January 05, 2025

The Storm Has Arrived Early !!

This is Ava's first snow storm and as you can see she is pretty excited about it. The storm was supposed to start after midnight tonight. Most of the heavy snow was to be north of us by 10 miles, I-64. We were to get sleet with an ice storm. So when I turned on the patio light at 6:30am to let the hounds out I was a little surprised that my patio deck was all white.

By the time we finally started our day, the snow was really coming down with huge flakes. Hounds and dogs were fed, coffee made for me and every time I looked out the window, an hour later it was coming down harder, almost like a hard rain. Looks like we will get our 4" to 6" they talked about. 

Luckily I had prepared not to leave the house for the next 5-7 days and bought provisions to eat and made sure all the devices are 100% charged along with the camping gear is in the house and not the shed. So the crockpot of beans is already cooking. The cornbread will be made right before dinner tonight and I have plenty of snack food (unhealthy stuff but good) within a cabinet's reach while I tune into some NFL Football today or just sit in the living room and watch it snow outside. 

There is a story I am told on why our street is one of the first one's to get the sand/salt treatment and a plow if needed ... the other way, back to the left and up at that corner, is where a retired city council member lives. So it helps to know somebody I guess and our neighborhood street is treated to an early clean. By the way it looks it will not stay clean long.

Unlike prior years, Walter has gone out in heavy rain sometimes this spring and summer to do what he has to do. So I was a little curious what he would do this morning as he felt snow flakes hitting his nose and face just a few inches outside the patio door. As you will see it took him a while to find that spot he needed to relieve himself.

Cletus is NOT a lounger when outside. He will stay outside I assume this spring, summer and fall when the weather is better with the other hounds but I have seen tendencies where he only goes outside long enough to drink water or relieve himself and is back standing at the patio door to be let inside. This morning was nothing different. He drinks water in one attempt forever and longer than any hound I have ever had. He never barks to come inside nor go outside. He will just stand quietly knowing I will see what he wants. 

You can barely see the snorting with Walter blowing 'out' his nose while trying to clear the snow for a better smell of the ground. 

Walter sprints for home with Ava right behind him.

Henry is unfazed by all the excitement. 

Watson knows he is in for a long few days with weather like this. Within a minute after taking this photo he jumped off the couch and headed for his dog bed in the bedroom to go back to sleep. He will hibernate this storm out.

My camera and iPhone camera can't capture just how big the flakes are and how heavy the snowing is though the window of my computer room. It is almost at the level of a 'whiteout' at only 9:15am which is about 15 hours earlier than what we were told. It is supposed to to freeze all this stuff later this afternoon.

It looks like the weather is going to give me some blog material for the few days, weeks ahead. The big question is ... with the ice storm this afternoon and the freezing of snow already on the power lines, will the heavy snow and ice knock out our power with ice causing downed power lines ?????

First snow storm in 2025 is here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.

1 comment:

  1. The first big snow of the season is always a nice way to start the day as it is always beautiful outside. What I liked about snow with my Labs was that there was no mud to clean off their paws, just wet. So great that Ava is a snow bunny and enjoying herself. I hope that your power stays on and that you and the crew are warm and toasty inside. We are expecting Santa Ana winds again this week and are on alert as we are so dry with no significant moisture yet this season. Take care.
