Showing posts with label Public Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Blogging. Show all posts

July 02, 2018

The Blog Is Back In Action

I guess maybe I only needed a break from blogging. It's been around 37 or 38 days since the last post here where I announced the blog was over. It might be time consuming but I enjoy writing and I enjoy taking photos of the hounds. My problem is only internal as I fight my own demons of obligation and 'all or nothing' type of feelings. So we will be back to posting again, maybe only photos for a while, may not be every day ... we will see how it goes.

These are photos from as far back as May 28 and in order they were taken if Blogger placed them as they usually do, in sequence from the oldest to the newest photo. I have rebuilt the blog sidebar and re-labeled it as just a reading list since there are some websites mixed in that are not blogs. A new site I have added is Fact Checker ... a legit site that seems to be honest and can separate what is fake news and the actual facts.

If you think of other blogs I have had there that you followed but don't see them let me know. I know that I am missing some of the old ones. Maybe my memory cells can align later and I can remember them.

Sadie did some 'sparrow chasing' ... but Stella is just taking it easy and trying to survive the heat.

My friend's Mini ... named "Boogie" ...

All the hounds are good. Sadie turned 10 years old in June. Heidi is back to her hot summer hibernation and only goes out long enough after a meal to relieve herself. Stella loves the AC and Sadie doesn't care how hot it is, she wants to walk twice per day.

I'll catch up more later in the coming days ... nothing major has happened. All is good in retirement.

February 25, 2018

When It Rains It Pours

When I posted last it was in between thunderstorms and today it is after a week where the majority of days and nights were nothing but rain. It shows we have a few days to absorb all of the water before it starts again. I wonder if there will be any dry days in between storms this spring to mow the lawn or should I just let it go.

No matter what the weather is or was ... I have to admit my interest in blogging is waning daily.

We did take walks during our absence, in between the rains. Their paws and belly were always wet by the time we returned to the waiting towel outside. They didn't mind being dried off nor having their paws cleaned before going back inside. Most of the walks did not include the camera and if we walked at all due to weather, it was always once per day.

All of the photos except the ones of Heidi were taken this morning. As you can see the field on the left side of that single lane road is flooding ... the difference in these two photos is only 17 minutes.

Heidi has enjoyed the warmer temps but there is no way she is going to get her paws wet ... she continues to wait for Spring.

Honestly I am not sure how much longer I'll be blogging. As you could probably tell this past month, my lack of interest. I've been spending less time on the computer and enjoying it more. I know that feeling will only increase as the temperatures outside get warmer. I'm doing other things now during the day instead of sitting in my desk chair, so we will see I guess.

They tell us to expect a wetter than normal Spring and Summer here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.

December 13, 2017

Another Morning Hound Walk

The pace has been fast and furious since we are getting use to cold weather every day. I hate talking about weather but it's a big factor in what we do. It's early in the winter and the Bloodhounds are already showing signs of 'cabin fever'. We still get our two walks in per day as a minimum ... Except Heidi.

She came outside after lunch yesterday and didn't move off of the carport. As soon as that cold blast of wind came around the corner and hit her in the face right behind the Z4, she turned and headed back towards the door ... then changed her mind.

She wanted to make sure it was just as cold over behind the FJ because she really had 'to go' since she had just finished lunch. She studied the ground, sniffed the air, licked her lips and finally gave up ... too cold. I don't think she moved off the couch literally all afternoon. Around 7pm she jumped off to shake and loosen her neck and back muscles, then jumped right back on the couch and started her nightly routine.

Finally around 9pm I had to coax her to go outside with Sadie and Stella. She didn't mind that as she sprinted through kitchen to the door and ran to the driveway. She realized she had been holding it too long.

While I flipped back and forth between ballgames, movies and the MLB channel for any last second updates on baseball trades ... she continued to sleep. This photo is my new phone taking one 2x zoom and a tone adjustment.

She does come up for air on occasion. She might walk in a circle, then curl back under the blankets.

It's very important to get those blankets just right to keep her nose warm.

A bloodhound needs her rest after a full day of activity. 

Each time I step out in this field it feels like the whole field is sliding south. I can't recall if the incline was as steep as it is now. I thought I remembered this area being a lot more flat, but it's hard to see in photos from years ago when I had a different group of hounds. Probably just my imagination.

I have found the right clothing combination where I am never cold, even down to single digit wind chill. The hounds never seem to mind and their walks every morning are almost the same ... until today.

Stella was moving in and out of the brush area. I wasn't sure I wanted to leave her behind on a day like this morning. If she were to take off it would be too cold for her if she was gone for 30 minutes or longer.

Sadie was just Sadie ... trying to cover as much ground and as many scents as possible within the 15 minute walk.

I knew at this point in time I was going to have to walk back and get Stella. She was hard to deal with this morning as I had to herd her at least to the first turn and then some more after that.

Even here, I had to nudge her one more time before she made the right hand turn.

I realized this morning as I open up my blog dashboard to write this post that I was at a loss for words. I still am as you can probably tell by what I have typed so far. I'll leave the rest of the photos from this morning's walk. I seem to be very distracted this morning.

I guess the main objective today will be to do some shopping to replenish the food supply. Since the roads are dry and clear, I'll drive the Z4 over to the store for some added fun on the drive. Plus the trunk in that car gives me just enough room to store what I buy which doesn't leave room for a lot of extras but just what I need. It does hold more bags of groceries than you would expect it to.

Yet, another fine day ahead here in 'the tropics' of Southern Indiana.