will as she was very cooperative today.
It is another beautiful day here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.