September 17, 2015

Some Answers To Email Questions

Last night sometime I thought I'd write today's post with all the answers I promised yesterday, in advance. I started writing on Microsoft Word but it became so detailed with a lot of repeated information from past blog posts that it ended up being 7 pages long and over 3,000 words.

Much too large to post as a blog. I hope today's writing will be shorter, but you know how it is when I start rambling.

I have changed the comment setting so anonymous readers can comment now. Due to all the spam I turned that option off months ago but will now monitor comments on posts over 7 days old. So comment away.

Winston Acting As Referee

Short Rest Period

Back At It After A Short Break
This morning I thought I'd answer a lot of those questions asked in the many emails I've been getting recently about the blog. Some of this will explain what the plans are for the regular blog readers that don't know the history of the blog. I am going to try to explain in outline format. I am also going to include photos of the hounds today like usual but keep in mind that my blog post today is mostly about the "whys" and "RVs", so the photos will have nothing to do with the subject matter.

I might have to write this in bits and pieces today because Sadie has started the day off by rolling in something in the field around 7:30am that really stinks!!! You know, the bloodhound that hates having her nails trimmed and even hates the word "bath" more than anything. They found something here but when I looked around that area, I saw nothing nor smelled anything.

Unless I can find a solution on the internet, she will be getting a bath outside later today when it's sunny and in the 80's. I can tell today could be really interesting. I need more coffee first.

Here are some of the questions I've been receiving by email. Some I answered by replying to their email but there got to be so many emails I decided to post the answers in a blog post.

1. What happened to your RV plans and traveling?

Really nothing has changed except the season. If you look on the blog archive on the right sidebar, each period of the year has very similar actions. I really like the fall in "the tropics" therefore the urge to travel is very small if any at all. So it's just that time of year right now.

The new bloodhound that brings the hound total to four has nothing to do with lack of travel plans or travel posts. Over the past four years of reading forums, reading blogs, looking at RVs, sitting in and test driving RVs and even buying a Class C so it could sit for the winter ... I realized some things:

  • The best travel for the hounds and I would be in a Class A with slides.
    • To buy a Class A I would have to sell my house.
  • A Class A with a toad is not possible with either of the two vehicles I have and like.
    • The Mini Cooper is an automatic so it would need to be towed in a trailer.
    • The Toyota FJ is an automatic and still cannot be towed wheels down as a manual.
  • I prefer to be off the grid as much as possible w/solar power.
    • I'm not a fan of staying in RV parks or campgrounds.
    • I want to go where a Class A, a Class C and even a trailer at times cannot go.
  • The FJ limits my trailer size to small and smaller.
    • I'd prefer a bare bones designed 6x12 cargo trailer to be used more as a hard shell tent rather than a customized trailer.
    • I have no plans to trade or sell the Toyota FJ
  • I can still travel with 4 hounds like I did with 3 hounds in June 2015.
As you know I was about to leave again last July when Heidi had blood in her stool on the morning I was headed to REI to buy a roof top carrier for more storage that would free up space in the back of the FJ. It wasn't her skin the vet was concerned about but her loss of weight in the last 9-10 months of 12-13 lbs and 7 of those lost were after April. She wanted me to keep Heidi at home to observe for 30 days. The blood tests showed nothing was wrong. Was it stress?

During that first week of waiting I came down with some severe off and on tooth/jaw pain, that later resulted in a root canal and a crown. Also forest fires started around that time at Glacier NP, the place we were heading. After that the whole west, including Seattle was facing 100° temps on a daily basis. Needless to say, my urge to travel in August disappeared, the AC was feeling pretty good here in "the tropics" ... the hounds had no complaints.

I also found during the month of June and early July as I was completing my house "to do" list, it was a house that I wanted to keep instead of sell and relocate. A four year watchful eye on real estate prices, plus email notices when houses were available in my price range also played a factor in the decision not to sell. I am at the point in my life I am use to not having a mortgage and don't really want one.

I lived 10 years across the street from the beach in southern California and another 10 years in the beautiful land of the San Juan Islands NW of Seattle. Add in a ski season in Breckenridge CO .. all those locations gave me a taste of living out west.

I miss the mountains so close to where I lived in Whidbey Island, along with the water just a few blocks away. I don't miss the rain though. There are many things I love about the west in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado and that's why it's so tempting to move every year.

I still have plans to travel, even with 4 hounds this time. That traveling might not take place until the temps drop to the 30's here in "the tropics" and for sure it will not happen until Heidi is in better physical shape with her skin issues and gains her weight back.

2. WHY did you get another dog???   (very very popular question these past 18 days)

Before deciding to go get Stella I asked myself a million times WHY do I want another dog? Some friends said I was crazy ... others would say "two bloodhounds?" and then go into hysterical laughter.
  • She needed a home.
  • She needed someone that was familiar with the bloodhound breed ... I am.
  • I could guarantee that she would never end up in a shelter ... ever.
  • I had been wanting another hound for Sadie, one that was her size, her personality ... one basset was too small and the other too old to fill that position.
  • I know I can still travel with 4 hounds instead of 3. She loves to ride and is laid back.

3.  Will this blog ever be about RVing and Travel or is it going to be just about your hounds?
  • From Day 1 in October 2011 the blog has been about RVs and Hounds
  • I wrote about everything I found with different RVs I had looked at.
  • I wrote about the short trip we traveled in June 2015 and the trip in September 2013.
  • The current domain has been renewed and will stay the same.
  • The blog title will stay the same and the word RV will not be taken off.
  • When I am at home, the blog will be like it has been recently and in the past.
  • When I travel I will blog and post photos of those times, although it might depend on internet access for when I can publish those blog posts with photos.
I am sure I've lost a few readers recently when I started blogging about pulling weeds in the driveway and a lot of daily photos of the hounds that are taken no further than the backyard. I've gained some new regular readers because they love the hounds, their photos and even what they are doing every day. Some probably left when they thought I wasn't serious about traveling.

All of that is okay. I have also left blogs that left me bored or from a lack of interest.

I started this blog as a journal to document what I found in my RV and RV lifestyle research. I had no idea I would have people interested in that. I wasn't planning on a lot of traffic or a list of followers. It was basically started as a reference point for my fading memory. Later on I could document my travels online instead of a hand written journal like I did in 1976 riding my bicycle cross country.

Over time I have built up a few informative posts about different RVs, and trailers I had looked at. I documented and photographed my repair on the Class C that was just sitting here in the backyard when oil started leaking like the fountain of youth.

After 4 years and 200,000 page views, which really isn't many compared to other bloggers, the #1 topic or subject searched and the largest number of visits to this blog are people looking for information on the Lil Snoozy Trailer that I almost bought in September of 2013. No other topic even comes a close second. That's another reason I keep the "RV" in the domain and blog title ... an RV reference.

I've spilled my guts at times about what I was thinking, thus sending some regular readers on a roller coaster of shock and awe .... with the number of times I had changed my mind about rigs or plans. In all of that rambling, a few have emailed thanking me for answering some questions they had. It's pure insanity but this blog has helped a few with information or photos of what they were looking for online.

A Breakfast Of Dirt

What Is That I Smell ... I Think I'll Go Roll In It


I'll continue to blog about what is happening at the time I am writing. Just like life, things are in constant change and so is the direction of any blog I guess. I really enjoy taking photos of things I am blogging about.

As far as traveling ... I think I have learned some of the following things during the last 4 years:
  • I like the "comforts" of home maybe more than the "hassles" of traveling. 
  • I like the planning and driving more than "sitting" somewhere. 
  • I love the scenery out west along with the Fall and Spring in "the tropics"
  • Long hot showers at home are better than a shower with a baby wipe or wash cloth.
  • Although the hounds most likely only want food, some activity and companionship with their owner.
    • They sure seem to enjoy laying on their couch or bed more than in a Class C or a tent. Who knows? Maybe they really don't care either way.
    • All I know, are the sounds I heard them making as we were driving up the driveway in June 2015 after traveling for only a week. 
    • Or the way they acted when I opened the door of the house ... it sure did look like they did care where they were.
  • My hounds drink a LOT of water in a day. I'd have to carry a ton of it to boondock more than a week, including the water for me.
  • The urge to travel will never leave me alone.
    • With me it IS a seasonal urge.
    • It could turn into something longer or permanent in the future depending what life brings.
  • If I never traveled a single mile due to bad health ... I'd still be happy with the places I've been and the things I've done. If it ended tomorrow I'd have no regrets.
  • I don't expect any kind of large amounts of money to drop in my lap.
    • I can afford one or the other but not both.  (RV or House)
    • I can afford the house and a small trailer though.
  • Big rigs cost more to use and more to repair ... money that I don't have for that.
    • Unless I would sell my house.
  • I am a sports addict and love football and college basketball 
    • Those are not the reasons I am housebound ... really.
    • I could watch as many games with a portable Directv dish or even now on my computer, anywhere anytime when traveling.
  • I have wondered at times if all of this started because I read about Glenn ( on Yahoo Business one Friday at work when I was bored out of my mind. 
    • Was "dreaming" of traveling full-time just a way of escaping a job that I was beginning to dislike more and more each day?
I'm done for today. This is too long but should give those that asked questions some answers, those that were wondering some answers and some a confirmation of what they were thinking.

Now, to the internet to find the easiest way to get that smell off of Sadie or what to bathe her in that will work .... she simply stinks right now!!!  LOL

September 16, 2015

The Hounds Get Their Food Supply Restocked

After seeing the change in Winston and Sadie's coat, no itching and a lot less shedding ... I bought another 33# bag of Fromm Senior & Reduced Activity (non affiliate link) dog food today. With traffic, a stop to refill the Mini Cooper S with fuel and the distance, it was almost two hours round trip. By the time I returned home the hounds were anxious to eat. Stella had made no attempts to escape the bedroom but I did see where she stood on her back legs to see out the windows.

When I made the switch to this Fromm food eighteen days ago, I was wanting to change the food of Winston and Sadie to a lower fat or what most companies call a "Senior" blend. Sadie needs to lose some weight and I thought feeling her this food instead of cutting her portions of the other food would work out better.

This summer, along with a lot of other bloodhound owners, there has been more shedding than normal. I just figured it was the extreme heat. Winston was shedding more than normal also and both hounds were itching more than they had previously. With half a bag gone I started noticing that Sadie was no longer sprinting outside at 10pm every night to eat grass. Neither hound was itching as much if at all and my vacuum was showing a lot less shedding was taking place.

Stella arrived a few days after I started this food. She had and still has a great coat, no shedding and made the immediate switch to the Fromm food from her previous food without any digestion issues.

This morning I was close to moving to the Earthborn Weight Management food since Heidi is having great results on their Meadow Prairie blend but when you are feeding around 80# of dog food a month, a difference of 5# in bag size makes a big difference. Fromm has a 33# bag, Earthborn's largest bag is 28#. I'll do a little more cost analysis later to find out which is the best deal. Both foods are great dog food. Both companies use USA ingredients and is produced at their own plants.

With a short trip outside this morning, my trip to Bloomington to buy food and a siesta for all of us this afternoon ... not a lot got done. Nor was anything planned but restocking their food supply. It was a successful day in the life of a retiree.


Stella must like the Fromm food a lot with Duck being the #1 ingredient because she still is trying to "flip up" and open a locked lid on the dog food container. She finds it hard to understand her failed attempts, but she is persistent.


After downloading the photos after taking them this morning I noticed that Heidi's front paws hasn't looked this good since last December. Even her rear legs were not red and I still can see hair coming in thicker on places the vet said not to expect any hair to come back. She is on her 8th day where the food #1 ingredient is Lamb after switching it from Bison. Both blends worked well but I have to wonder if the change in the protein source is the cause for improvement. She has not had any Epsom Salt soaks in the tub this week.

If you remember or you can see past photos under the label on the right called "Heidi's Treatment", that part of her shoulder in back where the white hair is growing back was almost all raw skin and at times had the "elephant skin" look to it.

Also her legs and paws were red, inflamed and at times chewed raw. It might be just one of her better days but at least I will be able to tell what may make it flare back up.

Winston still continues to stretch his diet by eating that fine grade dirt from what the moles push up through the grass. I'm not sure what the attraction is but if he likes it that much, he's been doing it for weeks, I'm not going to stop him. In the photo below you can see some of the dirt residue under his nose.

The hounds played a little this morning when they first went out but nothing like Monday where they were doing all out sprints in the field. At 6 and 7 years old they may have over extended themselves in the aerobic department.

It was a pretty laid back day here in "the tropics" ... just the way we like them.




I think it shows that Stella is pretty happy with the fresh cut yard and some afternoon sunshine. I am still amazed how fast I was able to let her off leash (except on the walk) and how she recognizes her new name and will come when that name is called.

Also there have been plenty of chances for dogs fighting with the change in seating at times, or a bone that was never shared until now, including a water bowl of Sadie's that she would lay beside to guard against any basset hound infiltrations. They have their own water bowl in a different room because of Sadie. There have never been any fights over that water in the past 7 years and the past 17 days that Stella has been a resident here.

All seem to get along ... Heidi did bark at Stella this morning to let her know the couch was her's during the daylight hours.

For those that have been emailing the past few weeks asking about my travel plans, rving, the change in my blog, etc ... I am going to post answers to your emails in tomorrow's post along with some other thoughts. Photos of the hounds will also be included throughout the blog post although they might not be part of the subject matter.

This time of year is beautiful in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana.

September 15, 2015

Yard Mowed And Tired Hounds

Yesterday's running, sprinting and playing wore the bloodhounds out yesterday. We went for the daily walk late in the afternoon but the usual excitement wasn't there. Winston who didn't play, was excited and barking when I was picking up the dog leashes and his collar. The bloodhounds though acted tired ... they walked tired ... and went straight to sleep after the walk through the field.

They slept through both Monday Night NFL games and I had to wake them up to go outside before going to bed for the night. So I was a little surprised this morning as they made an attempt to play again, although there was no sprinting, only in the backyard ... they hadn't recovered from playing hard and long on Monday.

After that first session outside, they came back inside and Stella has decided that she really likes the bone that Sadie has been chewing on for a couple of years. I note that amount of time because it is the only bone that she has not totally destroyed within a couple of hours of chewing, so I hope to find the same bone again sometime.

It turned into a pretty lazy day, we've done very little, except I did get the yard mowed and that includes those burnt leaves on the ground. Add in a little Chinese food buffet downtown before I mowed the yard, a siesta after mowing the yard and this day has turned out to be a pretty good day for retirement.

I usually let the hounds out right after they eat, sometime between 1-1:30pm, most of the time. Due to bloodhounds being susceptible to bloating, no running, playing or going for walks is allowed immediately after eating. They seemed to be still tired so as you can see there wasn't much activity after the meal.

After the yard was mowed the back was in the shade, there was a cool breeze from the SW and perfect to end the mowing job. Stella found the sun though and laid in the grass for a short nap. Winston was on the hot concrete again taking a sun nap and Sadie sat in front of me just to let all the dogs know that she was still in charge of the pack.

This is a pretty normal photo when I have either gone out to pick up the mail or they are enjoying the cool breeze from the south with new smells of interest or a noise that is peaked their curiosity. They will stand there together for a pretty long time as long as they are interested in something outside. Two pretty good watch dogs ... at least when they are not sleeping on the job.

I may have fixed my camera focusing issues, thanks to a blog reader that left a comment on yesterday's post. I did a firmware update and an update named Distortion Control Data. From what I have read before the update, the firmware update was basically to fix one issue with an LED light for the Memory Card. The other update I did just to be current with all the updates and hopes of it fixing my issue that is intermittent.

So far today the camera has worked perfect, with both lenses and before/after the update was installed.

Not much else has gone on here in "the tropics" of Southern Indiana. All is very quiet on the home front with four hounds sleeping most of the day.