May 06, 2021

We Arrived Safe And Sound

I sit in my new computer room with an entirely different view out my corner room windows. So much green, sounds of birds and the smell of clean air. That is one thing both the movers and the guy that transported my VW told me they noticed as soon as they stepped out of the trucks. Clean smelling air. I will try to update you with the trip with 28 photos dating back to my last blog post. You see cattle in back of the house in Sierra Vista. A few weeks prior to departure they dropped off a large number of cattle to graze. They made the doberman bark more due to his confusion about the intruders.

April 20, 2021

The Countdown Continues

I thought the Aerostat was going to be launched this morning for only the 2nd time since January 20th, but it never did. Not a border patrol plane but a good way to look at the border I guess. He flew over the house this morning. Date to pick up the VW was confirmed yesterday, Directv disconnect and install scheduled today on the phone for May 7th. Hounds and the dog's medical shot record printed out and in briefcase as well as my letters of credit from each utility company in hopes of eliminating any deposits required for setting up new service. Things are right on schedule. The border "incidents" continue locally on a daily basis. It is really amazing how this place has changed so quickly.

April 16, 2021

Henry Visits His Mom

I always told the breeder, Michelle at Out West Bassets that I would bring Henry back for visits. This week was the plan since I am now moving in 12 days. I also wanted to see how he rode in the RAV4 compared the passenger seat and floorboard of the Tacoma. He was smaller then and I found out yesterday really quick after we left that he is so long that he has to ride in back. As he will ride with Stella on the way to the Midwest.