January 06, 2017

Single Digit Means Hibernation

We knew it was going to be cold again today but we didn't think it would be 10° BELOW what they are forecasting. That put us in the single digit temps for most of the day.

It had the feel of the frozen tundra that many feel further north of us. The hounds went out but only long enough to either dump tanks or eat frozen rock hard "poopcycles" ... why? why? why?

That meant Sadie would have another day of restless cabin fever. Heidi would sleep all day and Stella would sit around with her head lowered wondering what was going on. Why not the daily walk? It was 7° very early and was "up to" 11° by 4:30pm.

The hounds didn't get much further than the yard and never had to be called to come back inside today. They were more than happy to get back inside where it was warm.

By 4:15pm, the only thing the hounds had done all day was this ... the pic below. At least even in freezing weather they will go to the door to be let out or come and get me to let me know they need to go outside.

On our trip a little after 4pm, it felt warmer, the sun had been out enough to melt snow on the top part of the driveway so I thought it was a perfect time to check the mail although I saw no tire tracks curling off the road to approach the mailbox.

As I glanced toward the right near the bottom of the yard near the highway were either deer tracks or Sadie had snuck down this far in the yard. She never has done that before but I thought I'd take a closer look. I checked the mailbox (empty) and ran back up the hill to grab my camera sitting on the kitchen table.

Looking closer that print, it didn't look like a bloodhound because of the sharp cut out in the center. I was pretty sure it was deer. I could see more tracks further up the front yard, plus they always walk along the north edge of the yard coming from the field in back, then veering slightly toward the driveway near the bottom of their path.

That is also what the tracks showed and gave me an answer on why Sadie had been going to the north side of the yard, walking around the house and coming back to the door from the front yard yesterday and earlier this morning.

On the shoulder of the highway, in front of my driveway, these hoof prints matched up with the direction of those coming from the yard. This is their normal path that is seen when it snows. It's also a reason that most of the deer hits over 19 years have been right in front of my driveway or just to the south falling in the culvert.

By the time I walked back up the driveway to go inside, the hounds were running so fast toward the house I didn't have time to catch them with my camera and adjust my lens. Sorry for the border cutting off the top of Stella's head. You can see their urgency in getting back inside.

With all the time on my hands today, that meant more book reading and more internet surfing, than normal. Due to boredom I updated Firefox and used that for the browser today. Based on what I wrote down, Firefox uses twice as much data as Google Chrome. I came up with similar results the last time I tried Firefox a month or two ago.

Lately even with Flashblock installed, Google Chrome has not been stopping any kind of videos found on news or sports sites from playing automatically, even after the settings of 'do not play automatically". With Firefox they are blocked every time, same sites such as CNN and ESPN.

I stumbled over to cars.com to see if my old blue FJ was still for sale. It was but nowhere did I find the Black Cherry FJ that I traded on the 12th of December. I can check for that one by mileage or VIN. I did see a lot of FJ's that color within a 150 mile range from my zip code but noticed some looked like the same color but not as 'purple'.

After doing a google search I found the reason for that ... there were two official Toyota colors for the 2007 and 2008 models, which could have changed in the same calendar year but different model years.

2007 - Black Cherry
2008 - Red Brick

Close in color from a distance but much different up close or standing next to each other based on pictures listed on their ads. I would have kept the "red brick", never got use to "black cherry".

I may have already said this yesterday, can't remember, but the Mini Cooper S Countryman made it up my driveway in the icy snow with no problems. A few years ago my short lived 2011 Kia Sorrento did NOT make it up the driveway with front wheel drive.

40's and 50's are right around the corner. The hounds and I cannot wait for that to happen since it looks like we will get 7-8 days of those much warmer temps. I will not even care if it rains during that heat rush.

Freezing but all is good inside, in 'the tropics' of southern Indiana.